Repo that contains scripts to automate various infrastructure activities like developer workstation setup and configuration.
User workstations can be set up with the required development tools by running the following command in a terminal. Needs to be run by a user with sudo access. Script is tested to work on Ubuntu 18.04, 16.04 although it might work with newer versions too.
sudo mkdir -p /tmp/ansible-ttpl-it-automation && sudo wget -q "" -O /tmp/ansible-ttpl-it-automation/ && sudo chmod +x /tmp/ansible-ttpl-it-automation/ && sudo /tmp/ansible-ttpl-it-automation/
The script will set up all the tools defined in the environment-setup.yml
file and also set up vhosts, each for each php version
- Accessing sites locally
- To access the PHP5 localhost, navigate to https://machineusername-php5.local/ Eg: https://ttpl21-php5.local/
- To access the PHP7 localhost, navigate to http://machineusername-php7.local/ Eg: http://ttpl21-php7.local/
- To access the PHP7.1 localhost, navigate to http://machineusername-php71.local/ Eg: http://ttpl21-php71.local/
- To access the PHP7.2 localhost, navigate to http://machineusername-php72.local/ Eg: http://ttpl21-php72.local/
- To access the PHP7.3 localhost, navigate to http://machineusername-php73.local/ Eg: http://ttpl21-php73.local/
- To access the PHP7.4 localhost, navigate to http://machineusername-php74.local/ Eg: http://ttpl21-php74.local/
- To access the PHP8 localhost, navigate to http://machineusername-php8.local/ Eg: http://ttpl21-php8.local/
- To access the PHP8.1 localhost, navigate to http://machineusername-php81.local/ Eg: http://ttpl21-php81.local/
- To access the PHP8.2 localhost, navigate to http://machineusername-php82.local/ Eg: http://ttpl21-php82.local/
- To access the PHP8.3 localhost, navigate to http://machineusername-php83.local/ Eg: http://ttpl21-php83.local/
- The files for these are present at /var/www/{machineusername}-{php-version}.local/public
- Accessing database
- Adminer is installed for all vhosts at /var/www/ttpl21-{php-version}.local/public/adminer
- Can be accessed as http://{machineusername}-{php-version}.local/adminer
- If PHPMyAdmin / Adminer is not installed, so you can download Adminer ( and place the file anywhere in your local
- Run command
sudo nginx -t
- If command shows error related to SSL certifcates not found for php5 sites, run below command (replace {machineusername} with your username)
sudo openssl req -new -nodes -x509 -subj "/C=IN/ST=Maharashtra/L=Pune/O=Chacha Chaudhary and Co./CN={machineusername}-php5.local" -days 3650 -keyout /etc/nginx/ssl/{machineusername}-php5.local.key -out /etc/nginx/ssl/{machineusername}-php5.local.crt
- Then run command
sudo service nginx restart
- Then retry installation