This project aims to create a user-friendly interface to submit interactive Ansys Electronics Desktop (AEDT) jobs
in a Linux environment.
An interactive job means that the job will be submitted to the compute node using the Slurm scheduling system and
will send back the desktop as a VNC session. This allows you to run resource
intensive projects on powerful machines and interact with the AEDT graphical user interface.
In order to run AEDT Launcher on your cluster you need to perform following steps:
- Clone the repository into your installation/app directory.
- Copy cluster_configuration.json to the same directory as and modify the file according to your cluster specification (Queues, Parallel Environments, RAM/Cores per node in queue, link to the SSH file, AEDT installation paths, etc.)
- Copy launcher_script.desktop to the same directory as and modify the file. Set the path to the Python3 interpreter and absolute path to
- Install the runtime requirements in your Python3 interpreter by running:
where you need to specify relative or absolute path to requirements.txt
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
- You may need to set up your environment to include alias:
alias aedt '"/ekm/software/anaconda3/bin/python3" "/ott/apps/software/AEDT_Launcher/"'
- You may need to automatically copy or create shortcut to launcher_script.desktop for each user
You are welcome to contribute to this project.
You will need to install wxFormBuilder to build/update user interface from AEDT_Launcher.fbp. We use version 3.9.0
This project is licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE