You can import the library and use it with Typescript:
import HyperHTMLElement from "hyperhtml-element";
class MySimpleElement extends HyperHTMLElement {
render() {
this.html`Hello from my-simple-element!`
You can also define the type of the state using an interface, for have a better auto-complete in your editor. You should also define the observedAttributes that are automaticaly mapped as class attributes. Here's a more complex example:
import HyperHTMLElement from "hyperhtml-element";
interface MyCustomElementState {
counter: number;
name: string;
class MyCustomElement extends HyperHTMLElement<MyCustomElementState> {
// Observed attributes are mapped to class attributes, converted from kebab-case to camelCase
// They should be declared for later use and declared as optional since the user is not forced to use them
name?: string;
static get observedAttributes() {
return ['name'];
attributeChangedCallback(attrName: string, prev: string, curr: string) {
if (attrName === 'name') {
this.setState({name: curr});
get defaultState() {
return {
counter: 0,
name: || ''
created() {
oninput(e: KeyboardEvent) {
const value = ( as HTMLInputElement).value;
this.setState({name: value});
handleIncrement(e: Event) {
this.setState({counter: ++this.state.counter});
handleDecrement(e: Event) {
this.setState({counter: --this.state.counter});
render() {
<strong>Owner:</strong> ${}<br />
<strong>Counter:</strong> ${this.state.counter}<br />
<button onclick=${this.handleIncrement}>+</button> <button onclick=${this.handleDecrement}>-</button>
${this.state.counter < 0 ?
HyperHTMLElement.wire()`<div style=${{color: 'red'}}>Warning: negative counter!</div>`
: ''}
<br /><br />
Change Owner name: <input value=${} oninput=${this} />