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{% extends "layout.html" %} {% block head %} <title>{{data.fields.title}}</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/assets/vendor/css/tooltipster.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/assets/vendor/css/themes/tooltipster-light.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/assets/created/css/full-article.css"> {% endblock %} {% block content %} <body id="bodyBrowse"> {% if ( config.unlockIDEFIX == true ) %} {% set unlockIDEFIX = true %} {% else %} {% set unlockIDEFIX = false %} {% endif %} {% set numberOfMethods = data.pertinenceMethods.length %} {% set currentMethod = 0 %} {% set showArticle = config.showArticle %} {% set showSilence = config.showSilence %} {% set validatePertinence = data.fields.validatePertinence %} {% set validateSilence = data.fields.validateSilence %} {% set showSilence = config.showSilence %} {% set countAllKeywords = config.countAllKeywords %} {% set beforeSilence = "" %} {% if ( config.negativeSilence == true ) %} {% set beforeSilence = "-" %} {% endif %} {% if ( config.magicScore == true ) %} {% set magicScore = true %} {% else %} {% set magicScore = false %} {% endif %} <!-- Block of modal for full article --> {% if showArticle == true %} <div id="buttonFullArticle" class="" title="Afficher l'article complet"> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-align-center" id="spanFullArticle"></span> <span id="closeFullArticle" class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove"></span> <div id="fullArticleSection"> <div class="col-lg-2"></div> <div id="fullArticleContent" class="contentTei"></div> </div> </div> {% endif %} <div id="documentInfos" class="informationsContent" style="display: none" data-src=";/"> <span class="infosQuit glyphicon glyphicon-remove"></span> </div> <div id="methodsInfos" class="informationsContent" style="display: none" data-src=""> <span class="infosQuit glyphicon glyphicon-remove"></span> </div> <div id="pertinenceInfos" class="informationsContent" style="display: none" data-src=";/;/;/;/"> <span class="infosQuit glyphicon glyphicon-remove"></span> </div> <div id="preferenceInfos" class="informationsContent" style="display: none" data-src=""> <span class="infosQuit glyphicon glyphicon-remove"></span> </div> <div id="silenceInfos" class="informationsContent" style="display: none" data-src=""> <span class="infosQuit glyphicon glyphicon-remove"></span> </div> <div id="commentaireInfos" class="informationsContent" style="display: none" data-src=""> <span class="infosQuit glyphicon glyphicon-remove"></span> </div> <div id="progressionInfos" class="informationsContent" style="display: none" data-src=";/;/"> <span class="infosQuit glyphicon glyphicon-remove"></span> </div> <div id="silencesBlockInfos" class="informationsContent" style="display: none" data-src=""> <span class="infosQuit glyphicon glyphicon-remove"></span> </div> <div id="silenceKwInfos" class="informationsContent" style="display: none" data-src=""> <span class="infosQuit glyphicon glyphicon-remove"></span> </div> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-arrow-down arrowScroll arrowScrollTop colored" title="Descendre tous les blocks"></span> <span title="informations" class="glyphicon glyphicon-info-sign informations" data-id="documentInfos" style="display: none"></span> <span title="informations" class="glyphicon glyphicon-info-sign informations" data-id="methodsInfos" style="display: none"></span> <span title="Montrer les informations" class="glyphicon glyphicon-info-sign showInformations"></span> <div id="contentDisplay" class="col-lg-11 col-md-11"> <!