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"characters": "\u2ACB\uFE00" }, + "⊊︀": { "codepoints": [8842, 65024], "characters": "\u228A\uFE00" }, + "⫌︀": { "codepoints": [10956, 65024], "characters": "\u2ACC\uFE00" }, + "⊋︀": { "codepoints": [8843, 65024], "characters": "\u228B\uFE00" }, + "⦚": { "codepoints": [10650], "characters": "\u299A" }, + "ŵ": { "codepoints": [373], "characters": "\u0175" }, + "⩟": { "codepoints": [10847], "characters": "\u2A5F" }, + "∧": { "codepoints": [8743], "characters": "\u2227" }, + "≙": { "codepoints": [8793], "characters": "\u2259" }, + "℘": { "codepoints": [8472], "characters": "\u2118" }, + "𝔴": { "codepoints": [120116], "characters": "\uD835\uDD34" }, + "𝕨": { "codepoints": [120168], "characters": "\uD835\uDD68" }, + "℘": { "codepoints": [8472], "characters": "\u2118" }, + "≀": { "codepoints": [8768], "characters": "\u2240" }, + "≀": { "codepoints": [8768], "characters": "\u2240" }, + "𝓌": { "codepoints": [120012], "characters": "\uD835\uDCCC" }, + "⋂": { "codepoints": [8898], "characters": "\u22C2" }, + "◯": { "codepoints": [9711], "characters": "\u25EF" }, + "⋃": { "codepoints": [8899], "characters": "\u22C3" }, + "▽": { "codepoints": [9661], "characters": "\u25BD" }, + "𝔵": { "codepoints": [120117], "characters": "\uD835\uDD35" }, + "⟺": { "codepoints": [10234], "characters": "\u27FA" }, + "⟷": { "codepoints": [10231], "characters": "\u27F7" }, + "ξ": { "codepoints": [958], "characters": "\u03BE" }, + "⟸": { "codepoints": [10232], "characters": "\u27F8" }, + "⟵": { "codepoints": [10229], "characters": "\u27F5" }, + "⟼": { "codepoints": [10236], "characters": "\u27FC" }, + "⋻": { "codepoints": [8955], "characters": "\u22FB" }, + "⨀": { "codepoints": [10752], "characters": "\u2A00" }, + "𝕩": { "codepoints": [120169], "characters": "\uD835\uDD69" }, + "⨁": { "codepoints": [10753], "characters": "\u2A01" }, + "⨂": { "codepoints": [10754], "characters": "\u2A02" }, + "⟹": { "codepoints": [10233], "characters": "\u27F9" }, + "⟶": { "codepoints": [10230], "characters": "\u27F6" }, + "𝓍": { "codepoints": [120013], "characters": "\uD835\uDCCD" }, + "⨆": { "codepoints": [10758], "characters": "\u2A06" }, + "⨄": { "codepoints": [10756], "characters": "\u2A04" }, + "△": { "codepoints": [9651], "characters": "\u25B3" }, + "⋁": { "codepoints": [8897], "characters": "\u22C1" }, + "⋀": { "codepoints": [8896], "characters": "\u22C0" }, + "ý": { "codepoints": [253], "characters": "\u00FD" }, + "ý": { "codepoints": [253], "characters": "\u00FD" }, + "я": { "codepoints": [1103], "characters": "\u044F" }, + "ŷ": { "codepoints": [375], "characters": "\u0177" }, + "ы": { "codepoints": [1099], "characters": "\u044B" }, + "¥": { "codepoints": [165], "characters": "\u00A5" }, + "¥": { "codepoints": [165], "characters": "\u00A5" }, + "𝔶": { "codepoints": [120118], "characters": "\uD835\uDD36" }, + "ї": { "codepoints": [1111], "characters": "\u0457" }, + "𝕪": { "codepoints": [120170], "characters": "\uD835\uDD6A" }, + "𝓎": { "codepoints": [120014], "characters": "\uD835\uDCCE" }, + "ю": { "codepoints": [1102], "characters": "\u044E" }, + "ÿ": { "codepoints": [255], "characters": "\u00FF" }, + "ÿ": { "codepoints": [255], "characters": "\u00FF" }, + "ź": { "codepoints": [378], "characters": "\u017A" }, + "ž": { "codepoints": [382], "characters": "\u017E" }, + "з": { "codepoints": [1079], "characters": "\u0437" }, + "ż": { "codepoints": [380], "characters": "\u017C" }, + "ℨ": { "codepoints": [8488], "characters": "\u2128" }, + "ζ": { "codepoints": [950], "characters": "\u03B6" }, + "𝔷": { "codepoints": [120119], "characters": "\uD835\uDD37" }, + "ж": { "codepoints": [1078], "characters": "\u0436" }, + "⇝": { "codepoints": [8669], "characters": "\u21DD" }, + "𝕫": { "codepoints": [120171], "characters": "\uD835\uDD6B" }, + "𝓏": { "codepoints": [120015], "characters": "\uD835\uDCCF" }, + "‍": { "codepoints": [8205], "characters": "\u200D" }, + "‌": { "codepoints": [8204], "characters": "\u200C" } +} diff --git a/filter-entities.js b/filter-entities.