diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 146b3f8..2cd940f 100644
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-# OpenAPI service for Lagom
+# [OpenAPI/Swagger](https://swagger.io/specification/) module for [Lagom](https://www.lagomframework.com)
+The Lagom OpenAPI module has two common features:
+* Generation OpenAPI 3.X specification for the Lagom service by annotations. (How to use with [Scala DSL](#11-generate-scala-dsl)/[Java DSL](#12-generate-java-dsl))
+* Publishing static OpenAPI 3.X/Swagger 2.X specification from the classpath. (How to use with [Scala DSL](#21-static-scala-dsl)/[Java DSL](#22-static-java-dsl))
+Also, you can see how to generate OpenAPI Specification for Lagom service on demo projects ([Java/Maven example](https://github.com/taymyr/lagom-samples/blob/master/openapi/java/README.md), [Scala/Sbt example](https://github.com/taymyr/lagom-samples/blob/master/openapi/scala/README.md)).
+## Versions compatibility
+| Lagom OpenAPI | OpenAPI / Swagger | Lagom | Scala |
+| 1.0.+ | 2.0.7+ | 1.4.+
1.5.+| 2.11
2.12 |
+# How to use
+## 1.1 Generate (Scala DSL)
+### 1.1.1 Dependencies
+You need to add next dependencies to the _API_ module of Lagom service:
+val swaggerAnnotations = "io.swagger.core.v3" % "swagger-annotations" % "2.0.7"
+val lagomOpenapiApi = "org.taymyr.lagom" %% "lagom-openapi-scala-api" % lagomOpenapiVersion
+lazy val `lagom-service-api` = (project in file("api"))
+ .settings(
+ libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
+ ...
+ swaggerAnnotations,
+ lagomOpenapiApi
+ )
+ )
+and next dependencies to the _Implementation_ module of Lagom service:
+val lagomOpenapiImpl = "org.taymyr.lagom" %% "lagom-openapi-scala-impl" % lagomOpenapiVersion
+lazy val `lagom-service-impl` = (project in file("impl"))
+ .enablePlugins(LagomScala)
+ .settings(
+ libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
+ ...
+ lagomOpenapiImpl
+ )
+ )
+### 1.1.2 Service Descriptor
+Necessarily add `OpenAPIDefinition` annotation to Lagom service descriptor and extend descriptor by `OpenAPIService` trait:
+ info = new Info(
+ version = "1.0.0",
+ title = "My Service"
+ ),
+ ...
+trait MyService extends OpenAPIService with Service {
+ ...
+Then you can use OpenAPI annotations for the methods of your service. For more information about annotations see the [official wiki](https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-core/wiki/Swagger-2.X---Annotations).
+def method: ServiceCall[_, _]
+In conclusion, you must add the route for OpenAPI specification. You can do that with helper function `withOpenAPI` (default route is `/_/openapi`)
+override def descriptor: Descriptor = withOpenAPI(
+ named("service")
+ ...
+or use a custom route
+override def descriptor: Descriptor = named("service")
+ .withCalls(
+ ...
+ pathCall("/custom/route", openapi)
+ )
+### 1.1.3 Service implementation
+Extend your service by the `OpenAPIServiceImpl` trait:
+class MyServiceImpl(override val config: Config)
+ extends MyService
+ with OpenAPIServiceImpl {
+ ...
+### 1.1.4 Conclusion
+Now you can run service and get OpenAPI specification by a sent HTTP request to the registered route. For example by default:
+curl "http://localhost:9000/_/openapi"
+## 1.2 Generate (Java DSL)
+### 1.2.1 Dependencies
+You need to add next dependencies to the _API_ module of Lagom service:
+ org.taymyr.lagom
+ lagom-openapi-java-api_${scala.binary.version}
+ ${lagom.openapi.version}
+ io.swagger.core.v3
+ swagger-annotations
+ 2.0.7
+val swaggerAnnotations = "io.swagger.core.v3" % "swagger-annotations" % "2.0.7"
+val lagomOpenapiApi = "org.taymyr.lagom" %% "lagom-openapi-java-api" % lagomOpenapiVersion
+lazy val `lagom-service-api` = (project in file("api"))
+ .settings(
+ libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
+ ...
+ swaggerAnnotations,
+ lagomOpenapiApi
+ )
+ )
+and next dependencies to the _Implementation_ module of Lagom service:
+ org.taymyr.lagom
+ lagom-openapi-java-impl_${scala.binary.version}
+ ${lagom.openapi.version}
+val lagomOpenapiImpl = "org.taymyr.lagom" %% "lagom-openapi-java-impl" % lagomOpenapiVersion
+lazy val `lagom-service-impl` = (project in file("impl"))
+ .enablePlugins(LagomScala)
+ .settings(
+ libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
+ ...
+ lagomOpenapiImpl
+ )
+ )
+### 1.2.2 Service Descriptor
+Necessarily add `OpenAPIDefinition` annotation to Lagom service descriptor and extend descriptor by `OpenAPIService` interface:
+ info = @Info(
+ version = "1.0.0",
+ title = "My Service"
+ ),
+ ...
+public interface MyService extends OpenAPIService {
+ ...
+Then you can use OpenAPI annotations for the methods of your service. For more information about annotations see the [official wiki](https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-core/wiki/Swagger-2.X---Annotations).
