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Users Drive Ownership

Ross Scroggs edited this page Feb 20, 2020 · 18 revisions

Users - Drive - Ownership

API documentation

Query documentation


Drive File Selection

<DomainName> ::= <String>(.<String>)+
<EmailAddress> ::= <String>@<DomainName>
<UniqueID> ::= uid:<String>
<UserItem> ::= <EmailAddress>|<UniqueID>|<String>

<DriveOrderByFieldName> ::=

Transfer ownership of files that a source user owns to a target user

gam <UserTypeEntity> transfer ownership <DriveFileEntity> <UserItem> [includetrashed]
        (orderby <DriveOrderByFieldName> [ascending|descending])*
        [preview] [filepath] [buildtree] [todrive <ToDriveAttribute>*]

Include files in trash as part of the transfer.

  • includetrashed - Ownership of files in the trash will be transferred.

Specify order of file processing.

  • (orderby <DriveOrderByFieldName> [ascending|descending])*

Preview the transfer.

Typically, the filepath option is used with the preview option so you can verify what files are going to be transferred. If buildtree is specified, you will see the full path to each file. If buildtree is not specified, you will see the relative file path starting from the top level folder being transferred.

  • preview - Output a CSV file showing what files will have their ownership transferred.
  • filepath - Show full path to files in CSV file.
  • buildtree - Download all user files so that full filepath information is available.

Claim ownership of files that other users own

gam <UserTypeEntity> claim ownership <DriveFileEntity> [includetrashed]
        [skipids <DriveFileEntity>] [skipusers <UserTypeEntity>] [subdomains <DomainNameEntity>]
        [restricted [<Boolean>]] [writerscanshare|writerscantshare [<Boolean>]]
        [keepuser | (retainrole reader|commenter|writer|editor|none)] [noretentionmessages]
        (orderby <DriveOrderByFieldName> [ascending|descending])*
        [preview] [filepath] [buildtree] [todrive <ToDriveAttribute>*]

Include files in trash as part of the transfer.

  • includetrashed - Ownership of files in the trash will be transferred.

Specify order of file processing.

  • (orderby <DriveOrderByFieldName> [ascending|descending])*

These options handle special cases where you want to prevent ownership from being transferred for selected files.

  • skipids <DriveFileEntity> - Do not transfer ownership for files with the specified IDs.
  • skipusers <UserTypeEntity> - Do not transfer ownership for files owned by the specified users.

By default, only files owned by users in the same domain as the claiming user have their ownership transferred.

  • subdomains <DomainNameEntity> - Transfer ownership for files in the selected sub-domains.

These options handle special cases where you want to restrict access to the claimed files.

  • restricted [<Boolean>] - Prevent viewers and commenters from downloading, printing, and copying the files.
  • writerscanshare [<Boolean>] - Allow writers to share the document with other users.
  • writerscantshare [<Boolean>] - Prevent writers from sharing the document with other users.

Specify role for original owner.

  • keepuser - Original owner retains the role of writer

  • retainrole reader|commenter|writer|editor - Original owner retains the specified role

  • retainrole none - Orginal owner retains no role

  • noretentionmessages - Suppress the owner role retention messages.

Preview the transfer.

Typically, the filepath option is used with the preview option so you can verify what files are going to be transferred. If buildtree is specified, you will see the full path to each file. If buildtree is not specified, you will see the relative file path starting from the top level folder being transferred.

  • preview - Output a CSV file showing what files will have their ownership transferred.
  • filepath - Show full path to files in CSV file.
  • buildtree - Download all user files so that full filepath information is available.

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