- Django 2.0 and Python 3.x compatible
- Removed comments dependency
- Fixed get_absolute_url syntax
- Formally require typogrify
- Corrected and updated tests
- Removed permalink references
- Reduced dependency on tango-photos
- Added migrations
- Removed deprecated assignement_tag
- Additional fixes for Django 2.0
- Adopted Django 2.0 URL syntax
- Additional on_delete arguments for 2.0 compatibilty
- Added on_delete argument for 2.0 compatibilty
- Recovered long-lost LinkRoll models.
- Added check for presence of tango_admin
- Changes for Django 1.8+
- Added attachments to articles
- Added classifiers to setup.py
- Updates for Travis, Django 1.8 and Python 3
- Minor changes for Django 1.8
- Updated h-entry microformat tags
- Updates for Django 1.7
- Moved admin media definitions out. Now supported by tango-admin.
- Stubbed base URLs
- Comment recovery
- Articles list images resolve correctly
- Articles list now defaults to destination_slug 'articles', so the url /articles/ or /news/ returns all articles with the destination 'articles' (assuming no more specific destination is wanted)
- Corrected bad template tag in article detail
- No more calls to markup
- Improved how-to documentation
- Removed redundant dependencies
- Removed requirements satisfied by tango-shared
- Improved hnew microformatting in article details
- Drag and drop ordering of article images
- Bulk photo uploading
- Improved article detail templates
- Clearer blog and article entry forms
- Tentative Python 3 support
- Django 1.6 support