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341 lines (295 loc) · 9.5 KB

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341 lines (295 loc) · 9.5 KB

Flash the base SnapDragon Flight (SDF)

  • Request access to snapdragon_flight_setup folder (contains platform BSP, firmware, etc)
  • Apply wall power to vehicle.
  • Connect Micro-USB 2.0 cable to SDF to use as the Android Debug Bridge (ADB).
  • Confirm blue "breathing" LED on SDF.

On your laptop add correct rules to /etc/udev/rules.d by creating a file, e.g. /etc/udev/rules.d/98-flight-pro.rules, with the following lines:

SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="05c6", MODE="0666", GROUP="plugdev"
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="18d1", MODE="0666", GROUP="plugdev"

Restart udev and install platform BSP

sudo udevadm control --reload-rules && udevadm trigger
sudo apt install zip unzip default-jdk android-tools-adb
cd snapdragon_flight_setup
cd Flight_3.1.3_JFlash
cd ..
  • After flashing is complete: SDF led will begin pulsing green. Wait until SDF led is pulsing blue before continuing
  • If led is not pulsing blue (likely green), power cycle the vehicle. Disconnect both usb and power. First plug in the power and then the micro usb.

DSP firmware

cd Flight_3.1.3.1_qcom_flight_controller_hexagon_sdk_add_on
  • If the above fails, run ./ again

Copy snav_setup & snav_debs folder onto the board

adb push snav_setup /home/linaro/snav_setup
adb push snav_debs /home/linaro/snav_debs

Setup Networking

  • vehicle id is represented by "$1"...replace all "$1" text with actual vehicle id
adb shell
export HOME=/home/linaro/
sudo hostname dragonfly$1
vi /etc/hostname
  • replace 'linaro-developer' with: dragonfly$1

Update dpkg

cd ~/snav_debs
sudo dpkg -i dpkg_1.17.5ubuntu5.8_armhf.deb

Steps for using Ubiquiti Bullet router which resolves hostname to IPs

cd ~/snav_setup
cp interfaces-mast /etc/network/interfaces
cp wpa_supplicant.conf-mast /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
/usr/local/qr-linux/ -s station
echo "wireless-power off" >> /etc/network/interfaces.d/.qca6234.cfg.station
sudo halt
  • make sure to unplug both power and adb line
  • some bullet routers are set with mac filtering. ask admin to add the mac address to bullet router settings

Check SSH

  • unpower the vehicle and remove ADB cable
  • repower the vehicle
  • (password: linaro)
ssh linaro@dragonfly$1
  • If ssh fails, likely the hostname is not resolving.
  • Only for 18.04 (on laptop)
sudo ln -sf /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf

Another issue with ssh ssh Connection closed by port 22

adb shell
ssh-keygen -t dsa -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key
ssh-keygen -t rsa -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key

Set the vehicle in performance mode (enables 2 additional cores)

sudo chown -R linaro:linaro ~/snav_setup
cd ~/snav_setup
chmod +x
sudo ./
  • ignore "Invalid argument" write error

Install machine vision, snav, snav-esc

cd ~/snav_debs
sudo dpkg -i mv_1.1.9_8x74.deb
sudo dpkg -i snav_1.2.59_8x74.deb
sudo dpkg -i snav-esc_1.2.0.deb

Install Qualcomm license

cd ~/snav_setup
sudo mkdir -p /opt/qcom-licenses/
sudo cp snapdragon-flight-license.bin /opt/qcom-licenses/
  • Power the board through ESC (likely needs a battery) Flash the ESC
sudo cp flash_esc_firmware.xml /usr/share/data/adsp/snav_params.xml
sudo stop snav
sudo snav
  • Once the ESC flash is complete, the low power warning (fast double beeps) will start. Then type - Ctrl+C

For DragonDDK vehicle

sudo cp snav_params_ddk.xml /usr/share/data/adsp/snav_params.xml

For dragonfly (230) vehicle

sudo cp snav_params_230.xml /usr/share/data/adsp/snav_params.xml

For tiercel vehicle

sudo cp snav_params_tiercel.xml /usr/share/data/adsp/snav_params.xml

Following enables Snapdragon VIO app with downward facing camera. Without the downward flag, downward camera mounted with 45 deg tilt is used.

cd /etc/snav
sudo ./ -c downward
sudo stop snav
sudo start snav
sudo snav_calibration_manager -s
  • Above command does a static IMU calibration
  • Update vehicle specific parameters...vehicle length dx, dy, basethrust in /usr/share/data/adsp/snav_params.xml
  • Vehicle should be flyable with RC at this point

If needed perform dynamic calibration with props mounted.

sudo snav_calibration_manager -d
  • Warning!! Vehicle will automatically takeoff and land after few mins. Make sure you have copied the correct snav_params files.

