If you are keen to make SqlServerDsc better, why not consider contributing your work to the project? Every little change helps us make a better resource for everyone to use, and we would love to have contributions from the community.
We follow all of the standard contribution guidelines for DSC resources outlined in DscResources repository, so please review these as a baseline for contributing.
There is a VS Code workspace settings file within this project with formatting settings matching the style guideline. That will make it possible inside VS Code to press SHIFT+ALT+F, or press F1 and choose 'Format document' in the list. The PowerShell code will then be formatted according to the Style Guideline (although maybe not complete, but would help a long way).
Any resource should be able to target at least all SQL Server versions that are currently supported by Microsoft (also those in extended support). Unless the functionality that the resource targets does not exist in a certain SQL Server version. There can also be other limitations that restrict the resource from targeting all supported versions.
Those SQL Server products that are still supported can be listed at the Microsoft life cycle site.
The DSC resources contained in SqlServerDsc use the following naming convention:
<Module Identifier>[<Component>][<Action>]<Scope>{<Feature>|<Property>}
The following list describes the components that make up a resource name and lists possible names used for each of the components. The component names are not limited to the names in this list.
- Module Identifier
- Sql
- Component
- <none> - Database Engine (No component abbreviation)
- AS - Analysis Services
- IS - Integration Services
- RS - Reporting Services
- Action (not required)
- Setup
- WaitFor
- Scope - Where the action, feature, or property is being applied.
- AG (AvailabilityGroup)
- Database
- Server
- ServiceAccount
- Windows
- Feature
- AlwaysOn - This is for the overall AlwaysOn feature
- Endpoint
- Firewall
- Network
- Script
- Property (not required)
- Alias
- Configuration
- Database
- DatabaseMembership
- DefaultLocation
- Listener
- Login
- MaxDop
- Memory
- Owner
- Permission
- RecoveryModel
- Replica
- Replication
- Role
- SecureConnectionLevel
- Service
- State
The SqlServerEndpointPermission
resource name is built using the defined
naming structure using the following components.
- Module Identifier: Sql
- Component: <blank>
- Action: <none>
- Scope: Server
- Feature: Endpoint
- Property: Permission
All mof-based resource (with Get/Set/Test-TargetResource) should be prefixed with 'MSFT_Sql'. I.e. MSFT_SqlDatabase
Please note that not all places should contain the prefix 'MSFT_'.
Please note that for the examples folder we don't use the 'MSFT_' prefix on the resource folders. This is to make those folders more user friendly, to resemble the name the user would use in the configuration file.
Please note that the FriendlyName
in the schema mof file should not contain the
prefix MSFT\_
[ClassVersion(""), FriendlyName("SqlServerConfiguration")]
class MSFT_SqlServerConfiguration : OMI_BaseResource
# Properties removed for readability.
Any composite (with a Configuration) or class-based resources should be prefixed with just 'Sql'
These should replace the old localization helper function whenever possible.
In each resource folder there should be, at least, a localization folder for
english language 'en-US'.
In the 'en-US' (and any other language folder) there should be a file named
'MSFT_ResourceName.strings.psd1', i.e.
At the top of each resource the localized strings should be loaded, see the helper
function Get-LocalizedData
for more information on how this is done.
The localized string file should contain the following (beside the localization strings)
# Localized resources for SqlSetup
ConvertFrom-StringData @'
InstallingUsingPathMessage = Installing using path '{0}'.
This is an example of how to write localized verbose messages.
Write-Verbose -Message ($script:localizedData.InstallingUsingPathMessage -f $path)
This is an example of how to write localized warning messages.
Write-Warning -Message `
($script:localizedData.InstallationReportedProblemMessage -f $path)
This is an example of how to throw localized error messages. The helper functions
and New-InvalidOperationException
(see below) should
preferably be used whenever possible.
throw ($script:localizedData.InstallationFailedMessage -f $Path, $processId)
There are also five helper functions to simplify localization.
Creates and throws an invalid argument exception
The message explaining why this error is being thrown
.PARAMETER ArgumentName
The name of the invalid argument that is causing this error to be thrown
This can be used in code like this.
if ( -not $resultOfEvaluation )
$errorMessage = `
$script:localizedData.ActionCannotBeUsedInThisContextMessage `
-f $Action, $Parameter
New-InvalidArgumentException -ArgumentName 'Action' -Message $errorMessage
Creates and throws an invalid operation exception
The message explaining why this error is being thrown
.PARAMETER ErrorRecord
The error record containing the exception that is causing this terminating
This can be used in code like this.
