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Gmail - EmailJs:
function validate() { let name = document.querySelector(".name"); let email = document.querySelector(".email"); let subject = document.querySelector(".subject"); let message = document.querySelector(".message"); let btn = document.querySelector(".message-btn"); btn.addEventListener("click", (e) => { e.preventDefault(); if (name.value == "" || email.value == "" || subject.value == "" || message.value == "") { emptyerror(); } else { sendMail(name.value, email.value, subject.value, message.value); success(); document.getElementById("myForm").reset(); return false; } }); } validate(); function sendMail(name, email, subject, message) { emailjs.send("service_4l1t10j", "template_nv8417p", { name: name.value, email: email.value, subject: subject.value, message: message.value, }) }
- Quick fix:
function sendMail(name, email, subject, message) { emailjs.send("service_4l1t10j", "template_nv8417p", { name: name, email: email, subject: subject, message: message, }) }
Navigation bar
- Click to the logo on left upper corner it takes to Home page.
- The nav links clicks it opens the relevent page in same window with same header footer.
- Footer is located at the bottom of the page regardless of the content amount.
- When the social links are clicked, they open the relevant social media page in a new tab.
- All external links is tested to make sure they open up the correct pages in new tabs.
- All internal links is tested to make sure that all pages are correctly connected.
- This is website shared with friends to check on different device and accessbility.
Browser Compatibility
- Tested on Chrome, Firefox, Safari.
OS Compatibility
- Tested on iOS , Android.
Tested on Developer Tools Lighthouse.
- To run a report
- Download Google Chrome for Desktop.
- In Google Chrome, go to the URL you want to check. You can check any URL on the web.
- Open Chrome DevTools.
- Click the Lighthouse tab.
- To the left is the viewport of the page that will be checked. To the right is the Lighthouse panel of Chrome DevTools.
- Choose Desktop or Mobil device, DevTools shows you a list of categories. Leave them all enabled.
- Click Generate report.
- To run a report
A Lighthouse report in Chrome DevTools
Generic User, Shopper, Site User
I easily understand the purpose and the layout of the site without additional instructions needed.
All pages of website has navigation bar, search box and footer.
With navigation bar I can easily access diiferent page and go anywhere from present page and come back.
Footer has social link. If I click on link it open the relevant page on different tab so I can easily check the social activity.
I am able to use the website on any device.
View a list of products:
- Training page(all) - I get all training plans of the Fitness club.
- Shop page(all). - I get all shopping products of the Fitness club.
View individual product details:
- Product_details. - I can see product description of specific product.
Easily view the total of my purchases at any time:
- On all pages. - I can see the bag icon in the rigth corner with my total amont of the purchases.
Register for an accont:
- Register pages. - Have a personal accont and view my profile.
Log-in and Log-out:
- Log-In pages. - I can Log-in to my profile.
- Log-out page. - When I click to Log-out a log-out page opens and ask me to Log-out.
Receive confirmation email after registering:
Recover password if forgotten:
Have a personalized user profile:
- View personal order history and order confirmation and save my payment information.
- I can see my address details which I can update.
Sort the list of available products:
- Identify the best rated, best priced and categorically sorted products.
Sort a specific category of product:
Search for a product by name or description:
- Find a specific product I’d like to purchase.
See what I’ve searched for and the number of results:
- Easily see whether the product I want is available.
Select the size and quantity of a product when purchasing it:
View item in shopping bag to be purchase:
Enter payment information:
View order confirmation after checkout:
Receive email confirmation after checkout is completed:
Site Owner
Add new products/categories:
Edit / Update products/categories:
Delete products/categories:
The web application has been tested with a DAST (Dynamec Application Security Testing) tool (AppScan). See detailed report in the attachment ( heroku Security Report ). The findings need to be validated to filter out false positives. Recomended fixes are also in the report.
While the validation of findings, and applying the fixes is out of scope for the project, it can be a good side project.
Click here to view Security Report.
Validate by direct input CSS Validator
First Test results: 2 Errors
- Quick fix: - border-radius: none -to - botder-radius: 0 - transform: transition .3s ease -to - transition: .3s ease -
Second Test results: No Errors
I got 24 Warning about Vendor Extensions
Vaidate by URI HTML5 Validator Test result : No Error
Validate by direct input JavaScript Validator
- Test result : No Error Found But Warning
Validate by direct input Python Validator Test result : No Error