-- LEFT BLOC --> <aside id="leftSection" class="col-lg-2 col-md-3"> <header id="headerInfoDisplayDocs"> <!-- THE NAV BAR --> <div class="divTopDisplay colored"> <div id="divNavMiddle" class="col-lg-12 col-md-12 col-sm-12"> <p> <a href="/index.html" title="Retour à la liste de documents">Liste</a> <!-- Return to browse Docs--> </p> </div> </div> <div id="timer" class="colored"> </div> {% if validateSilence != 'yes' %} <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-play isRunning colored" id="startOrStop"></span> {% endif %} <!-- NAME BLOC --> <div class="displayDiscipline" title="Discipline"> <div class="disciplineInfoDisplay colored"> <span>{{ config.domain|d('non renseigné !') }}</span> </div> </div> <div id="listOrGrid"> <span id="grid" class="glyphicon glyphicon-th gridOrListButton" style="opacity : 1" title="Mots en grille"></span> <span id="list" class="glyphicon glyphicon-list active gridOrListButton" title="Mots en liste"></span> </div> <span title="informations" class="glyphicon glyphicon-info-sign informations " data-id="progressionInfos" style="display: none"></span> <div data-id="{{ data.wid }}" id="pertinenceBar" title="Progression des pertinences" class="progress {% if validatePertinence == 'yes' %}isValidated{% endif %}"> </div> <div id="silenceBar" data-id="{{ data.wid }}" title="Progression des silences" class="progress {% if validateSilence == 'yes' %}isValidated show{% elif validatePertinence == 'yes' %}show{% else %}hidden{% endif %}"></div> <!-- METHOD BLOC --> <div class="displayMethodBu"> <div class="methodsNameDisplayD"> {% for buttons in range(0,numberOfMethods) %} <div id="methodButton-{{ loop.index0 }}" class="methodLinkround colored"> <span>Méthode {{ loop.index }}</span> </div> {% endfor %} </div> </div> </header> <!-- RESUME BLOC --> <section id="sectionArticle"> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-align-left resumeGliph colored" id="backAbsctract" title="Agrandir le résumé"></span> <article id="articleSectionResumeDisplay" style=""> <p> {{ data.fields.abstract|d('Pas de resume') }} </p> </article> </section> </aside> <!-- RIGHT BLOCK (Keywords) --> <section id="keywordsSection" class="col-lg-10 col-md-9"> <div class="divHoverH1Display colored col-lg-12 col-md-12"> <div id="h1Block"> <h1 id="h1DisplayDocs"> {{ data.fields.title|d('Pas de titre') }} </h1> </div> <div id="arroundedBlock"> </div> </div> <div class="divOnResume"> <p id="abstractFullLenght" lang="fr"> {{ data.fields.abstract|d('Pas de resume') }} </p> </div> <div id="keywordsDisplayDiv" class="col-lg-12 col-md-12 col-sm-12"> {% if ( showSilence == true ) %} <div id="keywordsInist"> <h2> <span title="informations" class="glyphicon glyphicon-info-sign informations" data-id="silenceInfos" style="display: none"></span> INIST {% if (magicScore == true) and (validateSilence != 'yes') %}<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-edit magicButton" data-type="silence"></span>{% endif %}</h2> {% for currentMethod in data.pertinenceMethods %} {% set indexMethod = loop.index0 %} {% set indexFromMethod = 0 %} {% for currentObject in data.keywords %} {% set indexObject = loop.index0 %} {% if currentObject.type == "silence" and currentObject.method == currentMethod %} {% set indexFromMethod = indexFromMethod+1 %} <div data-id="{{data.keywords[indexObject]['xml#id']}}" data-nb="{{ indexMethod }}" class="btn btn-default inistForMethod-{{ indexMethod }} {% if ((data.keywords[indexObject].score) or (data.keywords[indexObject].score == 0)) %} keywordsMethodsDisplayDone {% else %} keywordsMethodsDisplay colored {% endif %}"> <span class="idOfWord">{% if ( countAllKeywords == true ) %} {{ indexObject+1 }} {% else %} {{ indexFromMethod }} {% endif %} - </span> <span class="keywordsText">{{ currentObject.word|d('Pas de mots clés') }}</span> <span class="fa fa-search searchKeywords" title="Rechercher ce mot-clé"></span> <form class="formNotedKeyword scores" id="silenceScore-{{ indexMethod }}-{{ indexObject }}" name="formNotedKeyword" action="/save/{{ data.wid }}" method="post"> <input class="inistKey" type="hidden" name="key" value="keywords.{{ indexObject }}.score"/><!-- Key Name --> <!-- Value Name --> {% if data.keywords[indexObject].score == '2' %} <input id="input0-silence-{{ indexMethod }}.{{ indexObject }}" name="val" type="radio" value="0"><label for="input0-silence-{{ indexMethod }}.{{ indexObject }}" class="{% if validateSilence == 'yes' and unlockIDEFIX == false %}labelHide{% endif %}" title="Ne manque pas">0</label> <input id="input1-silence-{{ indexMethod }}.{{ indexObject }}" name="val" type="radio" value="1"><label for="input1-silence-{{ indexMethod }}.{{ indexObject }}" class="{% if validateSilence == 'yes' and unlockIDEFIX == false %}labelHide{% endif %}" title="Manque/ +ou-">{{beforeSilence}}1</label> <input id="input2-silence-{{ indexMethod }}.{{ indexObject }}" name="val" type="radio" value="2" checked><label for="input2-silence-{{ indexMethod }}.{{ indexObject }}" class="{% if validateSilence == 'yes' and unlockIDEFIX == false %}labelBlock{% endif %}" title="Manque absolument">{{beforeSilence}}2</label> {% elif data.keywords[indexObject].score == '1' %} <input id="input0-silence-{{ indexMethod }}.{{ indexObject }}" name="val" type="radio" value="0"><label for="input0-silence-{{ indexMethod }}.{{ indexObject }}" class="{% if validateSilence == 'yes' and unlockIDEFIX == false %}labelHide{% endif %}" title="Ne manque pas">0</label> <input id="input1-silence-{{ indexMethod }}.{{ indexObject }}" name="val" type="radio" value="1" checked><label for="input1-silence-{{ indexMethod }}.{{ indexObject }}" class="{% if validateSilence == 'yes' and unlockIDEFIX == false %}labelBlock{% endif %}" title="Manque/ +ou-">{{beforeSilence}}1</label> <input id="input2-silence-{{ indexMethod }}.{{ indexObject }}" name="val" type="radio" value="2"><label for="input2-silence-{{ indexMethod }}.{{ indexObject }}" class="{% if validateSilence == 'yes' and unlockIDEFIX == false %}labelHide{% endif %}" title="Manque absolument">{{beforeSilence}}2</label> {% elif data.keywords[indexObject].score == '0' %} <input id="input0-silence-{{ indexMethod }}.{{ indexObject }}" name="val" type="radio" value="0" checked><label for="input0-silence-{{ indexMethod }}.{{ indexObject }}" class="{% if validateSilence == 'yes' and unlockIDEFIX == false %}labelBlock{% endif %}" title="Ne manque pas">0</label> <input id="input1-silence-{{ indexMethod }}.{{ indexObject }}" name="val" type="radio" value="1"><label for="input1-silence-{{ indexMethod }}.{{ indexObject }}" class="{% if validateSilence == 'yes' and unlockIDEFIX == false %}labelHide{% endif %}" title="Manque/ +ou-">{{beforeSilence}}1</label> <input id="input2-silence-{{ indexMethod }}.{{ indexObject }}" name="val" type="radio" value="2"><label for="input2-silence-{{ indexMethod }}.{{ indexObject }}" class="{% if validateSilence == 'yes' and unlockIDEFIX == false %}labelHide{% endif %}" title="Manque absolument">{{beforeSilence}}2</label> {% else %} <input id="input0-silence-{{ indexMethod }}.{{ indexObject }}" name="val" type="radio" value="0"><label for="input0-silence-{{ indexMethod }}.{{ indexObject }}" class="{% if validateSilence == 'yes' and unlockIDEFIX == false %}labelHide{% endif %}" title="Ne manque pas">0</label> <input id="input1-silence-{{ indexMethod }}.{{ indexObject }}" name="val" type="radio" value="1"><label for="input1-silence-{{ indexMethod }}.{{ indexObject }}" class="{% if validateSilence == 'yes' %}labelHide{% endif %}" title="Manque/ +ou-">{{beforeSilence}}1</label> <input id="input2-silence-{{ indexMethod }}.{{ indexObject }}" name="val" type="radio" value="2"><label for="input2-silence-{{ indexMethod }}.{{ indexObject }}" class="{% if validateSilence == 'yes' and unlockIDEFIX == false %}labelHide{% endif %}" title="Manque absolument">{{beforeSilence}}2</label> {% endif %} <input type="hidden" name="type" value="silence"/><!-- Type pertinence --> <ins class="loading"></ins> </form> <div style="display: flex; justify-content: space-around;"> {% if data.keywords[indexObject].correspondance or validateSilence != "yes" or unlockIDEFIX == true %} <form class="formNotedKeyword formCorresp {% if data.keywords[indexObject].correspondance or validateSilence != 'yes' or unlockIDEFIX == true %}formNotedKeywordsPreference{% endif %} formNotedKeywordsCorresp {% if data.keywords[indexObject].correspondance and validateSilence == 'yes' and unlockIDEFIX == false %}prefInfobulle{% endif %}" id="correspMethod-{{ indexMethod }}-{{ indexObject }}" action="/save/{{ data.wid }}" title="{% if data.keywords[indexObject].correspondance and validateSilence == 'yes' and unlockIDEFIX == false %}Correspondant : {{data.keywords[indexObject].correspondance}}{% else %}Un mot TermITH correspond mieux{% endif %}"> <input type="hidden" name="key" value="keywords.{{ indexObject }}.correspondance"/> <!-- Key Name --> <select id="method-{{ indexMethod }}-corresp-list-{{ indexObject }}" {% if validateSilence=='yes' and unlockIDEFIX==false %}disabled="disabled"{% endif %} class="formNotedKeywordList {% if validateSilence == 'yes' and unlockIDEFIX == false %}blockForms{% endif %}" name="val"> <option value="<corresp>" class="baseOption"> Corresp: </option> {% for currentObjectForCorresp in data.keywords %} {% set indexObjectForCorresp = loop.index0 %} {% if currentObjectForCorresp.type == "pertinence" and currentObjectForCorresp.method == currentMethod %} {% set curWord = currentObjectForCorresp.word | replace("'" , "-") %} {% if data.keywords[indexObject].correspondance %} {% set curCorresp = data.keywords[indexObject].correspondance | replace("'" , "-") %} {% else %} {% set curCorresp = "none" %} {% endif %} <option data-id="{{ currentObjectForCorresp['xml#id'] }}" value="{{ curWord }}" {% if curCorresp==curWord %} selected="selected" style="background: #FF847C;color:#fff"{% endif %}> {{ currentObjectForCorresp.word }} </option> {% endif %} {% endfor %} <option value="deletemenow" class="deletePrefCorresp"> /!\SUPPRIMER/!\ </option> </select> <input type="hidden" name="type" value="silence"/><!-- Type pertinence --> </form> {% endif %} {% if data.keywords[indexObject].comment or validateSilence != "yes" or unlockIDEFIX == true %} <div class="{% if validateSilence == 'yes' and unlockIDEFIX == false %}blockForms divCommentsBlocked{% else %}divComments{% endif %}" {% if data.keywords[indexObject].comment %}title="{{ data.keywords[indexObject].comment }}"{% endif %}> <span class="etcSpanComment">...