- Server side webpages with handlebars
- Client side web components with handlebars
- App configuration with environment variables
- Customization of bootstrap
- Building sass into a single css file
- Building client side javascript into a single js file
- Pre compilation of client side handle bars during build step
- Caching all assets for one year
- Cache busting
- Build step that will prepare all files for production deployment including cache busting
- Client side dev server with client side script and css watching and auto updating to client
- Authentication
- Authorization with ACL for locking down all resources
- Pattern for MVC with express
- Pattern for initializing express
- Logging
- Error handling
- Cross request growl type messages
- Typeahead searching
- Ajax for live page changes
- Master page example
- Details page example
- Database changes with transactions
- Database level paging including paging with filtering