diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 5ad1b465..678d63c7 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -26,4 +26,232 @@ composer require symplify/easy-coding-standard --dev
## Rules Overview
-- [Rules Overview](/docs/rules_overview.md)
+# 12 Rules Overview
+## ArrayListItemNewlineFixer
+Indexed PHP array item has to have one line per item
+- class: [`Symplify\CodingStandard\Fixer\ArrayNotation\ArrayListItemNewlineFixer`](../src/Fixer/ArrayNotation/ArrayListItemNewlineFixer.php)
+-$value = ['simple' => 1, 'easy' => 2];
++$value = ['simple' => 1,
++'easy' => 2];
+## ArrayOpenerAndCloserNewlineFixer
+Indexed PHP array opener [ and closer ] must be on own line
+- class: [`Symplify\CodingStandard\Fixer\ArrayNotation\ArrayOpenerAndCloserNewlineFixer`](../src/Fixer/ArrayNotation/ArrayOpenerAndCloserNewlineFixer.php)
+-$items = [1 => 'Hey'];
++$items = [
++1 => 'Hey'
+## BlankLineAfterStrictTypesFixer
+Strict type declaration has to be followed by empty line
+- class: [`Symplify\CodingStandard\Fixer\Strict\BlankLineAfterStrictTypesFixer`](../src/Fixer/Strict/BlankLineAfterStrictTypesFixer.php)
+ declare(strict_types=1);
+ namespace App;
+## LineLengthFixer
+Array items, method parameters, method call arguments, new arguments should be on same/standalone line to fit line length.
+:wrench: **configure it!**
+- class: [`Symplify\CodingStandard\Fixer\LineLength\LineLengthFixer`](../src/Fixer/LineLength/LineLengthFixer.php)
+-function some($veryLong, $superLong, $oneMoreTime)
++function some(
++ $veryLong,
++ $superLong,
++ $oneMoreTime
++) {
+ }
+-function another(
+- $short,
+- $now
+-) {
++function another($short, $now) {
+ }
+## MethodChainingNewlineFixer
+Each chain method call must be on own line
+- class: [`Symplify\CodingStandard\Fixer\Spacing\MethodChainingNewlineFixer`](../src/Fixer/Spacing/MethodChainingNewlineFixer.php)
+## ParamReturnAndVarTagMalformsFixer
+Fixes @param, @return, `@var` and inline `@var` annotations broken formats
+- class: [`Symplify\CodingStandard\Fixer\Commenting\ParamReturnAndVarTagMalformsFixer`](../src/Fixer/Commenting/ParamReturnAndVarTagMalformsFixer.php)
+ /**
+- * @param string
++ * @param string $name
+ */
+ function getPerson($name)
+ {
+ }
+## RemovePHPStormAnnotationFixer
+Remove "Created by PhpStorm" annotations
+- class: [`Symplify\CodingStandard\Fixer\Annotation\RemovePHPStormAnnotationFixer`](../src/Fixer/Annotation/RemovePHPStormAnnotationFixer.php)
+- * Created by PhpStorm.
+- * User: ...
+- * Date: 17/10/17
+- * Time: 8:50 AM
+- */
+ class SomeClass
+ {
+ }
+## RemoveUselessDefaultCommentFixer
+Remove useless PHPStorm-generated `@todo` comments, redundant "Class XY" or "gets service" comments etc.
+- class: [`Symplify\CodingStandard\Fixer\Commenting\RemoveUselessDefaultCommentFixer`](../src/Fixer/Commenting/RemoveUselessDefaultCommentFixer.php)
+- * class SomeClass
+- */
+ class SomeClass
+ {
+- /**
+- * SomeClass Constructor.
+- */
+ public function __construct()
+ {
+- // TODO: Change the autogenerated stub
+- // TODO: Implement whatever() method.
