Problem statement:
- our provisioning network uses DHCP but some users want static.
- after provisioning, the Conduit won't be locally accessible.
- Provision everything except networking
- Confirm that things are working
- Provision the user's target
Optional for extra credit:
- set up a test network that is provisioned like the user's network and check the gateway there.
Go through the provisioning process, but leave the following settings in place:
# Uncomment the following to force network configuration to DHCP (this
# is the default config )
eth0_type: dhcp
# Uncomment and set the following info to set a static address
## eth0_type: static
## eth0_address:
## eth0_netmask:
## eth0_gateway:
# By default we'll configure google nameservers, if you want to
# specify, use:
## -
# -
Note that we've added double ##
at the front of the static-IP-related lines, and we've changed the content to match the user's network.
Run all the portions of make apply
that are needed. Normally, all you need if a unit has already been provisioned and there's a ttn-ORG-EUI.yml
file, is make apply TAGS=ttn TARGET=ttn-ORG-EUI
Comment out the dhcp
line, and uncomment the lines with ##
# Uncomment the following to force network configuration to DHCP (this
# is the default config )
## eth0_type: dhcp
# Uncomment and set the following info to set a static address
eth0_type: static
# By default we'll configure google nameservers, if you want to
# specify, use:
# -
Save Your File!
Now apply the changes.
make apply TAGS=networking ORG=../ttn-ORG-gateways TARGET=ttn-ORG-EUI
Here's what tit will look like:
$ make TTN_ORG=../org-ttn-ithaca-gateways TARGET="ttn-ithaca-00-08-00-4a-3d-04" TAGS=networking apply
ANSIBLE_CACHE_PLUGIN_CONNECTION=../org-ttn-ithaca-gateways/catalog ansible-playbook -T 60 --inventory ../org-ttn-ithaca-gateways/inventory ${TAGS:+-t ${TAGS}} ${TARGET:+-l ${TARGET}} site.yml
PLAY [conduits] ****************************************************************
TASK [Gathering Facts] *********************************************************
ok: [ttn-ithaca-00-08-00-4a-3d-04]
TASK [conduit : Check that wlan0 exists if we are configuring it as only interface] ***
skipping: [ttn-ithaca-00-08-00-4a-3d-04]
TASK [conduit : WiFi firmware dirs] ********************************************
skipping: [ttn-ithaca-00-08-00-4a-3d-04] => (item=rtlwifi)
TASK [conduit : Check if rtl8192cu firmware is downloaded] *********************
skipping: [ttn-ithaca-00-08-00-4a-3d-04]
TASK [conduit : Download rtl8192cu firmware] ***********************************
skipping: [ttn-ithaca-00-08-00-4a-3d-04]
TASK [conduit : Install rtl8192cu firmware] ************************************
skipping: [ttn-ithaca-00-08-00-4a-3d-04]
TASK [conduit : Static /etc/resolv.conf] ***************************************
changed: [ttn-ithaca-00-08-00-4a-3d-04]
TASK [conduit : Set up dhcp /etc/resolv.conf] **********************************
skipping: [ttn-ithaca-00-08-00-4a-3d-04]
TASK [conduit : Delete static /etc/resolv.conf if not used] ********************
skipping: [ttn-ithaca-00-08-00-4a-3d-04]
TASK [conduit : Set up /var/config/network/interfaces] *************************
changed: [ttn-ithaca-00-08-00-4a-3d-04]
TASK [conduit : Set up /var/config/wpa_supplicant.conf] ************************
skipping: [ttn-ithaca-00-08-00-4a-3d-04]
TASK [conduit : Delete /var/config/wpa_supplicant.conf if no wireless keys] ****
ok: [ttn-ithaca-00-08-00-4a-3d-04]
TASK [conduit : Install support scripts] ***************************************
ok: [ttn-ithaca-00-08-00-4a-3d-04] => (item=udhcpc_restart)
ok: [ttn-ithaca-00-08-00-4a-3d-04] => (item=ifup_restart)
TASK [conduit : Link /etc/udhcpc.d/60restart] **********************************
ok: [ttn-ithaca-00-08-00-4a-3d-04]
TASK [conduit : Link /etc/network/if-up.d/restart] *****************************
ok: [ttn-ithaca-00-08-00-4a-3d-04]
RUNNING HANDLER [conduit : interface reboot] ***********************************
ok: [ttn-ithaca-00-08-00-4a-3d-04] => {
"msg": "Interface configuration changed, remember to reboot"
PLAY [] ****************************************************
skipping: no hosts matched
PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************
ttn-ithaca-00-08-00-4a-3d-04 : ok=8 changed=2 unreachable=0 failed=0
tmm@Ubuntu16-04-02-64:~/sandbox/ttn-multitech-cm$ make TTN_ORG=../org-ttn-ithaca-gateways TARGET="ttn-ithaca-00-08-00-4a-3d-04" ping
ANSIBLE_CACHE_PLUGIN_CONNECTION=../org-ttn-ithaca-gateways/catalog ansible --inventory ../org-ttn-ithaca-gateways/inventory -o -m ping ttn-ithaca-00-08-00-4a-3d-04
ttn-ithaca-00-08-00-4a-3d-04 | SUCCESS => {"changed": false, "ping": "pong"}
At this point, the device will still be connected with its old IP address:
$ make TTN_ORG=../org-ttn-ithaca-gateways TARGET="ttn-ithaca-00-08-00-4a-3d-04" ping
ANSIBLE_CACHE_PLUGIN_CONNECTION=../org-ttn-ithaca-gateways/catalog ansible --inventory ../org-ttn-ithaca-gateways/inventory -o -m ping ttn-ithaca-00-08-00-4a-3d-04
ttn-ithaca-00-08-00-4a-3d-04 | SUCCESS => {"changed": false, "ping": "pong"}
Now, you need to shutdown the target cleanly so that the flash updates really take.
Ideally we'd have a shell script, but for now, we'll look in the target YML to get the remote port. Then we'll use the jumphost to reboot the device.
ORG="$(echo $TARGET | sed -e 's/-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..$//')"
PORT="$(grep '^ssh_tunnel_remote_port:' "../org-${ORG}-gateways/inventory/host_vars/${TARGET}.yml" | awk '{ print $2 }')"
echo $PORT
ssh -A "ssh -p $PORT -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no root@localhost 'shutdown -h now'"