Write an interface for a data structure that can provide the moving average of the last N elements added, add elements to the structure and get access to the elements. Provide an efficient implementation of the interface for the data structure.
- Provide a separate interface (IE
) with documentation for the data structure - Provide an implementation for the interface
- Provide any additional explanation about the interface and implementation in a README file.
Design A Google Analytic like Backend System. We need to provide Google Analytic like services to our customers. Please provide a high level solution design for the backend system. Feel free to choose any open source tools as you want.
- Handle large write volume: Billions of write events per day.
- Handle large read/query volume: Millions of merchants wish to gain insight into their business. Read/Query patterns are time-series related metrics.
- Provide metrics to customers with at most one hour delay.
- Run with minimum downtime.
- Have the ability to reprocess historical data in case of bugs in the processing logic.