using PureFun, PureFun.Tries, PureFun.HashMaps,
BenchmarkTools, Gadfly, DataFrames, Query, Printf,
Random, Statistics
const w, h = 900px, 600px
set_default_plot_size(w, h)
nstrings(n) = collect(randstring(rand(8:15)) for _ in 1:n)
randpairs(n) = (k => v for (k,v) in zip(nstrings(n), rand(Int, n)));
We compare a handful of dictionary implementations to Base.Dict
for lookup
and insert. Specifically, we have the red-black dictionary and both the 32 and
64-way branching hash array mapped tries.
edgemap = PureFun.Contiguous.bitmap(32),
keyfunc = PureFun.Contiguous.biterate(5))
edgemap = PureFun.Contiguous.bitmap(64),
keyfunc = PureFun.Contiguous.biterate(6))
approx = BitMapTrie32,
exact = PureFun.Association.List)
approx = BitMapTrie64,
exact = PureFun.Association.List)
dictionaries = Dict(
PureFun.RedBlack.RBDict => "Red-Black Dict",
HAMT32 => "32-way hash array-mapped trie",
HAMT64 => "64-way hash array-mapped trie",
Base.Dict => "Base.Dict");
function bench_lookup(DT, sizes = 10 .^ (1:7))
DictType, label = DT
search_hit = Vector{Int}(undef, length(sizes))
search_miss = Vector{Int}(undef, length(sizes))
for ix in eachindex(sizes)
kvs = randpairs(sizes[ix])
d = DictType(kvs)
ks = collect(kv.first for kv in kvs)
hit = @benchmark $d[k] setup=k=rand($ks)
miss = @benchmark get($d, k, -1) setup=k=randstring(rand(8:15))
search_hit[ix] = round(Int, median(hit).time)
search_miss[ix] = round(Int, median(miss).time)
DataFrame(dict_type = label,
size = sizes,
search_hit = search_hit,
search_miss = search_miss)
lookup_results = mapreduce(bench_lookup, vcat, dictionaries)
Gadfly.with_theme(:dark) do
plot(stack(lookup_results, [:search_hit, :search_miss]) |>
@rename(:variable => :operation, :value => :time) |>
x = :size, y = :time, color = :dict_type, xgroup = :operation,
Geom.subplot_grid(Geom.point, Geom.line),
Scale.x_log10, Scale.y_log10,
Guide.colorkey(pos = [.5w, -.3h]))
For the largest containers tested, the hash array mapped tries remain within
range of Base.Dict
lookup_results |>
@filter(_.size == 1e7) |>
DataFrame |>
x -> sort(x, [:search_miss])
4×4 DataFrame
Row │ dict_type size search_hit search_miss
│ String Int64 Int64 Int64
1 │ Base.Dict 10000000 12 16
2 │ 64-way hash array-mapped trie 10000000 78 53
3 │ 32-way hash array-mapped trie 10000000 92 67
4 │ Red-Black Dict 10000000 126 112
For these comparisons, we are using the immutable setindex
for the PureFun
dictionaries, but comparing it to the mutable setindex!
of Base.Dict
. So
we're kind of looking at the extra cost on insertions for immutability. To make
the benchmarks easier to write, for the purposes of this script define
on Base.Dict
as a mutating method (don't do this in general!):
function PureFun.setindex(d::Dict, v, k)
d[k] = v
return d
Now we can define appropriate benchmarking functions based on whether the
method being tested has side effects. In preliminary experiments, the
times were sensitive to the exact size, I assume based on being
close to a resizing threshold. To get reliable measurements, I'm jittering the
sizes for the Base.Dict
benchmarks, and taking the 80th percentile
measurement rather than the median (better yet would be to include the
variation in the plots!)
function ins_time(DictType, size)
nsamp = size < 100 ? 10 : 1
out = @benchmark(setindex(d, v, k),
setup = (d = $DictType(randpairs($size));
k = randstring(rand(8:15));
v = rand(Int)),
evals = 100, samples = nsamp)
function ins_time(::Type{Dict}, size)
sz = rand(round(Int, size*.9):round(Int, size*1.1))
samps =
if size < 100
elseif size < 1_000_000
out = @benchmark(setindex!(d, v, k),
setup = (d = Dict(randpairs($sz));
k = randstring(rand(8:15));
v = rand(Int)),
evals = 1, samples = samps)
quantile(out.times, .8)
function bench_insert(DT, sizes = 10 .^ (1:7))
DictType, label = DT
times = [ ins_time(DictType, sz) for sz in sizes ]
DataFrame(dict_type = label,
size = sizes,
set_index = times)
...and the results:
insert_results = mapreduce(bench_insert, vcat, dictionaries)
Gadfly.with_theme(:dark) do
x = :size, y = :set_index, color = :dict_type,
Geom.point, Geom.line,
Scale.x_log10, Scale.y_log2(minvalue = minimum(insert_results.set_index)),
Guide.colorkey(pos = [.1w, -.3h]))
again for the largest containers:
insert_results |>
@filter(_.size == 1e7) |>
DataFrame |>
x -> sort(x, [:set_index])
4×3 DataFrame
Row │ dict_type size set_index
│ String Int64 Float64
1 │ Base.Dict 10000000 441.6
2 │ 64-way hash array-mapped trie 10000000 896.25
3 │ 32-way hash array-mapped trie 10000000 967.5
4 │ Red-Black Dict 10000000 1357.08
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