We’re excited that you’re interested in contributing to Algebraic!
Contributions include:
- contributing to discussion around the design of Algebraic in chat
- providing an issue report or a new feature request,
- providing new code, documentation, or marketing contributions (usually in the form of a pull request),
If you’d like to contribute code, documentation, or other materials to be added to the Algebraic project then we ask that you sign a contributor license agreement (CLA). This agreement helps ensure good faith and understanding concerning the use and licensing of Algebraic.
If you are interested in contributing please contact
to complete the CLA.
If your contribution is what could be considered an “obvious fix”, e.g. fixing a spelling error, then its contribution does not require the signing of a CLA. A contribution is considered an “obvious fix” if it introduces no new functionality or creative thought. Examples include:
- Spelling / grammar fixes
- Typo correction, white space and formatting changes
- Comment clean up
- Adding logging messages or debugging output
- Changes to ‘metadata’ files like .gitignore, build scripts, etc.
- Moving source files from one directory or package to another
Obvious fixes will be reviewed before acceptance. Please clearly mark them!
ESLint will catch most styling issues that may exist in your code. If you have a specific reason for choosing different linting behavior please disable eslint as locally as possible and leave comments explaining the reasoning.
However, there are still some styles that the linter cannot pick up. If you are unsure about something, looking at Airbnb's Style Guide will guide you in the right direction.
- Use semicolons
- Commas last
- 2 spaces for indentation (no tabs)
- Prefer
- 80 character line length
- Write "attractive" code
- Wrap lines at 80 characters
By contributing to Algebraic your code will be licensed under the the Apache License, Version 2.0