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Alexey O. Shigarov edited this page Dec 15, 2018 · 10 revisions


Use the following command to run TabbyXL:

java -jar TabbyXL.jar <params>

-input <path>                      specify a path to an input excel workbook (*.xlsx)
-sheets <sheet indexes>            specify sheet indexes in the input excel workbook (e.g. "0-2,4,5,7-10")
-ruleset <path>                    specify a path to a ruleset file (e.g. *.crl (CRL), *.drl or *.dslr (Drools), or *.clp (Jess))
-categorySpec <path>               specify a path to a directory with category specifications in YAML files (*.cat)
-output <path>                     specify a path to a directory for outputting results
-ignoreSuperscript <true|false>    specify true to ignore superscript text in cells (false used by default)
-useCellText <true|false>          specify true to use cell values as text (false used by default)
-useShortNames <true|false>        specify true to use short names (just sheet names) for output files (false used by default)
-debuggingMode <true|false>        specify true to turn on debugging mode (false used by default)
-ruleEngineConfig <path>           specify optionally a path to a configuration file (*.properties) of a rule engine you prefer to use (e.g. Drools, Jess)
                                   (CRL-to-Java translation is used by default instead of a rule engine)
-help                              print this usage

Only two parameters are mandatory

  • -input <path>
  • -ruleset <path>

We recommend you to use JDK 8 or more

Run with CRL2J

Do not specify -ruleEngineConfig param if you choose to use CRL2J option.

Note that, with this option, you should run java included in JDK, not JRE. Otherwise, you get the following message:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalStateException

If you see this message, then, please, check that you run java included in JDK. You also can try to use %JAVA_HOME%/bin/java instead of java.

Run with Drools-DSL

Create the configuration file ( with Drools-DSL settings as follows:

RULE_SERVICE_PROVIDER_IMPL = org.drools.jsr94.rules.RuleServiceProviderImpl
SOURCE = dslr
DSL = <specify the path to crl2.dsl file>

Note that the configuration file contains the path to the DSL-specification of CRL-dialect in DSL attribute. Make sure that this path is correct.

Specify the path to this configuration file in -ruleEngineConfig param to run the rule execution with Drools-DSL.

Run with Drools

Create the configuration file ( with Drools settings as follows:

RULE_SERVICE_PROVIDER_IMPL = org.drools.jsr94.rules.RuleServiceProviderImpl
SOURCE = drl

Specify the path to this configuration file in -ruleEngineConfig param to run the rule execution with Drools.

Run with Jess

Install Jess firstly. Download it from the official site. Unpack the library file jess.jar from the downloaded archive ( and into a directory.

Create the configuration file ( with Jess settings as follows:

RULE_SERVICE_PROVIDER_IMPL = jess.jsr94.RuleServiceProviderImpl
SOURCE = clp

Specify the path to this configuration file in -ruleEngineConfig param to run the rule execution with Jess.

Note that you also need to specify the path to jess.jar file in -cp as follows on Linux:

java -cp <specify the path to jess.jar file>:TabbyXL.jar <params>

or on Windows:

java -cp <specify the path to jess.jar file>;TabbyXL.jar <params>
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