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File metadata and controls

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The MCU communicates with the Wi-Fi module through the serial port. Protocols are classified into basic and functional protocols.

Basic protocols

They are common protocols integrated in Tasmota's TuyaMCU module. They stay the same for each product and are mandatory for Tuya module to work correctly.

Functional protocols

Functional protocols are used for delivering and reporting data of functions. These protocols differ between devices and manufacturers and might require configuration in Tasmota using TuyaMCU command or with TuyaSend<x> command.

Anatomy of functional protocols

Name Description
Frame Header Version Fixed value of 0x55aa
Command Word 0x06 - send commands
0x07 - report status
Data Length defines expected length of data
dpID numbered ID of a function (DP = Data Point or Define Product)
Data Type see Data Type table below
Function Length length of command
Function Command formatted according to Data Type
Verification Method checksum = remainder of the byte sum starting from Frame Header to 256

Data Type

Hex Tasmota Command Decription Max length
0x01 TuyaSend1 boolean data 0/1 1 byte
0x02 TuyaSend2 value data. If a value contains less than 4 bytes, 0 is supplemented before 4 bytes
0x00 TuyaSend3 string data unknown
0x04 TuyaSend4 enum data 0/1/2/3/4/5 1 byte
0x05 ### fault data, report only 8 bytes

Let's dissect and explain the MCU protocol using serial command 55aa0006000501010001010e:

Frame Header Version Command Word Data Length dpID Data Type Function Length Function Command Verification Method
55aa00 06 0005 01 01 0001 01 0e

This is the command which powers on the device sending Function Command = 1 to dpID 1 (Switch):

  • Frame Header Version = 0x55aa00 which is a fixed value and always the same
  • Command Word = 0x06 because we're sending a command
  • Data Type = 0x01 since the command sent is a 1 byte boolean
  • Function Length = 0x001 instruct 1 character only for function command length
  • Function Command = 0x01 in hex which equals 1 in int
  • Verification Method = 0e is calculated

Protocol flow

On device boot, TuyaMCU executes the required basic protocols and reads the functional protocol data received, which are used to update status of components mapped in TuyaMCU (Relays, dimmer, power monitoring data).

After receiving a command from Tasmota (Command Word 0x06), the MCU performs corresponding logical control. When the dpID status is changed, the MCU reports the data (Command Word 0x07) to TuyaMCU component.

dpId functions tables

This information is just for orientation. Functions are assigned by the manufacturer and can be on different dpId's

  • DP ID: dpId.

  • Function Point:Used to describe the product function.

  • Identifier: Function codename. Can only be letters, numbers and underscores

  • Data type:

    • Issue and report: command data can be sent and status data can be reported back to the Wi-Fi module
    • Report only: supports only status reporting, no control options
  • Function Type (Referred as Data Type in TuyaMCU article):

    • Boolean (bool): non-true or false binary variable, such as: switch function, on / off
    • Value (value): suitable for linear adjustment of the type of data, such as: temperature regulation, temperature range 20-40 ℃
    • Enum (enum): custom finite set value, such as: working levels, low / mid / high
    • Fault (fault): dedicated to reporting and statistical failure of the function points. Support multi-fault, the data is reported only
    • Integer(integer): transmitted as integer
    • Transparent (raw): data in binary

Switches or plugs/power strips

| DP ID | Identifier  | Data type          | Function type | Properties                                   |
| 1     | switch_1    | Control and report | Boolean       |                                              |
| 2     | switch_2    | Control and report | Boolean       |                                              |
| 3     | switch_3    | Control and report | Boolean       |                                              |
| 4     | switch_4    | Control and report | Boolean       |                                              |
| 5     | switch_5    | Control and report | Boolean       |                                              |
| 9     | countdown_1 | Control and report | Integer       | undefined0-86400, undefined1, Scale0, Unit:s |
| 10    | countdown_2 | Control and report | Integer       | undefined0-86400, undefined1, Scale0, Unit:s |
| 11    | countdown_3 | Control and report | Integer       | undefined0-86400, undefined1, Scale0, Unit:s |
| 12    | countdown_4 | Control and report | Integer       | undefined0-86400, undefined1, Scale0, Unit:s |
| 13    | countdown_5 | Control and report | Integer       | undefined0-86400, undefined1, Scale0, Unit:s |

