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File metadata and controls

519 lines (437 loc) · 30.8 KB


User need to add below dependency to the build.sbt file:

ThisBuild / resolvers += "Github Repo" at ""

ThisBuild / credentials += Credentials(
  "GitHub Package Registry",

ThisBuild / libraryDependencies += "" %% "writer-aws" % "2.0.0"

Make sure you add GITHUB_USERNAME and GITHUB_TOKEN to the environment variables.

GITHUB_TOKEN is the Personal Access Token with the permission to read packages.


User can use this library to write/persist spark dataframe to s3 buckets in various file formats.


The library provides below write API in type class DataFrameToS3BucketWriter in order to write spark dataframe into S3 bucket.

def write(
           dataFrame: DataFrame,
           fileFormat: T,
           bucketName: String,
           path: String,
           saveMode: SaveMode = SaveMode.Overwrite
         ): Unit

The write method takes below arguments:

Argument Name Mandatory Default Value Description
dataFrame Yes - Dataframe to write to s3 bucket.
fileFormat Yes - FileFormat to use while writing to s3 bucket.
bucketName Yes - S3 bucket name.
path Yes - S3 path to write the dataframe.
saveMode No overwrite Save mode to use while writing to s3 bucket.

Supported file formats are:

  • CSV
  • JSON
  • XML
  • Parquet


Suppose user wants to write the dataframe df to s3 bucket mybucket under the path outputPath in the csv format. Then user need to perform below steps:

1. Import type class


2. Import type class instance


3. Define file format


val csvFileFormat = CSVFileFormat(
  header = false

User can provide below options to the CSVFileFormat instance:

Parameter Name Default Value Description
charToEscapeQuoteEscaping \ Sets a single character used for escaping the escape for the quote character.
compression none Compression codec to use when saving to file. This can be one of the known case-insensitive shorten names (none, bzip2, gzip, lz4, snappy and deflate).
dateFormat yyyy-MM-dd Sets the string that indicates a date format.
emptyValue "" (empty string) Sets the string representation of an empty value.
encoding UTF-8 Specifies encoding (charset) of saved CSV files.
escape \ Sets a single character used for escaping quotes inside an already quoted value.
escapeQuotes true A flag indicating whether values containing quotes should always be enclosed in quotes. Default is to escape all values containing a quote character.
header true Boolean flag to tell whether csv text contains header names or not.
ignoreLeadingWhiteSpace false A flag indicating whether or not leading whitespaces from values being written should be skipped.
ignoreTrailingWhiteSpace false A flag indicating whether or not trailing whitespaces from values being written should be skipped.
lineSep \n Defines the line separator that should be used for writing. Maximum length is 1 character.
nullValue null Sets the string representation of a null value.
quote " Sets a single character used for escaping quoted values where the separator can be part of the value.
For writing, if an empty string is set, it uses u0000 (null character).
quoteAll false A flag indicating whether all values should always be enclosed in quotes. Default is to only escape values containing a quote character.
sep , Delimiter by which fields in a row are separated in a csv text.
timestampFormat yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Sets the string that indicates a timestamp format.
timestampNTZFormat yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss[.SSS] Sets the string that indicates a timestamp without timezone format.

4. Call API

    dataFrame = df,
    fileFormat = csvFileFormat,
    bucketName = mybucket,
    path = outputPath


Suppose user wants to write the dataframe df to the s3 bucket myBucket under the path outputPath in the json format. Then user need to perform below steps:

1. Import type class


2. Import type class instance


3. Define file format


val jsonFileFormat = JSONFileFormat(
  ignoreNullFields = true

User can provide below options to the JSONFileFormat instance:

Parameter Name Default Value Description
compression none Compression codec to use when saving to file. This can be one of the known case-insensitive shorten names (none, bzip2, gzip, lz4, snappy and deflate).
dateFormat yyyy-MM-dd Sets the string that indicates a date format.
encoding UTF-8 Specifies encoding (charset) of saved CSV files.
ignoreNullFields false Whether to ignore null fields when generating JSON objects.
lineSep \n Defines the line separator that should be used for writing. Maximum length is 1 character.
timestampFormat yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Sets the string that indicates a timestamp format.
timestampNTZFormat yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss[.SSS] Sets the string that indicates a timestamp without timezone format.
timezone UTC Sets the string that indicates a time zone ID to be used to format timestamps in the JSON datasources or partition values.

