is an Attestation Service application based on RESTful.
Now the following types of evidence are supported:
: Azure SNP vTPMsev
: AMD SEV (Not implemented)sgx
: Intel SGXsnp
: AMD SNPtdx
: Intel TDXcca
: Arm CCAsample
: A fake platform. Only for test and samplecsv
: Hygon CSVaztdxvtpm
: Azure TDX vTPM
Users can use a community version of restful CoCoAS image to verify attestation reports.
# run restful CoCoAS server locally
docker run -d \
-v <path-to-attestation-service>/docs/sgx_default_qcnl.conf:/etc/sgx_default_qcnl.conf \ # this qcnl config is used when verifying SGX/TDX quotes
-p 8080:8080 \
The sgx_default_qcnl.conf
configures the PCS (Provisioning Certification Service) / PCCS (Provisioning Certification Cache Service) of Intel platforms. A workable file is given here which will directly connect to Intel's PCS without caching.
This can be used for test. Users are expected to set the file to connect to another available PCCS which keeps cache.
PCCS are usually supported by cloud providers, you can find the steps to configure /etc/sgx_default_qcnl.conf
- Aliyun (Alibaba Cloud): Build an SGX confidential computing environment
- Azure: Trusted Hardware Identity Management
- IBM Cloud: Attestation with Intel SGX and Data Center Attestation Primitives (DCAP) for Virtual Servers for VPC Or you can set-up a PCCS yourself.
Then an attestation request can be used to request the server. We provide an example request of validating a SGX quote.
You can use the tool to generate a report on any supported platform.
cd <path-to-attestation-service>
curl -k -X POST \
-i \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d @tests/coco-as/restful-request.json
Then, a token will be retrieved as HTTP response body like
The value is a base64 encoded JWT. The body of the JWT is showed in the example.token.json.
For advanced developers, a restful CoCoAS can be built from source code. Here are the steps.
Build and install binary
git clone
cd trustee/attestation-service
make && make install
- For help information, run:
restful-as --help
- For version information, run:
restful-as --version
Start Attestation Service and specify the listen port of its web service:
restful-as --socket
If you want to see the runtime log, run:
RUST_LOG=debug restful-as --socket -c config.json
Build and run container image
git clone
cd trustee
docker build -t coco-as:restful -f attestation-service/ .
Generate self-signed cert (Optional)
# Generate a RSA private key
openssl genrsa -out private_key.key 2048
# Generate the public key cert
openssl req -x509 -sha256 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout private_key.key -out certificate.crt
Launch the HTTPS CoCo-AS Server
RUST_LOG=debug restful-as \
--socket \
-c config.json \
--https-pubkey-cert certificate.crt \
--https-prikey private_key.key
RESTful CoCo-AS's endpoints are as following:
: receives evidence verification request. The request POST payload is like
"tee": "sgx", // tee type.
"evidence": "YWFhCg==...", // base64 encoded evidence in URL SAFE NO PAD,
"runtime_data": { // `runtime_data` is optional. If given, the runtime data binding will
// be checked.
// The field `raw` and `structured` are exclusive.
"raw": "YWFhCg==...", // Base64 encoded runtime data slice. The whole string will be base64
// decoded. The result one will then be accumulated into a digest which
// is used as the expected runtime data to check against the one inside
// evidence.
// The alphabet is URL_SAFE_NO_PAD.
// defined in
"structured": {} // Runtime data in a JSON map. CoCoAS will rearrange each layer of the
// data JSON object in dictionary order by key, then serialize and output
// it into a compact string, and perform hash calculation on the whole
// to check against the one inside evidence. The hash algorithm is defined
// by `runtime_data_hash_algorithm`.
// After the verification, the structured runtime data field will be included
// inside the token claims.
"init_data": { // `init_data` is optional. If given, the init data binding will
// be checked.
// The field `raw` and `structured` are exclusive.
"raw": "YWFhCg==...", // Base64 encoded init data slice. The whole string will be base64
// decoded. The result one will then be accumulated into a digest which
// is used as the expected init data to check against the one inside
// evidence. The hash algorithm is defined by `init_data_hash_algorithm`.
// The alphabet is URL_SAFE_NO_PAD.
// defined in
"structured": {} // Init data in a JSON map. CoCoAS will rearrange each layer of the
// data JSON object in dictionary order by key, then serialize and output
// it into a compact string, and perform hash calculation on the whole
// to check against the one inside evidence.
// After the verification, the structured init data field will be included
// inside the token claims.
"runtime_data_hash_algorithm": "sha384",// Hash algorithm used to calculate runtime data. Currently can be
// "sha256", "sha384" or "sha512". If not specified, "sha384" will be selected.
"init_data_hash_algorithm": "sha384", // Hash algorithm used to calculate init data. Currently can be
// "sha256", "sha384" or "sha512". If not specified, "sha384" will be selected.
"policy_ids": ["default", "policy-1"] // List of IDs of the policy used to check evidence. If
// not provided, a "default" one will be used.
: receives policy setting request. The request POST payload is like
"type": "rego", // policy type
"policy_id": "yyyyy", // raw string of policy id
"policy": "xxxxx" // base64 encoded policy content