This sink implements Amazon S3 protocol and can be enabled for Digital Ocean Spaces and Minio using a custom endpoint
This sink can be enabled by adding the following configuration in the tables
compact: # enable compaction
interval: 60 # compact every 60 seconds
nameFunc: "s3://bucket/namefunc.lua" # file name function
s3: # sink to Amazon S3
region: "ap-southeast-1" # the region to use
bucket: "bucket" # the bucket to use
prefix: "dir1/" # (optional) prefix to add
endpoint: "" # (optional) custom endpoint to use
sse: "" # (optional) server-side encryption
accessKey: "" # (optional) static access key to override
secretKey: "" # (optional) static secret key to override
concurrency: 32 # (optional) upload concurrency, default=NUM_CPU