a MLOG compiler for Dumpster Fire written in JavaScript.
allows you to toss pages of your notebook into dumpsters and set them on fire.
node dumpsterfire.js examples/example1.dmf outputfile.txt
node dumpsterfire.js examples/example1.dmf outputfile.txt --optimize
find [name]
: find a container with a specific name.open [name]
: open the container you found.write [page] [text]
: write something on a page of your notebook.toss [page] [name]
: toss a page of your notebook into the container.burn [name]
: set a container on fire.close [name]
: close a container.
you can only work with one container at a time. you cannot re-open a container after closing it.
You can write multiple things on the same page, but you cannot use it after throwing it away.
container names are converted to processor links.
note: dumpster Fire is not turing complete.