I'm currently a Support Developer working with Spring 5 webapps for premiere league football teams and more!
A project made as a proof of concept. A take on the popular "Guess the Song" game where a small sample of a song is played and then the user has to guess the name of the song and the artist. My app uses the Spotify API to access their immense database of songs and play a short sample of a track. The idea for this came to me after a new years eve party where the host was using pre-generated YouTube videos for the song playlists. I thought that was a horrible way of doing it so I created my own game.
I also learnt an excellent lesson here about uploading files containing client secrets! I now use external files and .gitignore or environment variables every time. A mistake everyone makes once!
Skills demonstrated
- API requests - SQLite3 CRUD - tkinter -Threading - Python
Created to increase efficiency of compliance tracking each week at my current job. Saves aproximately 45 minutes of tedious work a week for the team. Instead of manually imputting the data from a website, this app uses Beautiful Soup 4 to scrape the rota data from behind a login, then using openpyxl it populates a spreadsheet template and emails it as an attachment to the work email address ready for Monday morning admin.
Skills demonstrated
- Python - BS4 - openpyxl -smtplib with attachments
💞️ I’m looking to collaborate
📫 How to reach me - My preferred contact method is through GitHub or steven.williams186@gmail.com