</span> <div class="divFormComments"> <div class="leaveOrSaveComment"> <span class="quitSpanComment" title="Quitter sans sauvegarder"> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove"></span> </span> <span class="trashComment" title="Supprimer le commentaire"> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></span> </span> </div> <div class="wordInComments">{{ data.keywords[indexObject].word|d('Pas de mots clés') }}</div> <form data-id="{{ data.wid }}" action="/save/{{ data.wid }}" style="padding:0; margin: 0"> <input type="hidden" name="key" value="keywords.{{ indexObject }}.comment"/> <!-- Key Name --> <input data-provide="typeahead" title="Inserer un commentaire sur le mot" name="val" class="inputComment" type="text" placeholder="Commentaire :" value="{{ data.keywords[indexObject].comment }}"/> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok saveSpanComment" title="Sauvegarder le commentaire"></span> </form> </div> </div> {% endif %} </div> </div> {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endfor %} </div> {% endif %} {% for currentMethod in data.pertinenceMethods %} {% set indexMethod = loop.index0 %} {% set realMethod = data.pertinenceMethods[indexMethod] %} {% set indexFromMethod = 0 %} <div id="method{{ indexMethod }}ListOfKeywords" class="methodsKeywords"> <div class="fa fa-unlock pertinenceLock" title="Verouiller la position des mots clés Pertinence"></div> <h2> <span title="informations" class="glyphicon glyphicon-info-sign informations" data-id="pertinenceInfos" style="display: none"></span> Méthode {% if unlockIDEFIX == false %} {{ indexMethod+1 }} {% else %} {{ realMethod }} {% endif %} {% if (magicScore == true) and (validatePertinence != 'yes') %}<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-edit magicButton" data-id="{{ indexMethod }}" data-type="method"></span>{% endif %}</h2> {% for currentObject in data.keywords %} {% set indexObject = loop.index0 %} {% if currentObject.type == "pertinence" and currentObject.method == currentMethod %} {% set indexFromMethod = indexFromMethod + 1 %} <div data-id="{{data.keywords[indexObject]['xml#id']}}" data-nb="{{ indexMethod }}" class="btn btn-default {% if ((data.keywords[indexObject].score) or (data.keywords[indexObject].score == 0)) %} keywordsMethodsDisplayDone {% else %} keywordsMethodsDisplay colored {% endif %}"> <span class="idOfWord"> {% if ( countAllKeywords == true ) %} {{ indexObject+1 }} {% else %} {{ indexFromMethod }} {% endif %} - </span> <span class="keywordsText">{{ data.keywords[indexObject].word|d('Pas de mots clés') }}</span> <span class="fa fa-search searchKeywords" title="Rechercher ce mot-clé"></span> <form class="formNotedKeyword scores" id="method-{{ indexMethod }}-{{indexObject }}" name="formNotedKeyword" action="/save/{{ data.wid }}" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="key" value="keywords.{{ indexObject }}.score"/><!-- Key Name --> <!-- Value Name --> {% if data.keywords[indexObject].score == '2' %} <input id="input0-{{ indexMethod }}.{{ indexObject }}" name="val" type="radio" value="0"><label for="input0-{{ indexMethod }}.{{ indexObject }}" class="{% if validatePertinence == 'yes' and unlockIDEFIX == false %}labelHide{% endif %}" title="Non pertinent">0</label> <input id="input1-{{ indexMethod }}.{{ indexObject }}" name="val" type="radio" value="1"><label for="input1-{{ indexMethod }}.{{ indexObject }}" class="{% if validatePertinence == 'yes' and unlockIDEFIX == false %}labelHide{% endif %}" title="Pertinent mais sous une autre forme">1</label> <input id="input2-{{ indexMethod }}.{{ indexObject }}" name="val" type="radio" value="2" checked><label for="input2-{{ indexMethod }}.{{ indexObject }}" class="{% if validatePertinence == 'yes' and unlockIDEFIX == false %}labelBlock{% endif %}" title="Pertinent">2</label> {% elif data.keywords[indexObject].score == '1' %} <input id="input0-{{ indexMethod }}.