A minimal QueryOn demo using a PostgreSQL database, connecting with standard environment variables.
- build/install queryon:
mvn -f ../../pom.xml install -DskipTests
- build just qon-demo-pg:
mvn package
- PostgreSQL connection environment variables must be set to run qon-demo-pg:
PGHOST=<hostname> PGUSER=<username> PGPASSWORD=<password> PGDATABASE=<database> PGPORT=<port (default 5432)> QON_SCHEMAS="<schema names (comma separated, defaults to 'public, queryon')>" mvn jetty:run
Example: PGHOST=localhost PGUSER=postgres PGPASSWORD=s3cr3t PGDATABASE=classicmodels QON_SCHEMAS="public, queryon, classicmodels, test" mvn jetty:run
- navigate to http://localhost:8080
- building:
mvn -P thorntail package
OR (using hollow jar)
mvn -P thorntail package -Dthorntail.hollow=true
- running:
PGHOST=localhost PGUSER=postgres PGPASSWORD=s3cr3t PGDATABASE=classicmodels PGPORT=5432 java -Dqueryon.connpropprefix=queryon.pgsqlds -jar ./target/qon-demo-pg-thorntail.jar
OR (using hollow jar)
PGHOST=localhost PGUSER=postgres PGPASSWORD=s3cr3t PGDATABASE=classicmodels PGPORT=5432 java -Dqueryon.connpropprefix=queryon.pgsqlds -jar ./target/qon-demo-pg-hollow-thorntail.jar ./target/qon-demo-pg.war -s src/main/resources/project-defaults.yml
OR (using maven plugin)
PGHOST=localhost PGUSER=postgres PGPASSWORD=s3cr3t PGDATABASE=classicmodels PGPORT=5432 mvn -P thorntail thorntail:run
- navigate to http://localhost:8080/
- build image using WildFly (after building with maven)
docker build --tag=qon-pg .
- run container
docker run -p 8080:8080 -it \
-e PGHOST=<hostname> \
-e PGUSER=<username> \
-e PGPASSWORD=<password> \
-e PGDATABASE=<database> \
-e PGPORT=<port (default 5432)> \
-e QON_SCHEMAS="<schema names (comma separated)>" \
- open in browser: http://localhost:8080/qon-demo-pg/
- build image using Thorntail (after building with maven using hollow jar)
docker build -f thorntail.Dockerfile --tag=qon-pg-thorntail .
- run container
docker run -p 8080:8080 -it \
-e PGHOST=<hostname> \
-e PGUSER=<username> \
-e PGPASSWORD=<password> \
-e PGDATABASE=<database> \
-e PGPORT=<port> \
-e QON_SCHEMAS="<schema names (comma separated)>" \
- open in browser: http://localhost:8080/