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0ae03622 --- /dev/null +++ b/filter-entities.js @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +'use strict'; + +// entities.json is from +// which is built by +// this processes it into a form more useful for us +// no new entities will be added, so the output of this file is committed +// rather than running it every time + +let fs = require('fs'); +let entities = require('./entities.json'); + +let transformed = Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(entities).map(([k, v]) => { + // whitespace, default-ignorable, combining characters, control characters + if (v.characters === '&' || v.characters === '<' || /\p{White_Space}|\p{DI}|\p{gc=M}|\p{gc=C}/u.test(v.characters)) { + return [k, null]; + } + return [k, v.characters]; +})); +fs.writeFileSync('./entities-processed.json', JSON.stringify(transformed), 'utf8'); diff --git a/package.json b/package.json index 35c1ffb5..b2e2bbf5 100644 --- a/package.json +++ b/package.json @@ -27,7 +27,8 @@ "/lib", "/js", "/css", - "/boilerplate" + "/boilerplate", + "/entities-processed.json" ], "repository": "tc39/ecmarkup", "keywords": [ diff --git a/src/formatter/text.ts b/src/formatter/text.ts index 21b4ee99..27b972d6 100644 --- a/src/formatter/text.ts +++ b/src/formatter/text.ts @@ -1,10 +1,22 @@ import { LineBuilder } from './line-builder'; +const entities = require('../../entities-processed.json'); export function printText(text: string, indent: number): LineBuilder { const output: LineBuilder = new LineBuilder(indent); if (text === '') { return output; } + text = text.replace(/&[a-zA-Z0-9]+;?/g, m => { + // entities[m] is null if the entity expands to '&', '<', or a string which has blank/control/etc characters + if ({}, m) && entities[m] !== null) { + return entities[m]; + } + const lower = m.toLowerCase(); + if (lower === '≤' || lower === '&') { + return lower; + } + return m; + }); const leadingSpace = text[0] === ' ' || text[0] === '\t'; const trailingSpace = text[text.length - 1] === ' ' || text[text.length - 1] === '\t'; diff --git a/test/formatter.js b/test/formatter.js index af1134f5..5d90d26c 100644 --- a/test/formatter.js +++ b/test/formatter.js @@ -546,32 +546,32 @@ describe('equation formatting', () => { ` DaysInYear(_y_) - = *365*𝔽 if (ℝ(_y_) modulo 4) ≠ 0 - = *366*𝔽 if (ℝ(_y_) modulo 4) = 0 and (ℝ(_y_) modulo 100) ≠ 0 - = *365*𝔽 if (ℝ(_y_) modulo 100) = 0 and (ℝ(_y_) modulo 400) ≠ 0 + = *365*𝔽 if (ℝ(_y_) modulo 4) ≠ 0 + = *366*𝔽 if (ℝ(_y_) modulo 4) = 0 and (ℝ(_y_) modulo 100) ≠ 0 + = *365*𝔽 if (ℝ(_y_) modulo 100) = 0 and (ℝ(_y_) modulo 400) ≠ 0 = *366*𝔽 if (ℝ(_y_) modulo 400) = 0 DaysInYear(_y_) - = *365*𝔽 if (ℝ(_y_) modulo 4) ≠ 0 - = *366*𝔽 if (ℝ(_y_) modulo 4) = 0 and (ℝ(_y_) modulo 100) ≠ 0 - = *365*𝔽 if (ℝ(_y_) modulo 100) = 0 and (ℝ(_y_) modulo 400) ≠ 0 + = *365*𝔽 if (ℝ(_y_) modulo 4) ≠ 0 + = *366*𝔽 if (ℝ(_y_) modulo 4) = 0 and (ℝ(_y_) modulo 100) ≠ 0 + = *365*𝔽 if (ℝ(_y_) modulo 100) = 0 and (ℝ(_y_) modulo 400) ≠ 0 = *366*𝔽 if (ℝ(_y_) modulo 400) = 0 `, dedentKeepingTrailingNewline` DaysInYear(_y_) - = *365*𝔽 if (ℝ(_y_) modulo 4) ≠ 0 - = *366*𝔽 if (ℝ(_y_) modulo 4) = 0 and (ℝ(_y_) modulo 100) ≠ 0 - = *365*𝔽 if (ℝ(_y_) modulo 100) = 0 and (ℝ(_y_) modulo 400) ≠ 0 + = *365*𝔽 if (ℝ(_y_) modulo 4) ≠ 0 + = *366*𝔽 if (ℝ(_y_) modulo 4) = 0 and (ℝ(_y_) modulo 100) ≠ 0 + = *365*𝔽 if (ℝ(_y_) modulo 100) = 0 and (ℝ(_y_) modulo 400) ≠ 0 = *366*𝔽 if (ℝ(_y_) modulo 400) = 0 DaysInYear(_y_) - = *365*𝔽 if (ℝ(_y_) modulo 4) ≠ 0 - = *366*𝔽 if (ℝ(_y_) modulo 4) = 0 and (ℝ(_y_) modulo 100) ≠ 0 - = *365*𝔽 if (ℝ(_y_) modulo 100) = 0 and (ℝ(_y_) modulo 400) ≠ 0 + = *365*𝔽 if (ℝ(_y_) modulo 4) ≠ 0 + = *366*𝔽 if (ℝ(_y_) modulo 4) = 0 and (ℝ(_y_) modulo 100) ≠ 0 + = *365*𝔽 if (ℝ(_y_) modulo 100) = 0 and (ℝ(_y_) modulo 400) ≠ 0 = *366*𝔽 if (ℝ(_y_) modulo 400) = 0 ` @@ -652,6 +652,31 @@ describe('structured header formatting', () => { }); }); +describe('entities', () => { + it('entities are transformed or not as appropriate', async () => { + await assertDocFormatsAs( + ` +
+ some entities are transformed: & ½ ½ fj ⅅ + others are preserved: & <     &NotAnEntity; +
+ + 1. This also works in algorithms, as in « 0, 1 ». + + `, + dedentKeepingTrailingNewline` +
+ some entities are transformed: & ½ ½ fj ⅅ + others are preserved: & <     &NotAnEntity; +
+ + 1. This also works in algorithms, as in « 0, 1 ». + + ` + ); + }); +}); + async function assertRoundTrips(src) { await assertDocFormatsAs(src, src); }