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Peter Taoussanis edited this page Oct 13, 2016 · 2 revisions

What is the user-id provided to the server>user push fn?

For the server to push events, we need a destination. Traditionally we might push to a client (e.g. browser tab). But with modern rich web applications and the increasing use of multiple simultaneous devices (tablets, mobiles, etc.) - the value of a client push is diminishing. You'll often see applications (even by Google) struggling to deal with these cases.

Sente offers an out-the-box solution by pulling the concept of identity one level higher and dealing with unique users rather than clients. What constitutes a user is entirely at the discretion of each application:

  • Each user-id may have zero or more connected clients at any given time
  • Each user-id may survive across clients (browser tabs, devices), and sessions

To give a user an identity, either set the user's :uid Ring session key OR supply a :user-id-fn (takes request, returns an identity string) to the make-channel-socket-server! constructor.

If you want a simple per-session identity, generate a random uuid. If you want an identity that persists across sessions, try use something with semantic meaning that you may already have like a database-generated user-id, a login email address, a secure URL fragment, etc.

Note that user-ids are used only for server>user push. client>server requests don't take a user-id.

See here for more info.

How do I integrate Sente with my usual login/auth procedure?

This should be pretty easy to do, please see one of the example projects for details!

Will Sente work with Reactjs/Reagent/Om/Pedestel/etc.?

Sure! Sente's just a client<->server comms mechanism so it'll work with any view/rendering approach you'd like.

I have a strong preference for Reagent myself, so would recommend checking that out first if you're still evaluating options.

What if I need to use JSON, XML, raw strings, etc.?

Sente uses an extensible client<->server serialization mechanism. It uses edn by default since this usu. gives good performance and doesn't require any external dependencies. The reference example project shows how you can plug in an alternative de/serializer. In particular, note that Sente ships with a Transit de/serializer that allows manual or smart (automatic) per-payload format selection.

How do I add custom Transit read and write handlers?

To add custom handlers to the TransitPacker, pass them in as writer-opts and reader-opts when creating a TransitPacker. These arguments are the same as the opts map you would pass directly to transit/writer. The code sample below shows how you would do this to add a write handler to convert Joda-Time DateTime objects to Transit time objects.

  (:require [cognitect.transit :as transit]
            [taoensso.sente.packers.transit :as sente-transit])
  (:import [org.joda.time DateTime ReadableInstant]))

;; From
(def joda-time-writer
    (constantly "m")
    (fn [v] (-> ^ReadableInstant v .getMillis))
    (fn [v] (-> ^ReadableInstant v .getMillis .toString))))

(def packer (sente-transit/->TransitPacker :json {:handlers {DateTime joda-time-writer}} {}))

How do I route client/server events?

However you like! If you don't have many events, a simple cond will probably do. Otherwise a multimethod dispatching against event ids works well (this is the approach taken in the reference example project).

Security: is there HTTPS support?

Yes, it's automatic for both Ajax and WebSockets. If the page serving your JavaScript (ClojureScript) is running HTTPS, your Sente channel sockets will run over HTTPS and/or the WebSocket equivalent (WSS).

Security: CSRF protection?

This is important. Sente has support, and use is strongly recommended. You'll need to use middleware like ring-anti-forgery or ring-defaults to generate and check CSRF codes. The ring-ajax-post handler should be covered (i.e. protected).

Please see one of the example projects for a fully-baked example.

Pageload: How do I know when Sente is ready client-side?

You'll want to listen on the receive channel for a [:chsk/state [_ {:first-open? true}]] event. That's the signal that the socket's been established.

How can server-side channel socket events modify a user's session?

Recall that server-side event-msgs are of the form {:ring-req _ :event _ :?reply-fn _}, so each server-side event is accompanied by the relevant[*] Ring request.

For WebSocket events this is the initial Ring HTTP handshake request, for Ajax events it's just the Ring HTTP Ajax request.

The Ring request's :session key is an immutable value, so how do you modify a session in response to an event? You won't be doing this often, but it can be handy (e.g. for login/logout forms).

You've got two choices:

  1. Write any changes directly to your Ring SessionStore (i.e. the mutable state that's actually backing your sessions). You'll need the relevant user's session key, which you can find under your Ring request's :cookies key. This is flexible, but requires that you know how+where your session data is being stored.

  2. Just use regular HTTP Ajax requests for stuff that needs to modify sessions (like login/logout), since these will automatically go through the usual Ring session middleware and let you modify a session with a simple {:status 200 :session <new-session>} response. This is the strategy the reference example takes.

@danielsz has kindly provided a detailed example here.

Lifecycle management (component management/shutdown, etc.)

Using something like @stuartsierra/component or @palletops/leaven?

Most of Sente's state is held internally to each channel socket (the map returned from client/server calls to make-channel-socket!). The absence of global state makes things like testing, and running multiple concurrent connections easy. It also makes integration with your component management easy.

The only thing you may[1] want to do on component shutdown is stop any router loops that you've created to dispatch events to handlers. The client/server side start-chsk-router! fns both return a (fn stop []) that you can call to do this.

[1] The cost of not doing this is actually negligible (a single parked go thread).

There's also a couple lifecycle libraries that include Sente components:

  1. @danielsz/system for use with @stuartsierra/component
  2. @palletops/bakery for use with @palletops/leaven

How to debug/benchmark Sente at the protocol level?

@arichiardi has kindly provided some notes on this here.

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