There are a number of tasks (aka scripts) to help with the interaction of the protocol.
To see an updated list of available tasks currently supported either custom or imported from dependencies run:
yarn hh help
A task is essentially just a function that can be run via terminal command line and is given a bunch of data and helpers to interact with the protocol.
All custom tasks are loaded from the ./tasks
These functions can also be exported as a module and be called directly from another script.
In order to execute a task run:
yarn hh {script-name} [options]
At the time of writing this, these are a list of all the available tasks.
yarn hh add-authorized-account --help
Hardhat version 2.3.0
Usage: hardhat [GLOBAL OPTIONS] add-authorized-account --account <STRING>
--account Account to grant authorization
add-authorized-account: Adds the AUTHORIZED role to an account
yarn hh add-nft-merkles --help
Hardhat version 2.3.0
Usage: hardhat [GLOBAL OPTIONS] add-nft-merkles [--send-tx]
--send-tx Required flag to ensure this is not ran on accident
add-nft-merkles: Generates and adds the merkles defined in the config file (./config/nft.ts) to the Teller NFT Distributor
yarn hh add-nft-tiers --help
Hardhat version 2.3.0
Usage: hardhat [GLOBAL OPTIONS] add-nft-tiers [--send-tx]
--send-tx Required flag to ensure this is not ran on accident
add-nft-tiers: Saves the tier information in the config file ("./config/nft.ts") directly to the NFT
yarn hh claim-nft --help
Hardhat version 2.3.0
Usage: hardhat [GLOBAL OPTIONS] claim-nft --account <STRING> --merkle-index <STRING> [--send-tx]
--account Address to claim NFTs for
--merkle-index Only claim tokens using the specified merkle index.
--send-tx Required flag to ensure this is not ran on accident
claim-nft: Claims an NFT on behalf of an account
yarn hh clean --help
Hardhat version 2.3.0
Usage: hardhat [GLOBAL OPTIONS] clean [--global]
--global Clear the global cache
clean: Clears the cache and deletes all artifacts
yarn hh compile --help
Hardhat version 2.3.0
Usage: hardhat [GLOBAL OPTIONS] compile [--force] [--quiet]
--force Force compilation ignoring cache
--quiet Makes the compilation process less verbose
compile: Compiles the entire project, building all artifacts
yarn hh console --help
Hardhat version 2.3.0
Usage: hardhat [GLOBAL OPTIONS] console [--no-compile]
--no-compile Don't compile before running this task
console: Opens a hardhat console
yarn hh deploy --help
Hardhat version 2.3.0
Usage: hardhat [GLOBAL OPTIONS] deploy --deploy-scripts <STRING> --export <STRING> --export-all <STRING> --gasprice <STRING> [--no-compile] [--no-impersonation] [--reset] [--silent] --tags <STRING> [--watch] --write <BOOLEAN>
--deploy-scripts override deploy script folder path
--export export current network deployments
--export-all export all deployments into one file
--gasprice gas price to use for transactions
--no-compile disable pre compilation
--no-impersonation do not impersonate unknown accounts
--reset whether to delete deployments files first
--silent whether to remove log
--tags specify which deploy script to execute via tags, separated by commas
--watch redeploy on every change of contract or deploy script
--write whether to write deployments to file
deploy: Deploy contracts
yarn hh etherscan-verify --help
Hardhat version 2.3.0
Usage: hardhat [GLOBAL OPTIONS] etherscan-verify --api-key <STRING> [--force-license] --license <STRING> [--solc-input]
--api-key etherscan api key
--force-license force the use of the license specified by --license option
--license SPDX license (useful if SPDX is not listed in the sources), need to be supported by etherscan:
--solc-input fallback on solc-input (useful when etherscan fails on the minimum sources, see
etherscan-verify: submit contract source code to etherscan
yarn hh export --help
Hardhat version 2.3.0
Usage: hardhat [GLOBAL OPTIONS] export --export <STRING> --export-all <STRING>
--export export current network deployments
--export-all export all deployments into one file
export: export contract deployment of the specified network into one file
yarn hh export-artifacts --help
Hardhat version 2.3.0
Usage: hardhat [GLOBAL OPTIONS] export-artifacts --exclude <STRING> --include <STRING> [--solc-input] dest
--exclude list of contract names separated by commas to exclude
--include list of contract names separated by commas to include. If specified, only these will be considered
--solc-input if set, artifacts will have an associated solcInput files (required for old version of solidity to ensure verifiability
dest destination folder where the extended artifacts files will be written to
yarn hh flatten --help
Hardhat version 2.3.0
Usage: hardhat [GLOBAL OPTIONS] flatten ...files
files The files to flatten
flatten: Flattens and prints contracts and their dependencies
yarn hh get-price --help
Hardhat version 2.3.0
Usage: hardhat [GLOBAL OPTIONS] get-price --amount <FLOAT> --dst <STRING> --src <STRING>
--amount The amount to get the value for
--dst The destination token symbol
--src The source token symbol
get-price: Gets the value for a given token in terms of another
yarn hh node --help
Hardhat version 2.3.0
