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File metadata and controls

309 lines (242 loc) · 21.5 KB


This is a teraslice api, which encapsulates a specific functionality that can be utilized by any processor, reader or slicer.

The spaces_reader_api will provide an api factory, which is a singleton that can create, cache and manage multiple elasticsearch readers that can be accessed in any operation through the getAPI method on the operation.

This api is the core of the spaces reader. This contains all the same behavior, functionality and configuration of that reader

Fetched records will already have metadata associated with it, like the _key field. Please reference the metadata section for more information.


Example Processor using a spaces reader API

This is an example of a custom fetcher using the spaces_reader_api to make its own queries to elasticsearch. Example Job

    "name" : "testing",
    "workers" : 1,
    "slicers" : 1,
    "lifecycle" : "once",
    "assets" : [
    "apis" : [
            "_name" : "spaces_reader_api",
            "index" : "test_index",
            "endpoint" : "{ YOUR_ENDPOINT_HERE }",
            "token" : "{ YOUR_TOKEN_HERE }",
            "size" : 5000,
            "date_field_name" : "created"
    "operations" : [
            "_op" : "my_reader",
            "api_name" : "spaces_reader_api"
            "_op" : "noop"

Here is a custom fetcher for the job described above

// found at my_reader/fetcher.ts
export default class MyReader extends Fetcher<ESDateConfig> {
    api!: elasticAPI.Client;

    async initialize(): Promise<void> {
        await super.initialize();
        const apiName = this.opConfig.api_name;
        const apiManager = this.getAPI<ElasticReaderFactoryAPI>(apiName);
        this.api = await apiManager.create(apiName, {});

    async fetch(slice: ReaderSlice): Promise<DataEntity[]> {
        return this.api.fetch(query);

Spaces Reader Factory API Methods


this will return how many separate reader apis are in the cache



  • name: String

this will fetch any reader api that is associated with the name provided



  • name: String

this will fetch any reader api config that is associated with the name provided

create (async)


  • name: String
  • configOverrides: Check options below, optional

this will create an instance of a reader api, and cache it with the name given. Any config provided in the second argument will override what is specified in the apiConfig and cache it with the name provided. It will throw an error if you try creating another api with the same name parameter

remove (async)


  • name: String

this will remove an instance of a reader api from the cache and will follow any cleanup code specified in the api code.


This will allow you to iterate over the cache name and client of the cache


This will allow you to iterate over the cache name of the cache


This will allow you to iterate over the values of the cache

Example of using the factory methods in a processor

// example of api configuration
const apiConfig = {
  _name: "spaces_reader_api",
  index: "test_index",
  date_field_name: "created",
  size: 1000,
  connection: "default",
  endpoint : "{ YOUR_ENDPOINT_HERE }",
  token : "{ YOUR_TOKEN_HERE }",

const apiManager = this.getAPI(apiName);

apiManager.size() === 0

// this will return an api cached at "normalClient" and it will use the default api config
const normalClient = await apiManager.create('normalClient', {})

apiManager.size() === 1

apiManager.get('normalClient') === normalClient

// this will return an api cached at "overrideClient" and it will use the api config but override the index to "other_index" in the new instance.
const overrideClient = await apiManager.create('overrideClient', { index: 'other_index', connection: "other" })

apiManager.size() === 2

// this will return the full configuration for this client
apiManger.getConfig('overrideClient') === {
  _name: "elasticsearch_reader_api",
  index: "other_index",
  date_field_name: "created",
  size: 1000,
  connection: "other",
  endpoint : "{ YOUR_ENDPOINT_HERE }",
  token : "{ YOUR_TOKEN_HERE }",

await apiManger.remove('normalClient');

apiManager.size() === 1

apiManager.get('normalClient') === undefined

Spaces Reader Instance

This is the reader class that is returned from the create method of the APIFactory. This returns a restricted elastic-api. Only the search and count methods will work appropriately.


(query: ElasticsearchSliceQuery) => Promise<DataEntities[]> This will perform an date range or wildcard query to elasticsearch and return the results of the query.


  • query: an slice query object
    • start: string, must be paired with end to do a date range query.
    • end: string, must be paired with start to do a date range query.
    • wildcard: { field: string, value: string }, an elasticsearch wildcard query on string values. The value needs to be formatted in key*,please reference examples below.
    • key: string, only used for _uid queries on elasticsearch v5 or older. The key need to be specified as docType#key* format, please reference examples below.


(query: ElasticsearchQuery) => Promise<number> This will perform an count query and return the number of records in that query.


  • query: an slice query object
    • start: string, must be paired with end to do a date range query.
    • end: string, must be paired with start to do a date range query.
    • wildcard: { field: string, value: string }, an elasticsearch wildcard query on string values. The value needs to be formatted in key*,please reference examples below.
    • key: string, only used for _uid queries on elasticsearch v5 or older. The key need to be specified as docType#key* format, please reference examples below.