4. Call API

    dataFrame = df,
    fileFormat = jsonFileFormat,
    bucketName = myBucket,
    path = outputPath


Suppose user wants to write the dataframe df to s3 bucket myBucket under the path outputPath in the xml format. Then user need to perform below steps:

1. Import type class


2. Import type class instance


3. Define file format


val xmlFileFormat = XMLFileFormat(
  attributePrefix = "attr_"

User can provide below options to the XMLFileFormat instance:

Parameter Name Default Value Description
arrayElementName item Name of XML element that encloses each element of an array-valued column when writing.
attributePrefix _ The prefix for attributes so that we can differentiating attributes and elements. This will be the prefix for field names.
compression None Compression codec to use when saving to file.
Should be the fully qualified name of a class implementing or one of case-insensitive shorten names (bzip2, gzip, lz4, and snappy).
Defaults to no compression when a codec is not specified.
dateFormat yyyy-MM-dd Controls the format used to write DateType format columns.
declaration version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" Content of XML declaration to write at the start of every output XML file, before the rootTag. Set to empty string to suppress.
nullValue null The value to write null value. Default is string null. When this is null, it does not write attributes and elements for fields.
rootTag rows The root tag of your xml files to treat as the root. It can include basic attributes by specifying a value like books foo="bar".
rowTag row The row tag of your xml files to treat as a row.
timestampFormat yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss[.SSS][XXX] Controls the format used to write TimestampType format columns.
valueTag _VALUE The tag used for the value when there are attributes in the element having no child.

4. Call API

    dataFrame = df,
    fileFormat = xmlFileFormat,
    bucketName = myBucket,
    path = outputPath


Suppose user wants to write the dataframe df to s3 bucket myBucket under the path outputPath in the parquet format. Then user need to perform below steps:

1. Import type class


2. Import type class instance


3. Define file format


val parquetFileFormat = ParquetFileFormat()

User can provide below options to the ParquetFileFormat instance:

Parameter Name Default Value Description
datetimeRebaseMode EXCEPTION The datetimeRebaseMode option allows to specify the rebasing mode for the values of the DATE, TIMESTAMP_MILLIS, TIMESTAMP_MICROS logical types from the Julian to Proleptic Gregorian calendar.
Currently supported modes are:
EXCEPTION: fails in reads of ancient dates/timestamps that are ambiguous between the two calendars.
CORRECTED: loads dates/timestamps without rebasing.
LEGACY: performs rebasing of ancient dates/timestamps from the Julian to Proleptic Gregorian calendar.
int96RebaseMode EXCEPTION The int96RebaseMode option allows to specify the rebasing mode for INT96 timestamps from the Julian to Proleptic Gregorian calendar. Currently supported modes are:
EXCEPTION: fails in reads of ancient INT96 timestamps that are ambiguous between the two calendars.
CORRECTED: loads INT96 timestamps without rebasing.
LEGACY: performs rebasing of ancient timestamps from the Julian to Proleptic Gregorian calendar.
mergeSchema false Sets whether we should merge schemas collected from all Parquet part-files.
compression snappy Compression codec to use when saving to file. This can be one of the known case-insensitive shorten names (none, uncompressed, snappy, gzip, lzo, brotli, lz4, and zstd).

4. Call API

    dataFrame = df,
    fileFormat = parquetFileFormat,
    bucketName = myBucket,
    path = outputPath


User can use this library to write/persist spark dataframe to redshift tables.

User need to perform below steps in order to write the dataframe to redshift table:

1. Import necessary classes


2. Call the write API

val redshiftWriterOptions = RedshiftWriterOptions(
  tempDirRegion = Some("ca-central-1"),
  iamRoleARN = Some("arn:aws:iam::283220348991:role/service-role/AmazonRedshift-CommandsAccessRole-20231115T135908")

    dataFrame = df,
    hostName = "my-host",
    port = 5439,
    databaseName = "dev",
    tableName = "my_redshift_table",
    userName = "testuser",
    password = "testpassword",
    tempDirS3Path = "s3a://my-tmp-redshift-bucket/redshift-tmp-dir/",
    writerOptions = redshiftWriterOptions

User need to provide below arguments to the write API:

Argument Name Mandatory Default Value Description
dataFrame Yes - Dataframe to write to redshift table.
hostName Yes - Redshift host name.
port No 5439 Redshift port.
databaseName No dev Redshift database name.
tableName Yes - Redshift table name.
userName Yes - Redshift user name.
password Yes - Redshift password.
tempDirS3Path Yes - S3 path to store temporary files.
writerOptions No Default instance of
with default values
Redshift writer options represented by RedshiftWriterOptions.
saveMode No overwrite Save mode to use while writing to redshift table.

