a boot task for invalidating cloudfront paths.
[tailrecursion/boot-front "1.1.0"] ;; latest release
this task inspects the fileset's metadata to identify files that were uploaded by preceeding tasks as indicated by a keyword with the name "uploaded", then invalidates their corresponding paths (see boot-bucket).
excerpt of a build.boot file using boot-front with boot-bucket for deployment.
'[adzerk.boot-cljs :refer [cljs]]
'[adzerk.boot-reload :refer [reload]]
'[hoplon.boot-hoplon :refer [hoplon]]
'[tailrecursion.boot-bucket :refer [spew]]
'[tailrecursion.boot-front :refer [burst]]
'[tailrecursion.boot-static :refer [serve]])
(def buckets
{:production "<appname>-production-application"
:staging "<appname>-staging-application"})
(def distributions
{:production "<production-cloudfront-id>"
:staging "<staging-cloudfront-id>"})
(deftask develop
"Continuously rebuild the application during development."
[o optimizations OPM kw "Optimizations to pass the cljs compiler."]
(let [o (or optimizations :none)]
(comp (watch) (speak) (hoplon) (target) (reload) (cljs :optimizations o) (serve))))
(deftask build
"Build the application with advanced optimizations."
[o optimizations OPM kw "Optimizations to pass the cljs compiler."]
(let [o (or optimizations :advanced)]
(comp (speak) (hoplon) (cljs :optimizations o :compiler-options {:elide-asserts true}) (sift))))
(deftask deploy
"Build the application with advanced optimizations then deploy it to s3."
[e environment ENV kw "The application environment to be utilized by the service."
o optimizations OPM kw "Optimizations to pass the cljs compiler."]
(assert environment "Missing required environment argument.")
(let [b (buckets environment)
d (distributions environment)]
(comp (build :optimizations optimizations) (spew :bucket b) (burst :distribution d))))
serve {:port 3001}
sift {:include #{#"index.html.out/" #"<app-ns>/"} :invert true}
spew {:access-key (System/getenv "<AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ENV_VAR>")
:secret-key (System/getenv "<AWS_SECRET_KEY_ENV_VAR>")}
burst {:access-key (System/getenv "<AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ENV_VAR>")
:secret-key (System/getenv "<AWS_SECRET_KEY_ENV_VAR>")})