Using Linux or macOS based development environment is recommended.
The following dependencies must be installed to successfully compile, test and run the project:
- Java SE Development Kit 8 (Oracle or OpenJDK)
- PostgreSQL >= 9.5
- PostGIS >= 2.3
- Maven >= 3.3
- Node.js >= 6.0 including NPM
- Gulp.js
- wget
- unzip
Clone the GIT repository
git clone
Default development build profile contains only minimal settings to run the system. Each developer must create additional property file to activate all system features and to customize settings for database and sending mail etc.
To configure the developer specific profile file, create empty property file with login username in filename:
touch "profiles/config.${USER}.properties"
Environment must be configured so that PostgreSQL utilities do not require password (see pg_hba.conf).
Create database role and password.
> psql
CREATE ROLE riistakeskus WITH LOGIN PASSWORD 'riistakeskus';
Initialize schema and populate data.
cd scripts/database
./ riistakeskus
Initial database contains:
- Reference data for game species, organisations, harvest quotas etc
- Public geometry data for RHY and HTA areas
- Sample data to enable login and usage of most essentials features of the system
Not included:
- Geometries for real estates (MML Kiinteistörekisteri)
- Geometries for water areas (extracted from MML Maastotietokanta)
- Geometries for Metsähallitus land areas
In the project root execute:
mvn jetty:run
Open another terminal to continuously build frontend sources:
cd frontend
npm install
Open browser and navigate to:
Following accounts (username / password) should be available with respective roles and access rights.
- user / user
- coordinator / coordinator
- moderator / moderator
- admin / admin
For instructions see
For instructions see