Usage: hardhat [GLOBAL OPTIONS] node --as-network <STRING> --export <STRING> --export-all <STRING> --fork <STRING> --fork-block-number <INT> [--fork-deployments <STRING>] --gasprice <STRING> --hostname <STRING> [--no-deploy] [--no-impersonation] [--no-reset] [--port <INT>] [--show-accounts] [--silent] --tags <STRING> [--watch] [--write <BOOLEAN>]
--as-network network name to be used, default to "localhost" (or to `--fork-deployments` value)
--export export current network deployments
--export-all export all deployments into one file
--fork The URL of the JSON-RPC server to fork from
--fork-block-number The block number to fork from
--fork-deployments this will use deployment from the named network, default to "localhost" (default: "localhost")
--gasprice gas price to use for transactions
--hostname The host to which to bind to for new connections (Defaults to running locally, and in Docker)
--no-deploy do not deploy
--no-impersonation do not impersonate unknown accounts
--no-reset do not delete deployments files already present
--port The port on which to listen for new connections (default: 8545)
--show-accounts display account addresses and private keys
--silent whether to renove log
--tags specify which deploy script to execute via tags, separated by commas
--watch redeploy on every change of contract or deploy script
--write whether to write deployments to file (default: true)
node: Starts a JSON-RPC server on top of Hardhat EVM
yarn hh pause-protocol --help
Hardhat version 2.3.0
Usage: hardhat [GLOBAL OPTIONS] pause-protocol --id <STRING> [--state <BOOLEAN>]
--id A specific id of the Teller Protocol to pause
--state Indicate what paused state the protocol should be in (default: true)
pause-protocol: Pause the whole Teller Protocol or a specific ID
yarn hh run --help
Hardhat version 2.3.0
Usage: hardhat [GLOBAL OPTIONS] run [--no-compile] script
--no-compile Don't compile before running this task
script A js file to be run within hardhat's environment
run: Runs a user-defined script after compiling the project
yarn hh set-nft-loan-merkle --help
Hardhat version 2.3.0
Usage: hardhat [GLOBAL OPTIONS] set-nft-loan-merkle --output <STRING> [--send-tx]
--output Path to file to output merkle proofs
--send-tx Required flag to ensure this is not ran on accident
set-nft-loan-merkle: Generates and sets the merkle used to verify NFT loan sizes while taking out a loan
yarn hh size-contracts --help
Hardhat version 2.3.0
Usage: hardhat [GLOBAL OPTIONS] size-contracts
size-contracts: Output the size of compiled contracts
yarn hh sourcify --help
Hardhat version 2.3.0
Usage: hardhat [GLOBAL OPTIONS] sourcify --endpoint <STRING> [--write-failing-metadata]
--endpoint endpoint url for sourcify
--write-failing-metadata write to disk failing metadata for easy debugging
sourcify: submit contract source code to sourcify (
yarn hh tenderly-contracts --help
Hardhat version 2.3.0
Usage: hardhat [GLOBAL OPTIONS] tenderly-contracts
tenderly-contracts: Verifies and pushes all deployed contracts to Tenderly
yarn hh tenderly:push --help
Hardhat version 2.3.0
Usage: hardhat [GLOBAL OPTIONS] tenderly:push ...contracts
contracts Addresses and names of contracts that will be verified formatted ContractName=Address
tenderly:push: Privately pushes contracts to Tenderly
yarn hh tenderly:verify --help
Hardhat version 2.3.0
Usage: hardhat [GLOBAL OPTIONS] tenderly:verify ...contracts
contracts Addresses and names of contracts that will be verified formatted ContractName=Address
tenderly:verify: Verifies contracts on Tenderly
yarn hh test --help
Hardhat version 2.3.0
Usage: hardhat [GLOBAL OPTIONS] test [--deploy-fixture] [--no-compile] [--no-impersonation] [...testFiles]
--deploy-fixture run the global fixture before tests
--no-compile Don't compile before running this task
--no-impersonation do not impersonate unknown accounts
testFiles An optional list of files to test (default: [])
test: Runs mocha tests
yarn hh update-platform-setting --help
Hardhat version 2.3.0
Usage: hardhat [GLOBAL OPTIONS] update-platform-setting --name <STRING> [--value <INT>]
--name Name of the platform setting
--value Value to update the setting to (default: null)
update-platform-setting: Updates a platform setting value
yarn hh view-nfts --help
Hardhat version 2.3.0
Usage: hardhat [GLOBAL OPTIONS] view-nfts --account <STRING> [--claimable] [--claimed] --tier <STRING>
--account Address to view NFTs for
--claimable Only display info about NFTs that are yet to be claimed
--claimed Only display info about NFTs that have ALREADY been claimed
--tier A tier index to view NFTs for
view-nfts: Retrieve information about NFTs on the blockchain
yarn hh view-platform-setting --help
Hardhat version 2.3.0
Usage: hardhat [GLOBAL OPTIONS] view-platform-setting --name <STRING>
--name Get a specific platform setting
view-platform-setting: Lists the current platform settings
Hardhat version 2.4.0
Usage: hardhat [GLOBAL OPTIONS] update-asset-settings [...symbols]
symbols List of token symbols (separated by spaces) to update asset settings for. Defaults to all in the config file (default: [])
update-asset-settings: Updates the asset setting values based on the config file
yarn hh stats --help
Hardhat version 2.3.0
Usage: hardhat [GLOBAL OPTIONS] stats
stats: Prints out current stats about the DAI market