This is a shopping portal in which sellers can sell products and customer can search and buy products.
This webapp has been made using flask in python.
The application demonstrates Object Oriented Programming and MVC architecture in Python.
- User can login/signup to buy/sell things
- Passwords are stored in database after hashing
- Homepage contains two sections - All Products and Latest Products
- Products are categorized into 5 categories and several different subcategories
- There is a search bar which can be used to filter products
- After searching, products can be filtered on the basis of price
- Products can be added to cart
- In My Cart, All selected products are listed which can be deleted or can be checked out
- Actual payment is not implemented
- In seller portal, seller can add products to sell after filling a few details
- First, install all the requirements:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3.6
pip3 install Flask
pip3 install Flask-SQLAlchemy
pip3 install flask-hashing
pip3 install flask-uploads
- Open the directory containing all code
- Use command
- Open the this url on browser