Element that can be one of other elements and switch them.
public sealed class UIElementSwitcher : Wrapper, IFocusable
You can find its source code in UIElementSwitcher.cs
To build UIElementSwitcher you should use UIElementSwitcherBuilder. (Its source code is in UIElementSwitcherBuilder.cs)public sealed class UIElementSwitcherBuilder : IUIElementBuilder<UIElementSwitcher>
Here is an example:
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using Sunnyyssh.ConsoleUI;
var appBuilder = new ApplicationBuilder(new ApplicationSettings()); // app builder init.
// switcher will have 40% width and 40% height.
var switcherBuilder = new UIElementSwitcherBuilder(0.4, 0.4)
OverridesFlow = false, // The owner (Application in this case) of this switcher can handle some keys itself.
// Its own size will be ignored by switcher and set to FullSize,
// so it'd be better if it's FullSize by init.
var button0Builder = new ButtonBuilder(Size.FullSize)
NotFocusedBackground = Color.DarkBlue,
PressedBackground = Color.Blue, // When it's pressed its background color will be blue.
Text = "State 1.",
LoseFocusAfterPress = false,
HandledKeys = null, // All keys except Escape will be recognized as pressed.
IgnoredKeys = ImmutableList.Create(ConsoleKey.Escape),
BorderKind = BorderKind.None,
ShowPress = true, // It will show press.
TextHorizontalAligning = HorizontalAligning.Center,
TextVerticalAligning = VerticalAligning.Center
var button1Builder = new ButtonBuilder(Size.FullSize)
NotFocusedBackground = Color.DarkMagenta,
PressedBackground = Color.Magenta, // When it's pressed its background color will be magenta.
Text = "State 2.",
LoseFocusAfterPress = false,
HandledKeys = null, // All keys except Escape will be recognized as pressed.
IgnoredKeys = ImmutableList.Create(ConsoleKey.Escape),
BorderKind = BorderKind.SingleLine,
ShowPress = true, // It will show press.
TextHorizontalAligning = HorizontalAligning.Center,
TextVerticalAligning = VerticalAligning.Center
var button2Builder = new ButtonBuilder(Size.FullSize)
NotFocusedBackground = Color.DarkGreen,
PressedBackground = Color.Green, // When it's pressed its background color will be green.
Text = "State 3.",
LoseFocusAfterPress = false,
HandledKeys = null, // All keys except Escape will be recognized as pressed.
IgnoredKeys = ImmutableList.Create(ConsoleKey.Escape),
BorderKind = BorderKind.Dense,
ShowPress = true, // It will show press.
TextHorizontalAligning = HorizontalAligning.Center,
TextVerticalAligning = VerticalAligning.Center
// Add elements to switcher.
switcherBuilder.Add(button0Builder, out var builtButton0)
.Add(button1Builder, out var builtButton1)
.Add(button2Builder, out var builtButton2);
var app = appBuilder
.Add(switcherBuilder, Position.LeftTop, out var builtSwitcher) // Add switcher at left top position.
.Build(); // Application builds.
// After application is built all children are built, so it's not null.
// (Code analysis tools doesn't give an opportunity to annotate this case).
var switcher = builtSwitcher.Element!;
var button0 = builtButton0.Element!;
var button1 = builtButton1.Element!;
var button2 = builtButton2.Element!;
button0.Pressed += (_, _) => switcher.SwitchTo(1); // It switches to button1.
button1.Pressed += (_, _) => switcher.SwitchTo(2); // It switches to button2.
button2.Pressed += (_, _) => switcher.SwitchTo(0); // It switches to button0.