All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Changed the saving workflow cause file creation took to long
- Fixed some minor issues
- Add update controller method
- A new column to mark a document as "printed"
- Updated the dependencies (PR1)
- Healthcheck (/health)
- Removed the old simple healthcheck.
- Instead of reading the filesystem the checks will run against a sqlite database
- Support for automatic delete after request
- Counting of downloads
- Support for sqlite
- Swagger Documentation (/api)
- File entry will also return created_at and updated_at
- Fixed the docker-compose.yml file with correct environment variables.
- Added docker-compose-dev.yml for development and testing purpose.
- [DELETE] /browser/:id to delete files created by this endpoint.
- JWT: [DELETE] /browse/:id requires "browse-delete" as permission or a custom permission which can be addressed by setting the environment variable "PERMISSION_BROWSE_DELETE"
- Remove .env file from repository
- Added example file for .env
- Added [GET] /browse to get all files available on the print server.
- JWT: [GET] /browse requires "browse-read" as permission or a custom permission which can be addressed by setting the environment variable "PERMISSION_BROWSE_READ"
- Fixed http-protocol bug where links where always http.
- JWT: [POST] /browse requires now the permission "browse-create" instead of "browse" or a custom permission which can be addressed by setting the environment variable "PERMISSION_BROWSE_CREATE"
- Issue with decision if you want to use JWT or Basic Authentication
- Refactored the auth.middleware to be more maintainable
- Filename was not attached in the formbody of the postback request.
- Initial Support for PDF Print API
- JWT Authentication
- Basic Auth