Represents a table of content with headers. Can be edited in UI.
public sealed class ViewTable : UIElement, IFocusable
You can find its source code in ViewTable.cs
To build ViewTable you should use ViewTableBuilder. (Its source code is in ViewTableBuilder.cs)public sealed class ViewTableBuilder : IUIElementBuilder<ViewTable>
Here is the first example:
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using Sunnyyssh.ConsoleUI;
var appBuilder = new ApplicationBuilder(
new ApplicationSettings() { DefaultForeground = Color.Gray }); // app builder init.
var headers = ImmutableList.Create("Id", "Time", "Name");
var content = Enumerable.Range(1, 100)
.Select(row => ImmutableList.Create($"{row}", $"{DateTime.Now:O}", "Creativity goes off"))
var gridRows = GridRowDefinition.From(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0); // 6 equal rows.
var gridColumns = GridColumnDefinition.From(1.0, 4.0, 4.0); // 3 columns with width relations: 1/9, 4/9, 4/9.
var gridDefinition = new GridDefinition(gridRows, gridColumns); // The grid of table.
// Full-sized table with given headers, content and grid.
var tableBuilder = new ViewTableBuilder(Size.FullSize, headers, gridDefinition, content)
BorderLineKind = LineKind.Double,
CellsWordWrap = true, // Words whould be wrapped.
UserEditable = false // It may not be edited.
.Add(tableBuilder, Position.LeftTop) // Add tableBuilder at left top position.
Here is the second example with binding:
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using Sunnyyssh.ConsoleUI;
var appBuilder = new ApplicationBuilder(
new ApplicationSettings() { DefaultForeground = Color.Gray }); // app builder init.
const int rowCount = 100;
var headers = ImmutableList.Create("Id", "Time", "Name");
var gridRows = GridRowDefinition.From(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0); // 6 equal rows.
var gridColumns = GridColumnDefinition.From(1.0, 4.0, 4.0); // 3 columns with width relations: 1/9, 4/9, 4/9.
var gridDefinition = new GridDefinition(gridRows, gridColumns); // The grid of table.
// Full-sized table with given headers, content and grid.
var tableBuilder = new ViewTableBuilder(Size.FullSize, headers, gridDefinition, rowCount)
CellFocusedBackground = Color.DarkBlue,
BorderColorFocused = Color.Cyan,
HeaderBackground = Color.DarkRed,
BorderLineKind = LineKind.Double,
CellsWordWrap = true, // Words whould be wrapped.
UserEditable = true // It may be edited.
var app = appBuilder
.Add(tableBuilder, Position.LeftTop, out var builtViewTable) // Add tableBuilder at left top position.
var table = builtViewTable.Element!; // It's not null because app is built.
// Bindable data table.
var dataTable = new BindableDataTable<string?>(rowCount, headers.Count, null);
// It binds dataTable.
dataTable[0, 0] = "1";
dataTable[0, 1] = "Now";
dataTable[0, 2] = "How much time this library took...";