This data is from Montgomery County in Pennsylvania State of USA. 911 is most important social security feature of USA. It is the no. which citizens can call in case of any emergencies such as crime, medical, traffic, fire etc.As a data analyst you have to analyze and visualize the data and answer the question in section Compute --What are the top 10 Zipcodes for 911 & Question 1: Are Zipcodes 19446 and 19090 present ?•Compute --What are the top 4 townships (twp) for 911 calls & Question 2: Which of the following township are not present? --LOWER POTTSGROVE, NORRISTOWN, HORSHAM, ABINGTON•Compute --Create new features & Question 3: What is the most common Reason for a 911 call based on Reason Column? Which comes second•Compute --Plot barchart using matplot for 911 calls by Reason & Question 4: How can you plot the bars horizontally ?•Do data manipulation & Question 5: Which day got maximum calls for EMS and how many?•Compute --Create a countplot of the Day of Week column with the hue based of the Reason column & Question 6: On which day traffic calls were lowest ?•Compute --Create a countplot month wise --Question 7: Which month saw highest calls for fire?