Disable snav apps (snav_dft, snav_dft_vio, snav_dft_vio_apriltag, snav_voa). This allows external ROS interfaces we use to have acess to the camera/imu. (Note, dynamic calibration won't work after these apps are disabled)

cd /etc/snav
sudo ./

Update package listing

  • This step assumes the vehicle has an internet connection!!!
sudo apt-get update
  • If you get a NO_PUBKEY error with a alphanumeric key, run:
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys <key>

Install ROS

  • This step assumes the vehicle has an internet connection!!!
cd ~/snav_setup
chmod +x
./ $1

Copy config files

ssh linaro@dragonfly$1
cd ~/snav_setup
cp _tmux1.8.conf ~/.tmux.conf
cp _bash_aliases ~/.bash_aliases
cp _vimrc ~/.vimrc
  • basic installation complete

Create ros workspace (Make sure you are not sudo)

source ~/.bashrc
mkdir -p ~/ws_ros/src
cd ~/ws_ros
catkin init
catkin config -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -j3
catkin build
echo "source /home/linaro/ws_ros/devel/setup.bash" >> /home/linaro/.bashrc

Clone ATLFlight repos

mkdir -p ~/ws_ros/src/snap
cd ~/ws_ros/src/snap
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone -b fix/publish_rate
cd ~/ws_ros/src/snap/snap_cam_ros
git submodule update --init
cd ~/ws_ros/src/snap/snav_ros
git submodule update --init

Clone opencv/image_transport repos

  • Clone and select correct branch (currently Indigo if available).
cd ~/ws_ros/src
git clone -b indigo
git clone -b indigo-devel
git clone -b hydro-devel

Clone KumarRobotics repos

git clone
cd ~/ws_ros/src/quadrotor_control
git submodule update --init

Clone vio_qc packages. If you dont have git access skip to next step

cd ~/ws_ros/src
git clone -b version_12

Copy into ~/ws_ros/src folder and unzip.

  • For example, from your laptop copy over the file.
scp linaro@dragonfly$1:~/ws_ros/src/
  • Then from the device unzip and clean up.

Clone launch files repo

cd ~/ws_ros/src
git clone

Assign swap space.

  • If you compiling large templated libraries, sometimes the board will run out of memory.
  • Use following command to assign swap space to be used as virtual memory
sudo fallocate -l 1G /mnt/1GB.swap
sudo chmod 600 /mnt/1GB.swap
sudo mkswap /mnt/1GB.swap
sudo swapon /mnt/1GB.swap
# TO Make swap permanent
sudo cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.bak
echo '/mnt/1GB.swap none swap sw 0 0' | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab

Compile ROS Packages

  • Run a fan while compiling (onboard or offboard) to avoid damaging the board.
cd ~/ws_ros
catkin build -c
  • Grab a cup of coffee; this will take about 40 minutes.

Setup Camera IDs

echo "export HIRES_CAM_ID=0" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export TRACKING_CAM_ID=1" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export STEREO_CAM_ID=3" >> ~/.bashrc

Setup MAV properties type, mass and board_type

  • MAV_TYPE can be 230, ddk or tiercel based on the frame.
  • Set MAV_MASS=0.24 for dragonfly(230) platform, MAV_MASS=0.45 for ddk platform, MAV_MASS=0.191 for Tiercel.
  • Tray type can be sdf_tray, sdf_tray_45, sdf_pro

For dragonfly

echo "export MAV_TYPE=230" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export MAV_MASS=0.245" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export MAV_BOARD=sdf_tray" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export IMU_1_USED=false" >> ~/.bashrc

For ddk

echo "export MAV_TYPE=ddk" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export MAV_MASS=0.45" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export MAV_BOARD=sdf_tray" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export IMU_1_USED=false" >> ~/.bashrc

For Tiercel

echo "export MAV_TYPE=tiercel" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export MAV_MASS=0.191" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export MAV_BOARD=sdf_tray" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export IMU_1_USED=false" >> ~/.bashrc

Internal VIO and other apps have to be disabled to allow access to camera/imu.

cd /etc/snav
sudo ./

Always stop/start Snapdragon Navigator snav before starting a new flight. There is a bash alias restart_snav that combines the two commands. This command also attempts to start any other processes that are configured to autostart.


Use helper tmux scripts to launch necessary launch files. Create symbolic links in home folder

cd ~/
ln -s ws_ros/src/snavquad_interface/scripts/