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Turm is an enrollment system allowing users to enroll in courses.


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Welcome to Turm

Turm2 is an enrollment system allowing users to enroll in courses. There is no official release yet. It is currently running at Turm2.

It uses:


Set up a PostgreSQL database

create database turm;
create user turm with encrypted password 'your_password';
grant all privileges on database turm to turm;

With the postgreSQL superuser, add the pgcrypto extension (create extension pgcrypto).

Create the DB schema using scripts/db/create.sql.

psql -h localhost -d turm -U turm -p 5432 -f create.sql

Update the database to contain more recent changes using scripts/db/changeLog.sql.

psql -h localhost -d turm -U turm -p 5432 -f changeLog.sql

Set up Postfix

Install Postfix. Choose internet with smarthost and set all required parameters.

sudo apt install postfix

For validation, you can do the following, where is the receiving e-mail address.

sudo apt install mailutils
mailx -s'foobar' -r''

Start the web server (development)

Install Go and Git. NOTE: The project is not yet updated to use go modules.

Use Git to clone the repository.

cd ~/go/src
git clone 
or (depending on your repo access rights)
git clone

Now use go get to install Revel.

go get -u

In your ~/.profile file, add the following line:

export PATH="$PATH:~/go/bin"

If you want to, you can verify your revel installation.

source $HOME/.profile
revel new -a my-app -r

Install the following missing packages.

go get -u
go get -u
go get -u
go get -u

Create the following folders and files:

mkdir ~/go/src/db_backups
mkdir ~/go/src/studiengaenge
vim ~/go/src/studiengaenge/enrollment-data-turm2.csv

Adjust all config values app/conf/app.conf.

Create a passwords.json file at app/conf/. It should only contain the following two values:

  "": "your_password",
  "": "your_password"


Run with revel run turm or create a with revel package turm prod.


Prerequesites are a running nginx (or other) proxy, postfix, postgreSQL and scripts to start the database and server on reboot.

First, create an archive containing the executable as well as the views and language files.

revel package turm prod

Upload the turm.tar.gz archive to the server and then get remote access using e.g. ssh.

scp turm.tar.gz username@host:
ssh username@host

Backup the old files, then unpack the uploaded archive. Copy the previously used configuration file and the passwords file.

mv turm/ backups/turm.bak_2022-05-08
mkdir turm
cd turm/
tar zxf ../turm.tar.gz
cp ../backups/turm.bak_2022-05-08/src/turm/conf/app.conf src/turm/conf/app.conf 
cp ../backups/turm.bak_2022-05-08/src/turm/conf/passwords.json src/turm/conf/passwords.json

If required, update the database and make adjustments to the configuration and passwords file. If you want to alter the schema, you need to stop the server, change the DB schema, and then start the server again. If you did not change the schema, you can just restart the server.

service turm restart

Code Layout

The directory structure of a generated Revel application:

app/                   App sources
     auth              Authentication against the LDAP server
     controllers/      GET, POST, etc. controllers
     models/           DB models
     views/            HTML templates and some JS
     conf.go           Init all conf values
     db.go             Init all DB values
     init.go           App initialization, e.g. opens a DB connection
     jobs.go           Run scheduled jobs
     mailer.go         Sends e-mails

conf/                  Configuration directory
     app.conf          Main app configuration file
     passwords.json    Map of passwords, not included in the repository
     routes            Routes definition file

messages/              Message files, currently supported languages are en-US and de-DE
modules/jobs/          Chron jobs

public/                Public static assets
     css/              CSS files
     js/               Javascript files
     images/           Image files

scripts/db/            DB schema

tests/                 Testing

Effective Go

  • Every package should have a package comment, a block comment preceding the package clause. For multi-file packages, the package comment only needs to be present in one file, and any one will do.
  • Inside a package, any comment immediately preceding a top-level declaration serves as a doc comment for that declaration. Every exported (capitalized) name in a program should have a doc comment. The first sentence should be a one-sentence summary that starts with the name being declared. Addition: doc comments should be surrounded by /* ... */.
  • By convention, packages are given lower case, single-word names. It's helpful if everyone using the package can use the same name to refer to its contents, which implies that the package name should be good: short, concise, evocative.
  • Finally, the convention in Go is to use MixedCaps or mixedCaps rather than underscores to write multiword names.


Turm is an enrollment system allowing users to enroll in courses.







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