Start-Process @startProcessArguments
$errorMessage = $script:localizedData.InstallationFailedMessage -f $Path, $processId
New-InvalidOperationException -Message $errorMessage -ErrorRecord $_
Creates and throws an object not found exception
The message explaining why this error is being thrown
.PARAMETER ErrorRecord
The error record containing the exception that is causing this terminating
This can be used in code like this.
Get-ChildItem -Path $path
$errorMessage = $script:localizedData.PathNotFoundMessage -f $path
New-ObjectNotFoundException -Message $errorMessage -ErrorRecord $_
Creates and throws an invalid result exception
The message explaining why this error is being thrown
.PARAMETER ErrorRecord
The error record containing the exception that is causing this terminating
This can be used in code like this.
$numberOfObjects = Get-ChildItem -Path $path
if ($numberOfObjects -eq 0)
throw 'To few files.'
$errorMessage = $script:localizedData.TooFewFilesMessage -f $path
New-InvalidResultException -Message $errorMessage -ErrorRecord $_
Retrieves the localized string data based on the machine's culture.
Falls back to en-US strings if the machine's culture is not supported.
.PARAMETER ResourceName
The name of the resource as it appears before '.strings.psd1' of the
localized string file.
This should be used at the top of each resource like this.
Import-Module -Name (Join-Path -Path (Split-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -Parent) `
-ChildPath 'CommonResourceHelper.psm1')
$script:localizedData = Get-LocalizedData -ResourceName 'MSFT_SqlSetup'
Helper functions or wrapper functions that are used by the resource can preferably be placed in the resource module file. If the functions are of a type that could be used by more than one resource, then the functions can also be placed in the common SqlServerDscHelper.psm1 module file.
For a review of a Pull Request (PR) to start, all tests must pass without error. If you need help to figure why some test don't pass, just write a comment in the Pull Request (PR), or submit an issue, and somebody will come along and assist.
To run all unit tests manually run the following.
cd '<path to cloned repository>'
.\Assert-TestEnvironment.ps1 -Confirm -Verbose
cd '<path to cloned repository>\Tests\Unit'
The script Assert-TestEnvironment.ps1
will clone the test framework
from GitHub, and load some necessary types which is needed to run some
of the tests. Read more about the bootstrap script in the section
Bootstrap script Assert-TestEnvironment.
The cmdlet Invoke-Pester
looks for all the '*.Tests.ps1' PowerShell
script files recursively and executes the tests.
When sending in a Pull Request (PR) a style check will be performed on all Markdown files, and if the tests find any error the build will fail. See the section Documentation with Markdown how these errors kan be found before sending in the PR.
The Markdown tests can be run locally if the packet manager 'npm' is available. To have npm available you need to install node.js. If 'npm' is not available, a warning text will print and the rest of the tests will continue run.
When sending in a Pull Request (PR) all example files will be tested so they can
be compiled to a .mof file. If the tests find any errors the build will fail.
Before the test runs in AppVeyor the module will be copied to the first path of
To run this test locally, make sure you have the SqlServerDsc module
deployed to a path where it can be used.
See $env:PSModulePath
to view the existing paths.
Integration tests should be written for resources so they can be validated by the automated test framework which is run in AppVeyor when commits are pushed to a Pull Request (PR). Please see the Testing Guidelines for common DSC Resource Kit testing guidelines. There are also configuration made by existing integration tests that can be reused to write integration tests for other resources. This is documented in Integration tests for SqlServerDsc.
There are stub classes for the SMO classes which can be used and improved on when creating tests where SMO classes are used in the code being tested.
AppVeyor is the platform where the tests is run when sending in a Pull Request (PR). All tests are run on a clean AppVeyor build worker for each push to the Pull Request (PR). The tests that are run on the build worker are common tests, unit tests and integration tests (with some limitations).
If using Visual Studio Code to edit Markdown files it can be a good idea to install the markdownlint extension. It will help to do style checking. The file .markdownlint.json is prepared with a default set of rules which will automatically be used by the extension.
The bootstrap script Assert-TestEnvironment.ps1
was needed when tests were updated to run in containers.
There are some custom types (Microsoft.DscResourceKit.*
) that are needed
to be able to parse the test script files. Those types must be loaded
into the session prior to running any unit tests with Invoke-Pester
The script works without any parameters and will do the following.
Note: If you want to confirm each step, then add the
- Check if a compatible Pester version is available.
- Check if a compatible PSDepend version is available.
- Invoke PSDepend (using
).- Remove local cloned repository DscResource.Tests if it is present (always assumes it's an older version).
- Clone DscResource.Tests from GitHub into the local repository
folder, and check out the branch
to always be on the latest commit available. - Load the necessary types from the test framework DscResource.Tests.
If there are no compatible Pester or PSDepend version available, you will be asked to install it manually, and then run the script again.