diff --git a/components/index.rst b/components/index.rst
index c7e90b202c2..43aa14e5e40 100644
--- a/components/index.rst
+++ b/components/index.rst
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ The Components
+ phpunit_bridge
diff --git a/components/map.rst.inc b/components/map.rst.inc
index 04064756636..deb5d6b84c8 100644
--- a/components/map.rst.inc
+++ b/components/map.rst.inc
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
* :doc:`/components/asset/introduction`
* :doc:`/components/browser_kit/index`
* :doc:`/components/browser_kit/introduction`
* :doc:`/components/class_loader/index`
@@ -116,6 +116,10 @@
* :doc:`/components/options_resolver`
+* **PHPUnitBridge**
+ * :doc:`/components/phpunit_bridge`
* **Process**
* :doc:`/components/process`
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--- /dev/null
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+.. index::
+ single: PHPUnitBridge
+ single: Components; PHPUnitBridge
+The PHPUnit Bridge
+ The PHPUnit Bridge provides utilities to report legacy tests and usage of
+ deprecated code and a helper for time-sensitive tests.
+It comes with the following features:
+* Forces the tests to use a consistent locale (``C``);
+* Auto-register ``class_exists`` to load Doctrine annotations (when used);
+* It displays the whole list of deprecated features used in the application;
+* Displays the stack trace of a deprecation on-demand;
+* Provides a ``ClockMock`` helper class for time-sensitive tests.
+.. versionadded:: 2.7
+ The PHPUnit Bridge was introduced in Symfony 2.7. It is however possible to
+ install the bridge in any Symfony application (even 2.3).
+You can install the component in 2 different ways:
+* :doc:`Install it via Composer `
+ (``symfony/phpunit-bridge`` on `Packagist`_); as a dev dependency;
+* Use the official Git repository (https://github.com/symfony/phpunit-bridge).
+.. include:: /components/require_autoload.rst.inc
+Once the component installed, it automatically registers a
+`PHPUnit event listener`_ which in turn registers a `PHP error handler`_
+called :class:`Symfony\\Bridge\\PhpUnit\\DeprecationErrorHandler`. After
+running your PHPUnit tests, you will get a report similar to this one:
+.. image:: /images/components/phpunit_bridge/report.png
+The summary includes:
+ Reports deprecation notices that were triggered without the recommended
+ `@-silencing operator`_.
+ Deprecation notices denote tests that explicitly test some legacy features.
+ Deprecation notices are all other (non-legacy) notices, grouped by message,
+ test class and method.
+Trigger Deprecation Notices
+Deprecation notices can be triggered by using::
+ @trigger_error('Your deprecation message', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
+Without the `@-silencing operator`_, users would need to opt-out from deprecation
+notices. Silencing by default swaps this behavior and allows users to opt-in
+when they are ready to cope with them (by adding a custom error handler like the
+one provided by this bridge). When not silenced, deprecation notices will appear
+in the **Unsilenced** section of the deprecation report.
+Mark Tests as Legacy
+There are four ways to mark a test as legacy:
+* (**Recommended**) Add the ``@group legacy`` annotation to its class or method;
+* Make its class name start with the ``Legacy`` prefix;
+* Make its method name start with ``testLegacy`` instead of ``test``;
+* Make its data provider start with ``provideLegacy`` or ``getLegacy``.
+In case you need to inspect the stack trace of a particular deprecation
+triggered by your unit tests, you can set the ``SYMFONY_DEPRECATIONS_HELPER``
+`environment variable`_ to a regular expression that matches this deprecation's
+message, enclosed with ``/``. For example, with:
+.. code-block:: xml
+PHPUnit_ will stop your test suite once a deprecation notice is triggered whose
+message contains the ``"foobar"`` string.