{{ indexObject }}" name="val" type="radio" value="0"><label for="input0-{{ indexMethod }}.{{ indexObject }}" class="{% if validatePertinence == 'yes' and unlockIDEFIX == false %}labelHide{% endif %}" title="Non pertinent">0</label> <input id="input1-{{ indexMethod }}.{{ indexObject }}" name="val" type="radio" value="1" checked><label for="input1-{{ indexMethod }}.{{ indexObject }}" class="{% if validatePertinence == 'yes' and unlockIDEFIX == false %}labelBlock{% endif %}" title="Pertinent mais sous une autre forme">1</label> <input id="input2-{{ indexMethod }}.{{ indexObject }}" name="val" type="radio" value="2"><label for="input2-{{ indexMethod }}.{{ indexObject }}" class="{% if validatePertinence == 'yes' and unlockIDEFIX == false %}labelHide{% endif %}" title="Pertinent">2</label> {% elif data.keywords[indexObject].score == '0' %} <input id="input0-{{ indexMethod }}.{{ indexObject }}" name="val" type="radio" value="0" checked><label for="input0-{{ indexMethod }}.{{ indexObject }}" class="{% if validatePertinence == 'yes' and unlockIDEFIX == false %}labelBlock{% endif %}" title="Non pertinent">0</label> <input id="input1-{{ indexMethod }}.{{ indexObject }}" name="val" type="radio" value="1"><label for="input1-{{ indexMethod }}.{{ indexObject }}" class="{% if validatePertinence == 'yes' and unlockIDEFIX == false %}labelHide{% endif %}" title="Pertinent mais sous une autre forme">1</label> <input id="input2-{{ indexMethod }}.{{ indexObject }}" name="val" type="radio" value="2"><label for="input2-{{ indexMethod }}.{{ indexObject }}" class="{% if validatePertinence == 'yes' and unlockIDEFIX == false %}labelHide{% endif %}" title="Pertinent">2</label> {% else %} <input id="input0-{{ indexMethod }}.{{ indexObject }}" name="val" type="radio" value="0"><label for="input0-{{ indexMethod }}.{{ indexObject }}" class="{% if validatePertinence == 'yes' and unlockIDEFIX == false %}labelHide{% endif %}" title="Non pertinent">0</label> <input id="input1-{{ indexMethod }}.{{ indexObject }}" name="val" type="radio" value="1"><label for="input1-{{ indexMethod }}.{{ indexObject }}" class="{% if validatePertinence == 'yes' and unlockIDEFIX == false %}labelHide{% endif %}" title="Pertinent mais sous une autre forme">1</label> <input id="input2-{{ indexMethod }}.{{ indexObject }}" name="val" type="radio" value="2"><label for="input2-{{ indexMethod }}.{{ indexObject }}" class="{% if validatePertinence == 'yes' and unlockIDEFIX == false %}labelHide{% endif %}" title="Pertinent">2</label> {% endif %} <input type="hidden" name="type" value="pertinence"/><!-- Type pertinence --> <ins class="loading"></ins> </form> <div style="display: flex; justify-content: space-around;"> {% if data.keywords[indexObject].preference or validatePertinence != "yes" or unlockIDEFIX == true %} <form class="formNotedKeyword formPref {% if data.keywords[indexObject].comment or validatePertinence != 'yes' or unlockIDEFIX == true %}formNotedKeywordsPreference{% endif %} formNotedKeywordsPref {% if data.keywords[indexObject].preference and validatePertinence == 'yes' %}prefInfobulle{% endif %}" id="prefMethod-{{ indexMethod }}-{{ loop.index }}" action="/save/{{ data.wid }}" title="{% if data.keywords[indexObject].preference %}Préférence : {{data.keywords[indexObject].preference}}{% else %}Un mot TermITH est préféré{% endif %}"> <input type="hidden" name="key" value="keywords.{{ indexObject }}.preference"/> <!