+ }
+ }
+## SpaceAfterCommaHereNowDocFixer
+Add space after nowdoc and heredoc keyword, to prevent bugs on PHP 7.2 and lower, see https://laravel-news.com/flexible-heredoc-and-nowdoc-coming-to-php-7-3
+- class: [`Symplify\CodingStandard\Fixer\Spacing\SpaceAfterCommaHereNowDocFixer`](../src/Fixer/Spacing/SpaceAfterCommaHereNowDocFixer.php)
+ $values = [
+ <<
+## StandaloneLineConstructorParamFixer
+Constructor param should be on a standalone line to ease git diffs on new dependency
+- class: [`Symplify\CodingStandard\Fixer\Spacing\StandaloneLineConstructorParamFixer`](../src/Fixer/Spacing/StandaloneLineConstructorParamFixer.php)
+ final class PromotedProperties
+ {
+- public function __construct(int $age, string $name)
+- {
++ public function __construct(
++ int $age,
++ string $name
++ ) {
+ }
+ }
+## StandaloneLineInMultilineArrayFixer
+Indexed arrays must have 1 item per line
+- class: [`Symplify\CodingStandard\Fixer\ArrayNotation\StandaloneLineInMultilineArrayFixer`](../src/Fixer/ArrayNotation/StandaloneLineInMultilineArrayFixer.php)
+-$friends = [1 => 'Peter', 2 => 'Paul'];
++$friends = [
++ 1 => 'Peter',
++ 2 => 'Paul'
+## StandaloneLinePromotedPropertyFixer
+Promoted property should be on standalone line
+- class: [`Symplify\CodingStandard\Fixer\Spacing\StandaloneLinePromotedPropertyFixer`](../src/Fixer/Spacing/StandaloneLinePromotedPropertyFixer.php)
+ final class PromotedProperties
+ {
+- public function __construct(public int $age, private string $name)
+- {
++ public function __construct(
++ public int $age,
++ private string $name
++ ) {
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/composer.json b/composer.json
index dee3ba20..26eafafd 100644
--- a/composer.json
+++ b/composer.json
@@ -5,17 +5,17 @@
"require": {
"php": ">=8.2",
"nette/utils": "^3.2",
- "friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer": "^3.49",
- "symplify/rule-doc-generator-contracts": "^11.1"
+ "friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer": "^3.59",
+ "symplify/rule-doc-generator-contracts": "^11.2"
"require-dev": {
- "symplify/easy-coding-standard": "^12.1",
- "squizlabs/php_codesniffer": "^3.8.1",
+ "symplify/easy-coding-standard": "^12.3",
+ "squizlabs/php_codesniffer": "^3.10.1",
"phpunit/phpunit": "^10.5",
- "symplify/rule-doc-generator": "^12.0",
- "phpstan/extension-installer": "^1.3",
- "phpstan/phpstan": "^1.10.58",
- "rector/rector": "^1.0",
+ "symplify/rule-doc-generator": "^12.2.2",
+ "phpstan/extension-installer": "^1.4",
+ "phpstan/phpstan": "^1.11",
+ "rector/rector": "^1.1",
"symplify/phpstan-extensions": "^11.4",
"tomasvotruba/class-leak": "^0.2",
"tracy/tracy": "^2.10"
diff --git a/phpstan.neon b/phpstan.neon
index c9126f00..fab7d8d6 100644
--- a/phpstan.neon
+++ b/phpstan.neon
@@ -21,6 +21,9 @@ parameters:
- '#Constant T_OPEN_CURLY_BRACKET|T_START_NOWDOC not found#'
- '#Method Symplify\\CodingStandard\\TokenRunner\\Traverser\\ArrayBlockInfoFinder\:\:reverseTokens\(\) should return array but returns array#'
+ # unused generics
+ - '#Class (.*?) implements generic interface PhpCsFixer\\Fixer\\ConfigurableFixerInterface but does not specify its types\: TFixerInputConfig, TFixerComputedConfig#'
# false positive
message: '#Parameter \#1 \$sequence of method PhpCsFixer\\Tokenizer\\Tokens\:\:findSequence\(\) expects non\-empty\-array, array given#'
diff --git a/tests/Issues/config/line_length_parentheses.php b/tests/Issues/config/line_length_parentheses.php
index 124a20cd..a2cd1bd8 100644
--- a/tests/Issues/config/line_length_parentheses.php
+++ b/tests/Issues/config/line_length_parentheses.php
@@ -15,4 +15,4 @@
'anonymous_class' => false,
'named_class' => false,
\ No newline at end of file