Gematria in JavaScript
Gematria is assigning numerical values to text, so that you can follow associations between words that have a relation in the numerical association system being used. It acts as a signal to cue your mind into finding meaning in the relationship between two current words.
Whether or not that meaning/relationship is true, or whether or not it is meaningful, is a subject of debate. It can be seen as meaningful under certain logical constraints to the system, or it can be seen as completely arbitrary and meaningless, as you just picked two random words that were connected by a meaningless signal. You could have chosen any system for representing letters as numbers, so they are not necessarily meaningful numbers given the seemingly random system you chose.
For Node.js and the browser.
npm install @cluesurf/mark
Pass in a string of characters to functions like these.
import greek from '@cluesurf/mark/language/greek'
import { mass, base } from '@cluesurf/mark'
// 666
// χξϛ
// base 9
// fold 18
// site 45
// size 666
function logGreekAlphabet(text: string) {
console.log(' base', base(mass(greek.listAlphabetSite(text))))
console.log(' fold', mass(greek.listAlphabetFold(text)))
console.log(' site', mass(greek.listAlphabetSite(text)))
console.log(' size', mass(greek.listAlphabetSize(text)))
Logs from some of the tests:
base 2
fold 20
site 38
size 101
base 4
fold 31
site 94
size 616
base 6
fold 69
site 177
size 879
base 9
fold 27
site 63
size 675
base 5
fold 23
site 59
size 806
base 8
fold 53
site 98
size 278
base 5
fold 14
site 122
size 2903
base 9
fold 18
site 45
size 783
base 9
fold 18
site 45
size 666
base 3
fold 12
site 21
size 48
base 2
fold 29
site 83
size 506