login -
signup -
forgot password -
reset password -
admin dash -
check payouts -
manage media agencies -
manage talent agencies -
manage advertiser -
manage talent -
content feed -
manage campaigns -
influencers invite -
social links for the inf invite page
create/edit campaign -
investigate why updating campaigns doesn't update tasks -
mOutboundPerks -
mPerkCampaigns -
view billing
edit profile -
plug edit endpoints (editProfile/m*) -
fix css for 3 columns -
admin stats -
plug reporting end point -
download reporting ui -
network breakdown for reporting
better image upload ui -
more checking in auth guard and handle 401's more gracefully -
updating advertiser profile doesnt work ( I tried email)
http://screencast.com/t/HeYXYsWtIK cliff notes dont look right -
try creating a campaign with no platform specified..create campaign page blows up. That platform selection should be requeired -
@NickPaschal theres nothing in the UI for downloading campaign reports? should be ont he "My Campaigns" page..backend endponts setup -
@NickPaschal I just noticed that theres no geo selection in the UI for create campaign..just gender..whitelist and networks..backend currenty supports targeting City and country -
try hitting "ban" in the content feed..nothing happens.. should hit the /advertiserBan/ endpoint..passing inthe advertiser ID and inf id