Aromatherapy machine (Oil Diffuser)

| DP ID | Function points          | Identifier     | Data type        | Function type | Properties
| 1     | Switch                   | Power          | Issue and report | Boolean       |                                                                        |
| 6     | Amount of fog            | fog            | Issue and report | Enum          | Enumerated values:small, large|
| 11    | Light                    | Light          | Issue and report | Boolean       | |
| 12    | Fault alarm              | fault          | Only report      | Fault         | Barrier values:1|
| 13    | Countdown                | countdown      | Issue and report | Enum          | Enumerated values: 0, 1, 2, 3|
| 14    | Countdown remaining time | countdown_left | Only report      | Integer       | Values range: 0-360, Pitch1, Scale0, Unit:min|
| 101   | Light mode               | work_mode      | Issue and report | Enum          | Enumerated values: white, colour, scene, scene1, scene2, scene3, scene4 |
| 102   | Color value              | colour_data    | Issue and report | Char type     | *see below |
| 103   | Light mode               | lightmode      | Issue and report | Enum          | Enumerated values: 1, 2, 3|
| 104   | Brightness setting       | setlight       | Issue and report | Integer       | Values range: 0-255, Pitch1, Scale0, Unit:\%|

colour_data format of the lights is a string of 14 characters, for example, 00112233334455, where 00 indicates R, 11 indicates G, 22 indicates B, 3333 indicates the hue, 44 indicates the saturation, and 55 indicates the value. The initial value is saved by default. If you do not want to adjust the light, set the data to the maximum value 100% (0x64). The last four characters have fixed values.

Curtain motor

| DP ID | Function points | Identifier    | Data type        | Function type | Properties                                    |
| 1     | Percentage      | percent_state | Only report      | Integer       | Values range:0-100, Pitch1, Scale0, Unit:%    |
| 2     | Motor Direction | control_back  | Issue and report | Boolean       |                                               |
| 3     | Auto Power      | auto_power    | Issue and report | Boolean       |                                               |
| 4     | Left time       | countdown     | Issue and report | Enum          | Enumerated values:cancel, 1, 2, 3, 4          |
| 5     | Total Time      | time_total    | Only report      | Integer       | Values range:0-120000, Pitch1, Scale0, Unit:m |

Complete document on protocols

Power monitoring plug

| DP ID | Function points        | Identifier      | Data type          | Function type | Properties                                    |
| 1     | switch_1               | switch_1        | Control and report | Boolean       |                                               |
| 9     | countdown_1            | countdown_1     | Control and report | Integer       | undefined0-86400, undefined1, Scale0, Unit:s  |
| 17    | statistics Function    | add_ele         | Control and report | Integer       | undefined0-50000, undefined100, Scale3, Unit: |
| 18    | current                | cur_current     | Data report        | Integer       | undefined0-30000, undefined1, Scale0, Unit:mA |
| 19    | power                  | cur_power       | Data report        | Integer       | undefined0-50000, undefined1, Scale1, Unit:W  |
| 20    | voltage                | cur_voltage     | Data report        | Integer       | undefined0-5000, undefined1, Scale1, Unit:V   |
| 21    | test flag              | test_bit        | Data report        | Integer       | undefined0-5, undefined1, Scale0, Unit:       |
| 22    | voltage coefficient    | voltage_coe     | Data report        | Integer       | undefined0-1000000, undefined1, Scale0, Unit: |
| 23    | current coefficient    | electric_coe    | Data report        | Integer       | undefined0-1000000, undefined1, Scale0, Unit: |
| 24    | power coefficient      | power_coe       | Data report        | Integer       | undefined0-1000000, undefined1, Scale0, Unit: |
| 25    | statistics coefficient | electricity_coe | Data report        | Integer       | undefined0-1000000, undefined1, Scale0, Unit: |
| 26    | warning                | fault           | Data report        | Fault         | Barrier values:ov_cr                          |


