- I used pyinstaller to create the executable.
After installing it and adding the changes. Inside the spaceShooter
directory, simply run the command
$ pyinstaller --onefile --windowed spaceShooter.py
This will create an executable and place it inside the directory dist
- Place the folders
together with the excutable inside a single folder and zip it.
For example for v0.0.2
$ ls spaceShooter/
assets BUILDING_EXECUTABLE.rst CONTRIBUTING.rst LICENSE.txt README.md sounds spaceShooter
$ zip -r spaceShooter-v0.0.2_linux.zip spaceShooter/
- cx_freeze was used to create the excutable for Windows based systems
- Use the setup.py file for building the executable.
- Go to the directory
and then run the command
$ python setup.py build
This will create a new folder inside spaceShooter
- Rename it and zip that file