Releases: suremarc/pythagorean-hodographs
Releases · suremarc/pythagorean-hodographs
Update `glam` dependency
Decrease number of subdivisions from 1000 to 25 in internal smoothness heuristic
v0.5.3 bump version
Make the Euler-Rodrigues frame continuous
v0.5.2 make frames continuous
Fix Catmull-Rom formula
v0.5.1 fix catmull rom formula
Coordinate change
The Frame implementation for QuinticPHCurve is now aligned such that the tangent vector is in the -z direction. Previously it was aligned to the x direction.
Quaternion API
v0.4.0 api improvements
Add more derives
v0.3.3 bump version
Arc length + benchmarks
v0.2.1 bump version
More API simplifications
v0.2.0 simplify api and fix docs