First download the latest release from GitHub then adjust appsettings.json. Then update your connection string in the client application. At the end make sure that all prerequisites are met and start the emulator.
Note that the SharedAccess values must be exactly as specified as this is currently hardcoded in the emulator.
Redirect your hostname to the host you have specified in the connection string
Generate a server certificate to match your desired connection string hostname. Afterwards import to your users local certificate store or save on disk as pfx.
Install or locate already existing server
Add following section to appsettings.json and make sure it is correct :)
"Emulator": {
"ServerCertificatePath": "/app/cert.pfx",
"ServerCertificatePassword": "password",
"Port": 5671,
"RabbitMq": {
"Username": "user",
"Password": "password",
"Host": "localhost",
"Port": 5672