User can pass below options to the RedshiftWriterOptions instance:

Parameter Name Mandatory Default value Description
tempDirRegion No -

AWS region where tempdir is located. Setting this option will improve connector performance for interactions with tempdir as well as automatically supply this value as part of COPY and UNLOAD operations during connector writes and reads. If the region is not specified, the connector will attempt to use the Default Credential Provider Chain for resolving where the tempdir region is located. In some cases, such as when the connector is being used outside of an AWS environment, this resolution will fail. Therefore, this setting is highly recommended in the following situations:

  1. When the connector is running outside of AWS as automatic region discovery will fail and negatively affect connector performance.
  2. When tempdir is in a different region than the Redshift cluster as using this setting alleviates the need to supply the region manually using the extracopyoptions and extraunloadoptions parameters.
  3. When the connector is running in a different region than tempdir as it improves the connector's access performance of tempdir.
iamRoleARN Only if using IAM roles to authorize Redshift COPY/UNLOAD operations - Fully specified ARN of the IAM Role attached to the Redshift cluster, ex: arn:aws:iam::123456789000:role/redshift_iam_role
forwardSparkS3Credentials No false If true then this library will automatically discover the credentials that Spark is using to connect to S3 and will forward those credentials to Redshift over JDBC. These credentials are sent as part of the JDBC query, so it is strongly recommended to enable SSL encryption of the JDBC connection when using this option.
jdbcDriver No Determined by the JDBC URL's subprotocol The class name of the JDBC driver to use. This class must be on the classpath. In most cases, it should not be necessary to specify this option, as the appropriate driver classname should automatically be determined by the JDBC URL's subprotocol.
distStyle No EVEN The Redshift Distribution Style to be used when creating a table. Can be one of EVEN, KEY or ALL (see Redshift docs). When using KEY, you must also set a distribution key with the distkey option.
distKey No, unless using DISTSTYLE KEY - The name of a column in the table to use as the distribution key when creating a table.
sortKeySpec No -

A full Redshift Sort Key definition.

Examples include:

  • SORTKEY(my_sort_column)
  • COMPOUND SORTKEY(sort_col_1, sort_col_2)
  • INTERLEAVED SORTKEY(sort_col_1, sort_col_2)
includeColumnList No false If true then this library will automatically extract the columns from the schema and add them to the COPY command according to the Column List docs. (e.g. `COPY "PUBLIC"."tablename" ("column1" [,"column2", ...])`).
description No -

A description for the table. Will be set using the SQL COMMENT command, and should show up in most query tools. See also the description metadata to set descriptions on individual columns.

preActions No -

This can be a list of SQL commands to be executed before loading COPY command. It may be useful to have some DELETE commands or similar run here before loading new data. If the command contains %s, the table name will be formatted in before execution (in case you're using a staging table).

Be warned that if this commands fail, it is treated as an error, and you'll get an exception. If using a staging table, the changes will be reverted and the backup table restored if pre actions fail.

postActions No No default

This can be a list of SQL commands to be executed after a successful COPY when loading data. It may be useful to have some GRANT commands or similar run here when loading new data. If the command contains %s, the table name will be formatted in before execution (in case you're using a staging table).

Be warned that if this commands fail, it is treated as an error and you'll get an exception. If using a staging table, the changes will be reverted and the backup table restored if post actions fail.

extraCopyOptions No No default

A list extra options to append to the Redshift COPY command when loading data, e.g. TRUNCATECOLUMNS or MAXERROR n (see the Redshift docs for other options).

Note that since these options are appended to the end of the COPY command, only options that make sense at the end of the command can be used, but that should cover most possible use cases.

tempFormat No AVRO

The format in which to save temporary files in S3 when writing to Redshift. Defaults to "AVRO"; the other allowed values are "CSV", "CSV GZIP", and "PARQUET" for CSV, gzipped CSV, and parquet, respectively.

Redshift is significantly faster when loading CSV than when loading Avro files, so using that tempformat may provide a large performance boost when writing to Redshift.

Parquet should not be used as the tempformat when using an S3 bucket (tempdir) in a region that is different from the region where the redshift cluster you are writing to resides. This is because cross-region copies are not supported in redshift when using parquet as the format.

csvNullString No @NULL@

The String value to write for nulls when using the CSV tempformat. This should be a value which does not appear in your actual data.

autoPushDown No True

Apply predicate and query pushdown by capturing and analyzing the Spark logical plans for SQL operations. The operations are translated into a SQL query and then executed in Redshift to improve performance.

Once autopushdown is enabled, it is enabled for all the Redshift tables in the same Spark session.

autoPushDownS3ResultCache No False Cache the query SQL to unload data S3 path mapping in memory so that the same query don't need to execute again in the same Spark session.
copyRetryCount No 2 Number of times to retry a copy operation including dropping and creating any required table before failing.
jdbcOptions No - Additional map of parameters to pass to the underlying JDBC driver where the wildcard is the name of the JDBC parameter (e.g., jdbc.ssl). Note that the jdbc prefix will be stripped off before passing to the JDBC driver. A complete list of possible options for the Redshift JDBC driver may be seen in the Redshift docs.