-- Key Name --> <select {% if validatePertinence=='yes' and unlockIDEFIX==false %}disabled="disabled"{% endif %} id="method-{{ indexMethod }}-preference-list-{{ indexObject }}" class="formNotedKeywordList {% if validatePertinence == 'yes' and unlockIDEFIX == false %}blockForms{% endif %}" name="val"> <option value="<preference>" class="baseOption"> Pref: </option> {% for currentObjectPref in data.keywords %} {% set indexObjectPref = loop.index0 %} {% if currentObjectPref.type == "pertinence" and currentObjectPref.method == currentMethod %} {% set wordC = data.keywords[indexObjectPref].word | replace("'" , "-") %} {% if currentObject.preference %} {% set CurPref = currentObject.preference | replace("'" , "-") %} {% else %} {% set CurPref = "none" %} {% endif %} <option data-id="{{ currentObjectPref['xml#id'] }}" value="{{ wordC }}" {% if wordC==CurPref %} selected="selected" style="background: #FF847C;color:#fff"{% endif %}> {{ currentObjectPref.word }} </option> {% endif %} {% endfor %} <option value="deletemenow" class="deletePrefCorresp"> /!\SUPPRIMER/!\ </option> </select> <input type="hidden" name="type" value="pertinence"/><!-- Type pertinence --> </form> {% endif %} {% if data.keywords[indexObject].comment or validatePertinence != "yes" or unlockIDEFIX == true %} <div class="{% if validatePertinence == 'yes' and unlockIDEFIX == false %}blockForms divCommentsBlocked {% else %}divComments{% endif %}" {% if data.keywords[indexObject].comment %}title="{{ data.keywords[indexObject].comment }}"{% endif %}> <span class="etcSpanComment">...</span> <div class="divFormComments"> <div class="leaveOrSaveComment"> <span class="quitSpanComment" title="Quitter sans sauvegarder"> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove"></span> </span> <span class="trashComment" title="Supprimer le commentaire"> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></span> </span> </div> <div class="wordInComments">{{ data.keywords[indexObject].word|d('Pas de mots clés') }}</div> <form data-id="{{ data.wid }}" action="/save/{{ data.wid }}" style="padding:0; margin: 0"> <input type="hidden" name="key" value="keywords.{{ indexObject }}.comment"/> <!-- Key Name --> <input data-provide="typeahead" title="Inserer un commentaire sur le mot" name="val" class="inputComment" type="text" placeholder="Commentaire :" value="{{ data.keywords[indexObject].comment }}"/> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok saveSpanComment" title="Sauvegarder le commentaire"></span> </form> </div> </div> {% endif %} </div> </div> {% endif %} {% endfor %} </div> {% endfor %} </div> <!-- End of Block Keywords --> </section> <!-- End of Right Section (Keywords) --> </div> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-arrow-down arrowScroll arrowScrollBottom colored" title="Descendre tous les blocks"></span> {% if showSilence == true %} <div id="inistKeywordsButton" {% if validatePertinence=="yes" or unlockIDEFIX==true %}style="display : block"{% else %}style="display: none"{% endif %}> <span>Afficher INIST</span> <!-- Button to call Inist Keywords --> </div> <span title="informations" class="glyphicon glyphicon-info-sign informations" data-id="silencesBlockInfos" style="display: none"></span> {% endif %} {% endblock %} {% block scripts %} <!-- SCRIPTS DISPLAY PAGE --> <script src="/assets/vendor/js/jquery.runner.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="/assets/vendor/js/jquery.fs.scroller.min.js"></script> <script src="/assets/vendor/js/bootstrap3-typeahead.min.js"></script> <script src="/assets/vendor/js/jquery.highlight.js"></script> <script src="/assets/vendor/js/jquery.tooltipster.min.js"></script> <script src="/assets/created/js/display.min.js"></script> {% endblock %}