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151 lines (113 loc) · 6.24 KB

File metadata and controls

151 lines (113 loc) · 6.24 KB

General upgrade instructions

On our internal infrastructure we use deployphp/deployer project for deployments/upgrades. Here is an example of the configuration for the Superdesk Publisher:


namespace Deployer;

use function sprintf;

require __DIR__.'/vendor/deployer/deployer/recipe/symfony4.php';

set('repository', '');
set('ssh_type', 'native');
set('ssh_multiplexing', true);
set('writable_use_sudo', true);
set('writable_mode', 'chown');
set('keep_releases', 8);

set('composer_options', static function () {
    $options = '{{composer_action}} --verbose --prefer-dist --no-progress --no-interaction --optimize-autoloader';

    return 'prod' !== get('symfony_env') ? $options : sprintf('%s --no-dev', $options);

set('console_options', function () {
    $options = '--no-interaction --env={{symfony_env}}';

    return 'prod' !== get('symfony_env') ? $options : sprintf('%s --no-debug', $options);

// ENV
set('env', static function () {
    return ['APP_ENV' => has('symfony_env') ? get('symfony_env') : 'prod'];

set('shared_files', [
]); // reset sharing .env

add('writable_dirs', ['public/uploads', 'public/bundles', 'app/themes']);
add('shared_dirs', ['public/uploads', 'public/bundles', 'app/themes']);


desc('Clear main cache (metadata, twig, internal optimizations)');
task('doctrine:cache', static function () {
    run('{{bin/php}} {{bin/console}} cache:clear {{console_options}}');

desc('Install themes assets');
task('theme:assets:install', static function () {
    run('{{bin/php}} {{bin/console}} sylius:theme:assets:install {{console_options}}');

desc('Rollback database');
task('rollback:db', static function () {
    run('{{bin/php}} {{bin/console}} doctrine:migrations:migrate prev {{console_options}}');

desc('Clean up after 1.x to 2.x migration');
task('deploy:publisher:migrate', static function () {
    run('mkdir -p {{deploy_path}}/shared/public');
    run('sudo mv {{deploy_path}}/shared/web/uploads  {{deploy_path}}/shared/public/');
    run('sudo mv {{deploy_path}}/shared/web/bundles  {{deploy_path}}/shared/public/');

task('deploy:assets:install', static function () {
    run('{{bin/php}} {{bin/console}} assets:install {{console_options}} {{release_path}}/web');
})->desc('Install bundle assets');

task('deploy:user-permissions', static function () {
    run('umask 0002');

before('deploy:lock', 'deploy:user-permissions');
before('deploy:symlink', 'database:migrate');
before('deploy:symlink', 'theme:assets:install');
before('deploy:cache:warmup', 'doctrine:cache');
after('deploy:assets:install', 'theme:assets:install');

after('rollback', 'rollback:db');
after('deploy:failed', 'deploy:unlock');

Most important steps to do after updating code:

  • Check release notes for new versions in this file
  • Run database migrations: doctrine:migrations:migrate command
  • Clear doctrine cache with doctrine:cache:clear main_cache and doctrine:cache:clear-metadata commands
  • Install themes assets with sylius:theme:assets:install command
  • Install project assets with assets:install command
  • (optionally) Clear memcached store (with echo \'flush_all\' | nc localhost 11211 on ubuntu)

Release 2.4

  • If you are upgrading from an instance using swp_article.extra run this after the upgrade:
php bin/console swp:migration:fill-article-extra

Release 2.1

  • [BC BREAK] Removed OldSoundRabbitMqBundle.
  • [BC BREAK] Removed rabbitmq:consumer content_push command. Use messenger:consume async_content_push instead.
  • [BC BREAK] Removed rabbitmq:consumer analytics_event command. Use messenger:consume async_analytics_event instead.
  • [BC BREAK] Removed rabbitmq:consumer image_conversion command. Use messenger:consume async_image_conversion instead.
  • [BC BREAK] Removed rabbitmq:consumer send_webhook command. Use messenger:consume async_webhooks instead.
  • [BC BREAK] Removed SWP\Bundle\CoreBundle\Consumer\AnalyticsEventConsumer. Use SWP\Bundle\CoreBundle\MessageHandler\AnalyticsEventHandler instead.
  • [BC BREAK] Removed SWP\Bundle\CoreBundle\Consumer\ContentPushConsumer. Use SWP\Bundle\CoreBundle\MessageHandler\ContentPushHandler instead.
  • [BC BREAK] Removed SWP\Bundle\CoreBundle\Consumer\ImageConversionConsumer. Use SWP\Bundle\CoreBundle\MessageHandler\ImageConversionHandler instead.
  • [BC BREAK] Removed SWP\Bundle\CoreBundle\Consumer\SendWebhookConsumer. Use SWP\Bundle\CoreBundle\MessageHandler\WebhookHandler instead.
  • [BC BREAK] Removed old_sound_rabbit_mq.content_push_producer service. Use messenger.default_bus instead.
  • [BC BREAK] Added SWP\Bundle\CoreBundle\MessageHandler\ContentPushMigrationHandler class to handle separate content push migration tasks.
  • [BC BREAK] Added new Supervisor config. See for more details.
  • [BC BREAK] Added new env variable MESSENGER_TRANSPORT_DSN to .env file.
  • [BC BREAK] Removed RABBITMQ_URL env variable from .env. file.

Release 2.0

  • [BC] Unrecognized options "containers, widgets" under "sylius_theme.generatedData". Available options are "contentLists", "menus", "routes". From your theme config file (theme.json) remove nodes: generatedData.containers and generatedData.widgets
  • [BC] Config values are moved from app/config/parameters.yml to .env.local. Default values were moved from app/config/parameters.yml.dist to .env
  • [BC] app/console file was moved to bin/console
  • [BC] app/logs directory was renamed to var/logs
  • [BC] web/ directory was renamed to public/
  • New API version is now v2
  • In server vhost config change references to app.php into index.php. And there is no more app_dev.php - activate dev mode with env variables changes.

Release 1.4.0

  • [BC] Article author avatarUrl property is deprecated. It will be removed in 1.5 version. Use avatar instead.

Release 1.3.0

  • [BC] RabbitMqSupervisorBundle was removed

In order to have RabbitMq consumers running, programs fot them need to be added manually to supervisor config. Read how to do this in file.