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Pre-built components for integrating with Solana wallets using Svelte

Getting Started

The UI components need to be installed into a project that is already set up with @solana/web3.js and the base wallet adapters. Therefore, it cannot work standalone.

During this process, you will:

  • 📦 Install the base wallet adapters
  • 📦 Install the svelte adapter and svelte UI
  • 🔨 Add the ConnectionProvider (AnchorConnectionProvider if you're using Anchor)
  • 🔨 Add the WalletProvider component
  • 🔨 Add the WalletMultiButton component


You have already installed the core package to run the wallet Svelte Store @svelte-on-solana/wallet-adapter-core. Then install the UI components contained in this package

npm i @svelte-on-solana/wallet-adapter-ui

Set Up

There are three components that you need to get set up:

  • WalletProvider
  • ConnectionProvider ([AnchorConnectionProvider]( if you're using Anchor)
  • WalletMultiButton

WalletProvider is a component used to initialize the wallet stores and add event listeners

prop type default
localStorageKey? string 'walletAdapter'
wallets Wallets[]
autoConnect? boolean false

ConnectionProvider is a component used to establish a connection with the network.

prop type default
network string

Alternatively you can use AnchorConnectionProvider for Anchor Dapps.

prop type default
network string
idl Idl

WalletMultiButton is a component used as the entry point to connect/disconnect a wallet.

prop type default
maxNumberOfWallets number 3


First you need to install some additional packages to make the Torus implementation compatible with SvelteKit.

npm install -D @esbuild-plugins/node-globals-polyfill @rollup/plugin-inject rollup-plugin-node-polyfills

Then you have to adjust the vite.config.js file to prepare the project for all the Solana packages previously installed.

import { sveltekit } from '@sveltejs/kit/vite'

const config = {
	plugins: [sveltekit()],
	optimizeDeps: {
		include: ['@solana/web3.js', 'buffer'],
		esbuildOptions: {
				target: 'esnext',
				plugins: [NodeGlobalsPolyfillPlugin({ buffer: true })],
	resolve: {
		alias: {
			$utils: path.resolve('src/utils/'),
			stream: 'rollup-plugin-node-polyfills/polyfills/stream',
	define: {
		'process.env.BROWSER': true,
		'process.env.NODE_DEBUG': JSON.stringify(''),
	build: {
		target: 'esnext',
		commonjsOptions: {
			transformMixedEsModules: true
		rollupOptions: {
			plugins: [inject({ Buffer: ['buffer', 'Buffer'] }), nodePolyfills({ crypto: true })],

export default config

And then in the __layout.svelte component you can import the wallets and setup the UI components.

<script lang="ts">
	import { onMount } from 'svelte';
	import { clusterApiUrl } from '@solana/web3.js';
	import {
	} from '@svelte-on-solana/wallet-adapter-ui';

	const localStorageKey = 'walletAdapter';
	const network = clusterApiUrl('devnet'); // localhost or mainnet

	let wallets;

	onMount(async () => {
		const {
		} = await import('@solana/wallet-adapter-wallets');

		const walletsMap = [
			new PhantomWalletAdapter(),
			new SlopeWalletAdapter(),
			new SolflareWalletAdapter(),
			new SolletExtensionWalletAdapter(),
			new TorusWalletAdapter(),

		wallets = walletsMap;

<WalletProvider {localStorageKey} {wallets} autoConnect />
<ConnectionProvider {network} />
	<slot />
<WalletMultiButton />

Svelte Template

You have to adjust some stuff in the configuration in your project.

Enable JSON module resolving in app/tsconfig.json

	"extends": "@tsconfig/svelte/tsconfig.json",
	"compilerOptions": {
		"resolveJsonModule": true

	"include": ["src/**/*"],
	"exclude": ["node_modules/*", "__sapper__/*", "public/*"]

Install a few plugins to take care about JSON imports and built-on Node.js modules not available in the browser.

npm install -D @rollup/plugin-json rollup-plugin-node-builtins rollup-plugin-node-globals

Adjust rollup.config.js to import those plugins

// ... other imports
import json from '@rollup/plugin-json';
import builtins from 'rollup-plugin-node-builtins';
import globals from 'rollup-plugin-node-globals';

export default {
	// ... other configs
	plugins: [
		// ... other rollup plugins
			browser: true,
			dedupe: ['svelte'],
			preferBuiltins: false
		// ... more rollup plugins

Then in App.svelte or the entry point of your SPA, you can setup the wallet and components like this.

<script lang="ts">
	import { walletStore } from '@svelte-on-solana/wallet-adapter-core';
	import {
	} from '@svelte-on-solana/wallet-adapter-ui';
	import { clusterApiUrl } from '@solana/web3.js';
	import { PhantomWalletAdapter, SolflareWalletAdapter } from '@solana/wallet-adapter-wallets';

	const localStorageKey = 'walletAdapter';
	const network = clusterApiUrl('devnet'); // localhost or mainnet

	let wallets = [new PhantomWalletAdapter(), new SolflareWalletAdapter()];

<WalletProvider {localStorageKey} {wallets} autoConnect />
<ConnectionProvider {network} />
<WalletMultiButton />

{#if $walletStore?.connected}
<div>My wallet is connected</div>

Working with Anchor

If you work with Anchor you will need the AnchorConnectionProvider component and its workSpace @svelte-on-solana/wallet-adapter-anchor

Example Implementation

See example implementations of the @svelte-on-solana/wallet-adapter-ui library.