GalleXy is a gallery of projects completed for various TechX evenets. This documentation is designed to provide some insight into how GalleXy works.
The Repo is separated into two components, a client and a server. The client composes all the client side JavaScript, CSS and templates for pages that are served by the server.
The server is broken up into several parts:
- These scripts perform various operations that are not related to routing, but are called by the router to perform various actions like sending emails, adding users to the DB, etc.
- These are schemas for the various objects stored in the DB. We are using a MongoDB as our DB, as it maps well to JavaScript. The models include projects and users.
- This folder contains all the routers that serve pages. These routers include:
- '/api' - serves requests to the GalleXy API.
- '/auth' - serves pages that authenticate users.
- '/' (INDEX) - main router, serves the main page, all other routers are relative to this one.
- '/project' - serves project pages. This is what most of the users will be looking for.
- '/user' - serves user pages. These are pages with information about users, and where users can manage their projects.
- This folder contains all the routers that serve pages. These routers include:
- Ensure that you have
installed.- On debian based Linux, this is as simple as
$ sudo apt-get install nodejs npm mongodb
- On debian based Linux, this is as simple as
- Make sure to have cloned the repo:
$ git clone
for SSH users or$ git clone
- Navigate to the directory in which you have cloned the repository. Once you're there, you will want to run
$ npm install
to install all the project dependencies. - You will want to create a
file. This provides default configurations that the website will use for setup. An example ofsettings.js
might look like this:
module.exports = {
mongoUri: "data",
winMachine: false, //changes the path to the directory that the database uses.
secret: "some_random_arrangement_of_symbols_that_is_a_private_key",
admins: [''],
verificationExpiration: 86400000, // time in milliseconds
mailTransporter: {
// This mail transporter object is defined by the nodemailer spec that you can reference here:
// please don't include your actual password here.
https: false,
appURL: 'localhost:3000', //relative to the outward facing internet, if using an http port, omit the port.
devMode: true //set if you want the app to not send emails and auto register people when the sign up, good for testing.
- If I have time, I might create a script that auto generates one of these for you, and add it to the package.json
- All your dependencies will be installed, assuming that you have followed all of these steps.
into the/server
folder and run the following command:
$ gulp
Alternatively, you can run the mongo database at the location you want to serve the DB:$ mongod --dbpath <path_to_db_here>
. Add an&
at the end to run it in the background. Alternatively, you could open up a new screen or terminal instance and type in the following (in the/server
folder):$ npm start
- If this doesn't work, or the program throws errors, I hope you know your way around an express app. Otherwise you could email the TechX dev-ops lead or email the original developer ( with a bug report including:
- The issue you are having.
- What you expect the program to do.
- What it actually did and/or an error stacktrace.
- How you got the problem in the first place, if you can replicate it predictably.
The project is broken up into 5 routers, each serving a different part of the app:
Serves GET
request to the main page.
Serves various GalleXy APIs
- simple ping to the server- Expects:
- Returns:
- Expects:
-- Expects:
{"query": String}
- Returns: A list of recommended searches.
{ "results": [ {"title":"title1"}, {"title":"title2"}, {"title":"title3"}, {"title":"title4"}, {"title":"title5"}] }
- Expects:
- Expects:
{ "query": String, "filters": [{ projectType: String }, { projectOrder: String }], "quantity": Int, "ignore": [ProjectID] }
- Returns: List of projects that you have searched for:s
[{ picURL: String(URl), title: String, author: String, description: String, status: String, id: ProjectID, popularity: Int, lastChange: Date, projectType: String }]
Authentication happens using the passport.js
local strategy.
- serves page that lets users sign in. - GET
- serves page that signs up new users. - POST
- adds user to the DB, but in unaccessable mode. sends email to the user to verify that they are who they say they are. - POST
- creates session and serializes user. - GET
- deserializes user. - GET
- verify the email and user using the time sensitive code sent to their email. - GET
- page alerting the user to the fact that an email was sent to them.
Serves project pages. This is what most of the users will be looking for.
- serves page that corresponds to the project you were looking for. - GET
- serves form to create new projects. - GET
- serves form to edit existing projects. - GET
- serves form to provide project updates. - GET
- serves form that helps user plan out project.
Serves user pages. These are pages with information about users, and where users can manage their projects.
- serves the account page of the user in question. - GET
- provides a view for the user to edit their profile. - POST
- form submission to update user's profile. - GET
- serves the outward facing page of the user in question. - GET
- allows user to manage project data if they are an admin. - GET
- allows user to change their email - GET
- allows user to change password. Must go through email confirmation. - POST
- deletes user account after confirmation
Here is a list of functions that are included on all pages since they are convienient.
changeColor - updates "GalleXy" color to new color. renderColor - updates pages to render "GalleXy" color.
qsort - quick sort implementation
createDynamicTable - constructor for a dynamic table that is a JavaScript object tied down to a <div>
that has been converted into a "dynamic table". this is an object that can generate it's own list structure of output (upon form submission). as well as dynamically check and adjust it's input size.
TODO: complete dynamic table implementation. Implemented for only one page, need to generalize implementation.
You may want to look where ever there is a TODO or a BUG comment. That is the most likely pointers to bugs in the code.