| DP ID | Function points | Identifier  | Data type        | Function type | Properties                                               |
| 1     | Switch          | Switch      | Issue and report | Boolean       |                                                          |
| 2     | PM2.5           | PM25        | Only report      | Integer       | Values range:0-999, Pitch1, Scale0, Unit:                |
| 3     | Work mode       | Mode        | Issue and report | Enum          | Enumerated values:Manual, Auto, Sleep                    |
| 4     | Wind speed      | Speed       | Issue and report | Enum          | Enumerated values:speed1, speed2, speed3, speed4, speed5 |
| 5     | Filter usage    | Filter      | Only report      | Integer       | Values range:0-100, Pitch1, Scale0, Unit:%               |
| 6     | Fresh           | Anion       | Issue and report | Boolean       |                                                          |
| 7     | Child lock      | Lock        | Issue and report | Boolean       |                                                          |
| 9     | UV light        | UV          | Issue and report | Boolean       |                                                          |
| 11    | Filter reset    | FilterReset | Issue and report | Boolean       |                                                          |
| 12    | indoor temp     | Temp        | Only report      | Integer       | Values range:-20-50, Pitch1, Scale0, Unit:℃             |
| 13    | Indoor humidity | Humidity    | Only report      | Integer       | Values range:0-100, Pitch1, Scale0, Unit:%               |


| DP ID | Function points | Identifier    | Data type          | Function type | Properties                                                                 |
| 1     | Switch          | led_switch    | Control and report | Boolean       |                                                                            |
| 2     | Mode            | work_mode     | Control and report | Enum          | Enumerated values:white, colour, scene, scene_1, scene_2, scene_3, scene_4 |
| 3     | Bright          | bright_value  | Control and report | Integer       | undefined25-255, undefined1, Scale0, Unit:                                 |
| 5     | Colour mode     | colour_data   | Control and report | Char type     |                                                                            |
| 6     | Scene           | scene_data    | Control and report | Char type     |                                                                            |
| 7     | Scene1          | flash_scene_1 | Control and report | Char type     |                                                                            |
| 8     | Scene2          | flash_scene_2 | Control and report | Char type     |                                                                            |
| 9     | Scene3          | flash_scene_3 | Control and report | Char type     |                                                                            |
| 10    | Scene4          | flash_scene_4 | Control and report | Char type     |                                                                            |

Air purifier

| DP ID | Function points | Identifier  | Data type        | Function type | Properties                                               |
| 1     | Switch          | Switch      | Issue and report | Boolean       |                                                          |
| 2     | PM2.5           | PM25        | Only report      | Integer       | Values range:0-999, Pitch1, Scale0, Unit:                |
| 3     | Work mode       | Mode        | Issue and report | Enum          | Enumerated values:Manual, Auto, Sleep                    |
| 4     | Wind speed      | Speed       | Issue and report | Enum          | Enumerated values:speed1, speed2, speed3, speed4, speed5 |
| 5     | Filter usage    | Filter      | Only report      | Integer       | Values range:0-100, Pitch1, Scale0, Unit:%               |
| 6     | Fresh           | Anion       | Issue and report | Boolean       |                                                          |
| 7     | Child lock      | Lock        | Issue and report | Boolean       |                                                          |
| 9     | UV light        | UV          | Issue and report | Boolean       |                                                          |
| 11    | Filter reset    | FilterReset | Issue and report | Boolean       |                                                          |
| 12    | indoor temp     | Temp        | Only report      | Integer       | Values range:-20-50, Pitch1, Scale0, Unit:℃              |
| 13    | Indoor humidity | Humidity    | Only report      | Integer       | Values range:0-100, Pitch1, Scale0, Unit:%               |


| DP ID | Function points     | Identifier  | Data type        | Function type | Properties                                 |
| 1     | Switch              | Power       | Issue and report | Boolean       |                                            |
| 2     | Target temperature  | TempSet     | Issue and report | Integer       | Values range:0-37, Pitch1, Scale0, Unit:℃  |
| 3     | Current Temperature | TempCurrent | Only report      | Integer       | Values range:-9-99, Pitch1, Scale0, Unit:℃ |
| 4     | Mode                | Mode        | Issue and report | Enum          | Enumerated values:m, p                     |
| 5     | Fault alarm         | Fault       | Only report      | Fault         | Barrier values:1, 2, 3                     |
| 6     | Gear position       | gear        | Issue and report | Enum          | Enumerated values:low, mid, high, off      |
| 7     | Conservation        | eco_mode    | Issue and report | Boolean       |                                            |