  • query: an elasticsearch query object


() => number This returns the major elasticsearch version that this client is connected to


() => Promise<void> This check if the index exists and throw otherwise, this will also log the window_size of that given index.

const dateRangeQuery = {
    start: '2019-04-26T15:00:23.201Z',
    end: '2019-04-26T15:00:23.220Z',

const results = await api.fetch(dateRangeQuery);

const query: {
    q: '(test:query OR other:thing AND bytes:>=2000)',
    size: 100,
    fields: 'foo,bar,date'

const results = await api._searchRequest(query);

api.version === 6


Configuration Description Type Notes
_name Name of operation, it must reflect the exact name of the file String required
endpoint The base API endpoint to read from: i.e. String required
token teraserver API access token for making requests String required
timeout Time in milliseconds to wait for a connection to timeout Number optional, defaults to 300000 ms or 5 mins
index Which index to read from String required
type The type of the document that you are reading, used when a chuck is so large that it must be divided up by the documents _id String required if using elasticsearch v5, optional otherwise, defaults to '_doc'
size The limit to the number of docs pulled in a chunk, if the number of docs retrieved by the slicer exceeds this number, it will cause the slicer to recurse to provide a smaller batch Number optional, defaults to 5000
start The start date to which it will read from String/Number/ elasticsearch date math syntax optional, inclusive , if not provided the index will be queried for earliest date, this date will be reflected in the opConfig saved in the execution context
end The end date to which it will read to String/Number/ elasticsearch date math syntax optional, exclusive, if not provided the index will be queried for latest date, this date will be reflected in the opConfig saved in the execution context
interval The time interval in which the reader will increment by. The unit of time may be months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds or their appropriate abbreviations String optional, defaults to auto which tries to calculate the interval by dividing date_range / (numOfRecords / size)
time_resolution Not all dates have millisecond resolutions, specify 's' if you need second level date slicing String optional, defaults to milliseconds 'ms'
date_field_name document field name where the date used for searching resides String required
query specify any valid lucene query for elasticsearch to use in filtering String optional
fields Used to restrict what is returned from elasticsearch. If used, only these fields on the documents are returned Array optional
subslice_by_key determine if slice should be further divided up by id if slice is to too big Boolean optional, defaults to false
subslice_key_threshold used in determining when to slice a chunk by their _ids Number optional, defaults to 50000
key_type Used to specify the key type of the _ids of the documents being queried String optional, defaults to elasticsearch id generator (base64url)
connection Name of the elasticsearch connection to use when sending data String optional, defaults to the 'default' connection created for elasticsearch
geo_field document field name where the geo data used for searching resides String optional, is required if any geo parameter is set
geo_box_top_left used for a bounding box query String/Geo Point optional, must be paired with geo_box_bottom_right if used
geo_box_bottom_right used for a bounding box query String/Geo Point optional, must be paired with geo_box_top_left if used
geo_point used for a geo distance query String/Geo Point optional, must be paired with geo_distance if used
geo_distance used for a geo distance query (ie 200km) String optional, must be paired with geo_point if used.
geo_sort_point geo point for which sorting will be based on String/Geo Point optional, is required for bounding box queries if any sort parameters are set. geo distance queries default to use geo_point as the sorting point if this value is not set
geo_sort_order the order used for sorting geo queries, can either be 'asc' or 'desc' String optional, defaults to 'asc'
geo_sort_unit the unit of measurement for sorting, may be set to 'mi', 'km', 'm','yd', 'ft String optional, defaults to 'm'
variables can specify an xLuceneVariable object for the given xLucene query Object optional
caCertificate CA certificate used to validate an https endpoint String optional

NOTE: a difference in behavior compared to the elasticsearch_reader is that the default geo distance sort will be ignored if any sort parameter is specified on the query. Sorting on geo distance while specifying another sorting parameter is still possible if you set any other geo sorting parameter, which will cause the query to sort by both.


When the records are fetched from elasticsearch, metadata will be attached based off of the what metadata elasticsearch results provides

  • _key is set to the _id
  • _processTime is set to a a number representing the milliseconds elapsed since the UNIX epoch of when it was first fetched
  • _ingestTime is set to a a number representing the milliseconds elapsed since the UNIX epoch of when it was first fetched
  • _eventTime is set to a a number representing the milliseconds elapsed since the UNIX epoch of when it was first fetched
  • _index is set from the index it was from
  • _type is set to the records _type
  • _version is set to the records version
  • _seq_no is set to the records _seq_no parameter if it exists
  • _primary_term is set to the records _primary_term parameter if it exists

Example of metadata from a fetched record

// example record in elasticsearch
    "_index" : "test_index",
    "_type" : "events",
    "_id" : "ltyRQW4B8WLke7PkER8L",
    "_score" : 1.0,
    "_source" : {
      "ip" : "",
      "url" : "",
      "uuid" : "a23a8550-0081-453f-9e80-93a90782a5bd",
      "created" : "2019-04-26T08:00:23.225-07:00",
      "ipv6" : "9e79:7798:585a:b847:f1c4:81eb:0c3d:7eb8",
      "location" : "50.15003, -94.89355",
      "bytes" : 124

const expectedResults = {
    "ip" : "",
    "url" : "",
    "uuid" : "a23a8550-0081-453f-9e80-93a90782a5bd",
    "created" : "2019-04-26T08:00:23.225-07:00",
    "ipv6" : "9e79:7798:585a:b847:f1c4:81eb:0c3d:7eb8",
    "location" : "50.15003, -94.89355",
    "bytes" : 124

DataEntity.isDataEntity(expectedResults) === true;

expectedResults.getMetadata() === {
    _key: "ltyRQW4B8WLke7PkER8L",
    _type:  "events",
    _index: "test_index",
    _version: undefined,
    _seq_no: undefined,
    _primary_term: undefined,
    _processTime: 1596663162372,
    _ingestTime: 1596663162372,
    _eventTime: 1596663162372,