an advanced Ideapad Laptops conservation mode adjustment tool
Conservation mode is a battery protected mode in most Lenovo Ideapad Laptops. This mode work for disconnecting battery from your computer when AC power adapter is using. That mean battery overcharging can be avoid directly so that purging AC power adapter is unnecessary.
Required dependencies for this utility
- bash: for running shell script
- coreutils: for basic commands
- man-db: for man page support
- polkit/policykit-1: for access sysfs
- vim: for config editing support
- git(make): for clone this repos
- gzip(make): for package man page
- make(make): for make this utility
- xz/xz-utils(make): for harden library support
- acpid(optional): for capture function key support
- espeak(optional): for voice prompt support
- systemd(optional): for system service support
- For ArchLinux users, the package
is available from AUR.git clone cd batterycm-switcher makepkg -csi
- For another distributions.
- First install the required dependencies:
- For Debian, some packages have different names:
is provided byxz-utils
is provided bypolkit-1
- For other distributions, you should correct it by yourself.
- For Debian, some packages have different names:
- Than clone this repos and make it:
git clone cd batterycm-switcher make sudo make install
- First install the required dependencies:
- For preview features, also see the branch
After install this utility, type batterycm-switcher help
to get more information for using batterycm-switcher.
batterycm-switcher - an advanced Ideapad Laptops conservation mode adjustment tool
batterycm-switcher [ OPTION ]
This manual page documents briefly the batterycm-switcher command.
Batterycm-Switcher is a useful commandline utility (CLI) to switch the conservation mode
of Ideapad Laptops. And it also provides series features to advanced users.
call call the function key receive backend, this require `acpid` and 'enable_re‐
ceive_funkey' = 1. To enable show status using sound, it also needed to install
`espeak` and change the config option 'enable_sound_prompt' = 1.
config Use `config` to enter config editing, the editor used is vim, which most powerful.
You can special your own vimrc to use from the CUSTOMS section.
debug Use `debug` to view the log of batterycm-switcher, the default loging location is
'/var/tmp/batterycm-switcher.log'. You can change this location from config. It's
actually depending on config option 'batterycm_debug_level' != 0. To enter the
full debug mode, change the 'batterycm_debug_level' to 1.
on / off
Both optoins to turn on/off the battery conservation mode.
auto / noauto
Both options to enable/disable the Charging Threshold service, the default thresh‐
old value is 95%. To custom the value, use `batterycm-switcher config` and go to
the CUSTOMS section.
enable / disable
Both options to enable/disable the systemd service, which Batterycm-Switcher Func‐
tion Key Backend Service. An backend service capture the function key opening
Lenovo Vantage in Windows, the keycode depending on your hardware.
help This option will jump to show this man page, you can also do this:
`man batterycm-switcher`, which function is same as help.
status This option to show current status of conservation mode, it will return a message
whether the mode on/off.
This option to show current version of batterycm-switcher, program name will be
shown as the core module name of batterycm-switcher.
While no options special, batterycm will switch the conservation mode according to current
mode. If current mode is on, turning off, otherwise turning on.
It's necessary to know that `batterycm-charger.service` is conflict with `batterycm-
switcher.service` and other commands. So I highly NOT recommend use both at the same
Don't reporting it as a bug if you don't have the `ideapad_laptop` driver. Use `lsmod |
grep ideapad_laptop` to have a try, no any reasons to directly uninstall this utility.
Supdrewin <>
1.2.0 2021-08-28 BATTERYCM-SWITCHER(1)
- supports running in tmpfs
- secure environment for runtime
- supports charging threshold (optional)
- voice for mode switching (optional: require espeak)
- function key to switch mode (optional: require acpid)