+ServiceCall<_, _> method();
+In conclusion, you must add the route for OpenAPI specification. You can do that with helper function `withOpenAPI` (default route is `/_/openapi`)
+default Descriptor descriptor() {
+ return withOpenAPI(
+ named("service")
+ ...
+ );
+or use a custom route
+default Descriptor descriptor() {
+ return named("service")
+ .withCalls(
+ ...
+ pathCall("/custom/route", this::openapi)
+ );
+### 1.2.3 Service implementation
+Extend your service by the abstract `AbstractOpenAPIService`:
+public class MyServiceImpl extends AbstractOpenAPIService implements MyService {
+ ...
+### 1.2.4 Conclusion
+Now you can run service and get OpenAPI specification by a sent HTTP request to the registered route. For example by default:
+curl "http://localhost:9000/_/openapi"
+## 2.1 Static (Scala DSL)
+### 2.1.1 Dependencies
+You need to add next dependencies to the _API_ module of Lagom service:
+val lagomOpenapiApi = "org.taymyr.lagom" %% "lagom-openapi-scala-api" % lagomOpenapiVersion
+lazy val `lagom-service-api` = (project in file("api"))
+ .settings(
+ libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
+ ...
+ lagomOpenapiApi
+ )
+ )
+and next dependencies to the _Implementation_ module of Lagom service:
+val lagomOpenapiImpl = "org.taymyr.lagom" %% "lagom-openapi-scala-impl" % lagomOpenapiVersion
+lazy val `lagom-service-impl` = (project in file("impl"))
+ .enablePlugins(LagomScala)
+ .settings(
+ libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
+ ...
+ lagomOpenapiImpl
+ )
+ )
+### 2.1.2 Service Descriptor
+Extend Lagom service descriptor by `OpenAPIService` trait:
+trait MyService extends OpenAPIService with Service {
+ ...
+Add OpenAPI/Swagger specification file to classpath (typically `src/main/resources` folder) of _API_ module. By default, the file should be named `.[yml|yaml|json]`.
+openapi: 3.0.0
+ title: My Service
+ version: 1.0.0
+ ...
+Also, you can change filename using `openapi.file` configuration in `application.conf`.
+openapi.file = foobar.yml
+In conclusion, you must add the route for OpenAPI specification. You can do that with helper function `withOpenAPI` (default route is `/_/openapi`)
+override def descriptor: Descriptor = withOpenAPI(
+ named("service")
+ ...
+or use a custom route
+override def descriptor: Descriptor = named("service")
+ .withCalls(
+ ...
+ pathCall("/custom/route", openapi)
+ )
+### 2.1.3 Service implementation
+Extend your service by the `OpenAPIServiceImpl` trait:
+class MyServiceImpl(override val config: Config)
+ extends MyService
+ with OpenAPIServiceImpl {
+ ...
+### 2.1.4 Conclusion
+Now you can run service and get OpenAPI specification by a sent HTTP request to the registered route. For example by default:
+curl "http://localhost:9000/_/openapi"
+## 2.2 Static (Java DSL)
+### 2.2.1 Dependencies
+You need to add next dependencies to the _API_ module of Lagom service:
+ org.taymyr.lagom
+ lagom-openapi-java-api_${scala.binary.version}
+ ${lagom.openapi.version}
+val lagomOpenapiApi = "org.taymyr.lagom" %% "lagom-openapi-java-api" % lagomOpenapiVersion
+lazy val `lagom-service-api` = (project in file("api"))
+ .settings(
+ libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
+ ...
+ lagomOpenapiApi
+ )
+ )
+and next dependencies to the _Implementation_ module of Lagom service:
+ org.taymyr.lagom
+ lagom-openapi-java-impl_${scala.binary.version}
+ ${lagom.openapi.version}
+val lagomOpenapiImpl = "org.taymyr.lagom" %% "lagom-openapi-java-impl" % lagomOpenapiVersion
+lazy val `lagom-service-impl` = (project in file("impl"))
+ .enablePlugins(LagomScala)
+ .settings(
+ libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
+ ...
+ lagomOpenapiImpl
+ )
+ )
+### 2.2.2 Service Descriptor
+Extend Lagom service descriptor by `OpenAPIService` interface:
+public interface MyService extends OpenAPIService {
+ ...
+Add OpenAPI/Swagger specification file to classpath (typically `src/main/resources` folder) of _API_ module. By default, the file should be named `.[yml|yaml|json]`.
+openapi: 3.0.0
+ title: My Service
+ version: 1.0.0
+ ...
+Also, you can change filename using `openapi.file` configuration in `application.conf`.
+openapi.file = foobar.yml
+In conclusion, you must add the route for OpenAPI specification. You can do that with helper function `withOpenAPI` (default route is `/_/openapi`)
+default Descriptor descriptor() {
+ return withOpenAPI(
+ named("service")
+ ...
+ );
+or use a custom route
+default Descriptor descriptor() {
+ return named("service")
+ .withCalls(
+ ...
+ pathCall("/custom/route", this::openapi)
+ );
+### 2.2.3 Service implementation
+Extend your service by the abstract `AbstractOpenAPIService`:
+public class MyServiceImpl extends AbstractOpenAPIService implements MyService {
+ ...
+### 2.2.4 Conclusion
+Now you can run service and get OpenAPI specification by a sent HTTP request to the registered route. For example by default:
+curl "http://localhost:9000/_/openapi"
## Contributions