+Making Tests Fail
+By default, any non-legacy-tagged or any non-`@-silenced`_ deprecation notices will
+make tests fail. Alternatively, setting ``SYMFONY_DEPRECATIONS_HELPER`` to an
+arbitrary value (ex: ``320``) will make the tests fails only if a higher number
+of deprecation notices is reached (``0`` is the default value). You can also set
+the value ``"weak"`` which will make the bridge ignore any deprecation notices.
+This is useful to projects that must use deprecated interfaces for backward
+compatibility reasons.
+Time-sensitive Tests
+Use Case
+If you have this kind of time-related tests::
+ use Symfony\Component\Stopwatch\Stopwatch;
+ class MyTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
+ {
+ public function testSomething()
+ {
+ $stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
+ $stopwatch->start();
+ sleep(10);
+ $duration = $stopwatch->stop();
+ $this->assertEquals(10, $duration);
+ }
+ }
+You used the :doc:`Symfony Stopwatch Component ` to
+calculate the duration time of your process, here 10 seconds. However, depending
+on the load of the server your the processes running on your local machine, the
+``$duration`` could for example be `10.000023s` instead of `10s`.
+This kind of tests are called transient tests: they are failing randomly
+depending on spurious and external circumstances. They are often cause trouble
+when using public continuous integration services like `Travis CI`_.
+Clock Mocking
+The :class:`Symfony\\Bridge\\PhpUnit\\ClockMock` class provided by this bridge
+allows you to mock the PHP's built-in time functions ``time()``,
+``microtime()``, ``sleep()`` and ``usleep()``.
+To use the ``ClockMock`` class in your test, you can:
+* (**Recommended**) Add the ``@group time-sensitive`` annotation to its class or
+ method;
+* Register it manually by calling ``ClockMock::register(__CLASS__)`` and
+ ``ClockMock::withClockMock(true)`` before the test and
+ ``ClockMock::withClockMock(false)`` after the test.
+As a result, the following is guarenteed to work and is no longer a transient
+ use Symfony\Component\Stopwatch\Stopwatch;
+ /**
+ * @group time-sensitive
+ */
+ class MyTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
+ {
+ public function testSomething()
+ {
+ $stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
+ $stopwatch->start();
+ sleep(10);
+ $duration = $stopwatch->stop();
+ $this->assertEquals(10, $duration);
+ }
+ }
+And that's all!
+.. tip::
+ An added bonus of using the ``ClockMock`` class is that time passes
+ instantly. Using PHP's ``sleep(10)`` will make your test wait for 10
+ actual seconds (more or less). In contrast, the ``ClockMock`` class
+ advances the internal clock the given number of seconds without actually
+ waiting that time, so your test will execute 10 seconds faster.
+The ``@group time-sensitive`` works "by convention" and assumes that the
+namespace of the tested class can be obtained just by removing the ``\Tests\``
+part from the test namespace. I.e. that if the your test case fully-qualified
+class name (FQCN) is ``App\Tests\Watch\DummyWatchTest``, it assumes the tested
+class FQCN is ``App\Watch\DummyWatch``.
+If this convention doesn't work for your application, you can also configure
+the mocked namespaces in the ``phpunit.xml`` file, as done for example in the
+:doc:`HttpKernel Component `:
+.. code-block:: xml
+ Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation
+.. _PHPUnit: https://phpunit.de
+.. _`PHPUnit event listener`: https://phpunit.de/manual/current/en/extending-phpunit.html#extending-phpunit.PHPUnit_Framework_TestListener
+.. _`PHP error handler`: http://php.net/manual/en/book.errorfunc.php
+.. _`environment variable`: https://phpunit.de/manual/current/en/appendixes.configuration.html#appendixes.configuration.php-ini-constants-variables
+.. _Packagist: https://packagist.org/packages/symfony/phpunit-bridge
+.. _`@-silencing operator`: http://php.net/manual/en/language.operators.errorcontrol.php
+.. _`@-silenced`: http://php.net/manual/en/language.operators.errorcontrol.php
+.. _`Travis CI`: https://travis-ci.com/
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