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A very minimal tool for packaging Swift WebAssembly products. Forked from Carton.

Unlike the original Carton, the central idea of Archer is to only do things that are not better handled by other tools. Archer emphasizes transparency, user-friendliness, and ease of integration into existing projects.

  1. Getting Started with WebAssembly
  2. archer init
  3. archer crush


Archer supports Linux and macOS. We provide prebuilt binaries for several platforms.

Platform Architecture Download
macOS 15 arm64 tar.gz
Ubuntu 24.04 arm64 tar.gz
Ubuntu 24.04 x86_64 tar.gz
Ubuntu 22.04 arm64 tar.gz
Ubuntu 22.04 x86_64 tar.gz

Download the correct binary for your platform from the table above, extract it, and add the archer binary to your PATH. The pre-built Linux binaries do not require the Swift runtime to be installed on the system.

ESBuild and Binaryen

We recommend installing the esbuild and binaryen tools on your system.

# Linux
sudo apt install esbuild binaryen
# macOS
brew install esbuild binaryen

ESBuild is a popular TypeScript/JavaScript compiler, and must be installed in order to build the frontend of a WebAssembly project.

Binaryen is a WebAssembly optimizer, which is optional but recommended for use with Archer, as it significantly reduces the size of the final WebAssembly binary.

Getting Started with WebAssembly

These steps are not specific to Archer, this section is a general guide to compiling WebAssembly from Swift.

Install the Swift WebAssembly SDK

If you have not done so already, install the Swift WebAssembly SDK:

swift sdk install \ \
    --checksum 6ffedb055cb9956395d9f435d03d53ebe9f6a8d45106b979d1b7f53358e1dcb4

Important: On macOS, you must use one of the downloadable toolchains from The default Xcode toolchain does not support WebAssembly. You can (temporarily) point the swift command to the downloaded toolchain by running export TOOLCHAINS=$(plutil -extract CFBundleIdentifier raw /Library/Developer/Toolchains/$TOOLCHAIN_NAME.xctoolchain/Info.plist), where TOOLCHAIN_NAME is a string such as swift-6.0.3-RELEASE.

Set up a SwiftPM Project

Below is a trivial SwiftPM template you can use to get started with WebAssembly.

📂 Sources
  - 📂 Hello
      - 🕊️ Hello.swift
🕊️ Package.swift


// swift-tools-version:6.0
import PackageDescription

let package:Package = .init(name: "WebAssembly Example",
    products: [
        .executable(name: "Hello", targets: ["Hello"]),
    dependencies: [
        .package(url: "", from: "0.21.0"),
    targets: [
        .executableTarget(name: "Hello",
            dependencies: [
                .product(name: "JavaScriptKit", package: "JavaScriptKit"),


import JavaScriptKit

case .object(let div) ="div")
    fatalError("Could not create elements")

div.innerHTML = .string("Hi Barbie!")

_ =

Build the Project

Use the command below to build the project, replacing SWIFTWASM_SDK as needed.


swift build -c release \
    --product Hello \
    --swift-sdk $SWIFTWASM_SDK \
    -Xswiftc -Xclang-linker -Xswiftc -mexec-model=reactor \
    -Xlinker --export=__main_argc_argv

Yes, all of the trailing build flags are necessary.

archer init

USAGE: archer init [--wasm-path <wasm-path>] [--js-name <js-name>] [--js-runtime <js-runtime>] --bundle <bundle>

  -w, --wasm-path <wasm-path>
                          Where the browser should load the WebAssembly (wasm) binary from (default: main.wasm)
  -m, --js-name <js-name> What to name the generated JavaScript file (default: main.js)
  -J, --js-runtime <js-runtime>
                          Where to find the JavaScriptKit runtime (default:
  -o, --bundle <bundle>   Where to write the generated resources to
  -h, --help              Show help information.

A WebAssembly bundle consists of the resources which will be deployed to the cloud and served to clients. The archer init command will build a minified JavaScript runtime for you and write it to a directory of your choice.


archer init -m $RUNTIME_NAME -w $WASM_NAME -o Bundle

You need to provide the expected URL for the WebAssembly binary (main.wasm) and a path to a version of the JavaScriptKit runtime matching the version of JavaScriptKit you are using to build the WebAssembly.

There is no requirement to have built the project at this stage, but the easiest way to obtain the correct version of the runtime is to simply build the project (in release mode) with SwiftPM.

You probably also want to generate an HTML stub for previewing the WebAssembly, although in a larger project you would likely get this from elsewhere.

cat <<EOF
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>WebAssembly Example</title>
<script type="module" src="$RUNTIME_NAME"></script></head>
    <h1>WebAssembly Example</h1>
) > Bundle/index.html

archer crush

USAGE: archer crush [<wasm-file>] [--output <output>] [--Xwasm-opt <Xwasm-opt> ...] [--preserve-debug-info]

  <wasm-file>             Where to find the WebAssembly (wasm) binary to crush

  -o, --output <output>   Where to write the optimized WebAssembly (wasm) binary (default: main.wasm)
  --Xwasm-opt <Xwasm-opt> Extra flags to pass to the WebAssembly optimizer
  -g, --preserve-debug-info
                          Whether to preserve debug info or not
  -h, --help              Show help information.

The archer crush command is used to optimize a WebAssembly binary. The raw .wasm output of the Swift compiler will work out-of-the-box, but archer crush can make it much smaller and faster.

archer crush .build/release/Hello.wasm -o Bundle/$WASM_NAME

Once you have added the WebAssembly file to your bundle, you can use esbuild to preview it in a browser.

esbuild --servedir=Bundle


Archer is Apache 2.0 licensed.