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Module VPC

This module is used to create a VPC

Example Usage

data "ibm_resource_group" "resource_group" {
  name = (var.resource_group != null ? var.resource_group : "default")

module "vpc" {
  source = "terraform-ibm-modules/vpc/ibm//modules/vpc"

  create_vpc                  = var.create_vpc
  vpc_name                    = var.vpc_name
  resource_group_id           =
  default_address_prefix      = var.default_address_prefix
  default_network_acl_name    = var.default_network_acl_name
  default_security_group_name = var.default_security_group_name
  default_routing_table_name  = var.default_routing_table_name
  vpc_tags                    = var.vpc_tags
  address_prefixes            = var.address_prefixes
  locations                   = var.locations
  subnet_name                 = var.subnet_name
  number_of_addresses         = var.number_of_addresses
  vpc                         = var.vpc
  create_gateway              = var.create_gateway
  public_gateway_name         = var.public_gateway_name
  floating_ip                 = var.floating_ip
  gateway_tags                = var.gateway_tags


Name Version
terraform >= 1.3.0
ibm >= 1.64.0, < 2.0.0


No modules.


Name Type
ibm_is_public_gateway.pgws resource
ibm_is_subnet.subnets resource
ibm_is_vpc.vpc resource
ibm_is_vpc_address_prefix.vpc_address_prefixes resource
ibm_is_vpc.vpc_ds data source


Name Description Type Default Required
address_prefixes List of Prefixes for the vpc
name = string
location = string
ip_range = string
[] no
clean_default_sg_acl Remove all rules from the default VPC security group and VPC ACL (less permissive) bool false no
create_gateway True to create new Gateway bool false no
create_vpc True to create new VPC. False if VPC is already existing and subnets or address prefixies are to be added bool true no
default_address_prefix Default address prefix creation method string "auto" no
default_network_acl_name Name of the Default ACL string null no
default_routing_table_name Name of the Default Routing Table string null no
default_security_group_name Name of the Default Security Group string null no
floating_ip Floating IP id's or address'es that you want to assign to the public gateway map(string) {} no
gateway_tags List of Tags for the gateway list(string) [] no
locations zones per region list(string) [] no
number_of_addresses Number of IPV4 Addresses number null no
public_gateway_name_prefix Prefix to the names of the Public Gateways string null no
resource_group_id ID of resource group. string null no
subnet_name_prefix Prefix to the names of subnets string null no
vpc Name of the Existing VPC to which subnets, gateways are to be attached, only used when var.create_vpc is false string null no
vpc_name Name of the vpc string null no
vpc_tags List of Tags for the vpc list(string) [] no


Name Description
public_gateway_ids The IDs of the Public Gateways
subnet_detail_list A list of subnets containing names, CIDR blocks, and zones.
subnet_ids The IDs of the subnets
subnet_zone_list A list containing subnet IDs and subnet zones
subnets List of subnets associated with the VPC
vpc_address_prefixes The Address Prefixes of the VPC
vpc_address_prefixes_cidr The Address Prefix CIDRs of the VPC
vpc_default_network_acl The ID of the vpc default network acl
vpc_default_routing_table The ID of the vpc default Routing Table
vpc_default_security_group The ID of the vpc default security group
vpc_id The ID of the vpc