- Define multiple process and execute them by start function.
$process = \SOS\MultiProcess\Facades\MultiProcessFacade::setTasks(
"php artisan make:model modelName",
"php artisan make:model ControllerName",
// and you can define unlimited commands
// if ypu want to see the tasks log,
// you can fetch the tasks lists by calling the function
- Define multiple process and execute them by run function.
$process = \SOS\MultiProcess\Facades\MultiProcessFacade::setTasks(
"php artisan make:model modelName",
"php artisan make:model ControllerName",
// and you can define unlimited commands
// run function will allows you to get the output from the execution process.
// if ypu want to see the tasks log,
// you can fetch the tasks lists by calling the function
// default options are in multi_process.php file.
// you can change them from the file
// or you can basicly added them from the setter function.
$process = \SOS\MultiProcess\Facades\MultiProcessFacade::setTasks(
"php artisan make:model modelName",
"php artisan make:model ControllerName",
// and you can define unlimited commands
'timeOut' => 60,
'ideTimeOut' => 60,
'enableOutput' => true,
'processTime' => 3,
// thorw exceprtion if any task was failed.
'throwIfTaskNotSuccess' => false,
// run or start your tasks.
// if ypu want to see the tasks log,
// you can fetch the tasks lists by calling the function