Smart fan

| DP ID | Function points      | Identifier     | Data type        | Function type | Properties                                |
| 1     | Switch               | switch         | Issue and report | Boolean       |                                           |
| 2     | Wind Speed Level     | fan_speed      | Issue and report | Enum          | Enumerated values:1, 2, 3, 4              |
| 3     | Left-and-Right Swing | fan_horizontal | Issue and report | Enum          | Enumerated values:on, off                 |
| 4     | Up-and-Down Swing    | fan_vertical   | Issue and report | Enum          | Enumerated values:on, off                 |
| 5     | Fault Alarm          | fault          | Only report      | Fault         | Barrier values:1, 2                       |
| 6     | Anion                | anion          | Issue and report | Boolean       |                                           |
| 7     | Humidify             | humidifier     | Issue and report | Boolean       |                                           |
| 8     | Oxygen               | oxygan         | Issue and report | Boolean       |                                           |
| 9     | Child Lock           | lock           | Issue and report | Boolean       |                                           |
| 10    | Cool                 | fan_cool       | Issue and report | Boolean       |                                           |
| 11    | Set Temperate        | temp           | Issue and report | Integer       | Values range:0-50, Pitch1, Scale0, Unit:℃ |
| 12    | Current Temperature  | temp_current   | Only report      | Integer       | Values range:0-50, Pitch1, Scale0, Unit:℃ |


| DP ID | Function points                                            | Identifier           | Data type        | Function type | Properties                                                          |
| 1     | Working switch                                             | start                | Issue and report | Boolean       |                                                                     |
| 2     | Heat to target temperature shortcut (°C)                   | temp_setting_quick_c | Issue and report | Enum          | Enumerated values:50, 65, 85, 90, 100                               |
| 3     | Heat to target temperature shortcut (°F)                   | temp_setting_quick_f | Issue and report | Enum          | Enumerated values:122, 149, 185, 194, 212                           |
| 4     | Cool to the target temperature shortcut after boiling (°C) | temp_boiling_quick_c | Issue and report | Enum          | Enumerated values:50, 65, 85, 90, 100                               |
| 5     | Cool to the target temperature shortcut after boiling (°F) | temp_boiling_quick_f | Issue and report | Enum          | Enumerated values:122, 149, 185, 194, 212                           |
| 6     | Temperature scale switching                                | temp_unit_convert    | Issue and report | Enum          | Enumerated values:c, f                                              |
| 7     | Insulation switch                                          | switch_keep_warm     | Issue and report | Boolean       |                                                                     |
| 8     | Holding time setting                                       | keep_warm_setting    | Issue and report | Integer       | Values range:0-360, Pitch1, Scale0, Unit:min                        |
| 9     | Mode                                                       | work_type            | Issue and report | Enum          | Enumerated values: setting_quick, boiling_quick, temp_setting, temp_ |


| DP ID | Function points     | Identifier  | Data type        | Function type | Properties                                 |
| 1     | Switch              | Power       | Issue and report | Boolean       |                                            |
| 2     | Target temperature  | TempSet     | Issue and report | Integer       | Values range:0-37, Pitch1, Scale0, Unit:℃  |
| 3     | Current Temperature | TempCurrent | Only report      | Integer       | Values range:-9-99, Pitch1, Scale0, Unit:℃ |
| 4     | Mode                | Mode        | Issue and report | Enum          | Enumerated values:m, p (wip)               |
| 102   | Floor Temperature   | FloorCurrent| Issue and report | Integer       | Values range:0-37, Pitch1, Scale0, Unit:℃ |