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subworld-aware teleportation command
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kostmo committed Oct 20, 2024
1 parent 0262f66 commit 5e99459
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Showing 5 changed files with 37 additions and 1 deletion.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions editors/emacs/swarm-mode.el
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -122,6 +122,7 @@
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion editors/vim/swarm.vim
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
syn keyword Keyword def tydef rec end let in require
syn keyword Builtins self parent base if inl inr case fst snd force undefined fail not format chars split charat tochar key
syn keyword Command noop wait selfdestruct move backup volume path push stride turn grab harvest sow ignite place ping give equip unequip make has equipped count drill use build salvage reprogram say listen log view appear create halt time scout whereami waypoint structure floorplan hastag tagmembers detect resonate density sniff chirp watch surveil heading blocked scan upload ishere isempty meet meetall whoami setname random run return try swap atomic instant installkeyhandler teleport as robotnamed robotnumbered knows
syn keyword Command noop wait selfdestruct move backup volume path push stride turn grab harvest sow ignite place ping give equip unequip make has equipped count drill use build salvage reprogram say listen log view appear create halt time scout whereami waypoint structure floorplan hastag tagmembers detect resonate density sniff chirp watch surveil heading blocked scan upload ishere isempty meet meetall whoami setname random run return try swap atomic instant installkeyhandler teleport warp as robotnamed robotnumbered knows
syn keyword Direction east north west south down forward left back right
syn match Type "\<[A-Z][a-zA-Z_]*\>"
syn match Operators "[-=!<>|&+*/^$:]"
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31 changes: 31 additions & 0 deletions src/swarm-engine/Swarm/Game/Step/Const.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -301,6 +301,37 @@ execConst runChildProg c vs s k = do

return $ mkReturn ()
_ -> badConst
Warp -> case vs of
[VRobot rid, VPair (VInt x) (VInt y)] -> do
-- Make sure the other robot exists and is close
target <- getRobotWithinTouch rid
-- either change current robot or one in robot map
let oldLoc = target ^. robotLocation
nextLoc = fmap (const $ Location (fromIntegral x) (fromIntegral y)) oldLoc

onTarget rid $ do
checkMoveAhead nextLoc $ \case
PathBlockedBy _ -> Destroy
PathLiquid _ -> Destroy
updateRobotLocation oldLoc nextLoc

-- Privileged robots can teleport without causing any
-- improbable effects. Unprivileged robots must be using an
-- infinite improbability drive, which can cause a random entity
-- to spawn near the target location.
omni <- isPrivilegedBot
unless omni $ do
let area = map (<$ nextLoc) $ getLocsInArea (nextLoc ^. planar) 5
emptyLocs <- filterM (fmap isNothing . entityAt) area
randomLoc <- weightedChoice (const 1) emptyLocs
es <- uses (landscape . terrainAndEntities . entityMap) allEntities
randomEntity <- weightedChoice (const 1) es
case (randomLoc, randomEntity) of
(Just loc, Just e) -> updateEntityAt loc (const (Just e))
_ -> return ()

return $ mkReturn ()
_ -> badConst
Grab -> mkReturn <$> doGrab Grab' PerformRemoval
Harvest -> mkReturn <$> doGrab Harvest' PerformRemoval
Sow -> case vs of
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3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/swarm-lang/Swarm/Language/Syntax/Constants.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -304,6 +304,8 @@ data Const

-- | Teleport a robot to the given position.
-- | Relocate a robot to the given cosmic position.

Check failure on line 308 in src/swarm-lang/Swarm/Language/Syntax/Constants.hs

View workflow job for this annotation

GitHub Actions / Haskell-CI - windows-latest - ghc-9.8.2

Not in scope: type constructor or class ‘Warp’
| -- | Run a command as if you were another robot.
| -- | Find an actor by name.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -852,6 +854,7 @@ constInfo c = case c of
, "The second argument is a function to handle keyboard inputs."
Teleport -> command 2 short $ shortDoc (Set.singleton $ Mutation $ RobotChange PositionChange) "Teleport a robot to the given location."
Warp -> command 2 short $ shortDoc (Set.singleton $ Mutation $ RobotChange PositionChange) "Relocate a robot to the given cosmic location."

Check failure on line 857 in src/swarm-lang/Swarm/Language/Syntax/Constants.hs

View workflow job for this annotation

GitHub Actions / Haskell-CI - windows-latest - ghc-9.8.2

Not in scope: data constructor ‘Warp’
As -> command 2 Intangible $ shortDoc (Set.singleton $ Mutation $ RobotChange BehaviorChange) "Hypothetically run a command as if you were another robot."
RobotNamed -> command 1 Intangible $ shortDoc (Set.singleton $ Query $ Sensing RobotSensing) "Find an actor by name."
RobotNumbered -> command 1 Intangible $ shortDoc (Set.singleton $ Query $ Sensing RobotSensing) "Find an actor by number."
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/swarm-lang/Swarm/Language/Typecheck.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1102,6 +1102,7 @@ inferConst c = run . runReader @TVCtx Ctx.empty . quantify $ case c of
Key -> [tyQ| Text -> Key |]
InstallKeyHandler -> [tyQ| Text -> (Key -> Cmd Unit) -> Cmd Unit |]
Teleport -> [tyQ| Actor -> (Int * Int) -> Cmd Unit |]
Warp -> [tyQ| Actor -> (Text, (Int * Int)) -> Cmd Unit |]
As -> [tyQ| Actor -> {Cmd a} -> Cmd a |]
RobotNamed -> [tyQ| Text -> Cmd Actor |]
RobotNumbered -> [tyQ| Int -> Cmd Actor |]
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